those mercy changes are FIRE. I hated the "hide and res" part of her character.
You were more than likely playing her wrong.
The hide and res tactic was only on specific maps and usually on defense - Anubis B.
Most good/top tier Mercy's like myself, boost dmg or are busy healing. The hiding to res thing wasn't really advised, especially in 2CP and Payload. It was common on Hanamura and Anubis B, those of course being known as pure cancer maps, had other problems to deal with. Also you'll still be hiding with the new Mercy, as hovering like a moron while getting targeted by every dps/turret in the game isn't going to be fun.
More battle Mercy's isn't smarter, its lazier and bad for team work. I don't want the healer focusing mostly on DPS...there's an entire bracket for dps, and many other toons in other brackets dps as well.