Overall I liked this. It was a black film, and reminded me of some of the old classic 90s hood dramas that we've all come to love.
I only had a few issues with some things in the story that just were corny. I also feel like they went too far making "Slim" (I don't even remember his name) a passive incompetent man in order to highlight the "Queen" who was your typical strong independent black woman, that is a control freak. Not really surprising considering who wrote the movie.
The gas station / teller scene was legit unbelievable, and I don't even know how that wasn't regulated as nothing more than a deleted scene. They really wanted to hammer home some weird notion that dude was just a naive dumbass, but we already could see he was in over his head at that point, the scene was stupid and unnecessary.
Everything else was solid, I liked the dialog between the 2... some well written lines that stitched together what the "point" of the movie was by the time you get to the end. I was super conflicted at the end, until they had the follow up scenes that were 100% necessary to wrap things up, because without them, then I'd really be like this movie failed me from a moral perspective.