Roadhog is fine right now. He just needs to stay behind shields more. He's a tank in the truest sense of the world. He's not supposed to be a DPS hero you fakkit
Roadhog doesn't do anything good.
Zarya shields convert to DPS as well as bail people out of ults and CC. Great for holding/capping points.
Reinhardt protects with a huge shield. Ult is very good. Great for pushing points.
DVA incredible dive. Can absorb stupid amounts of damage. Ult is great for zoning and pushing points/chokes
Winston amazing dive. Can protect team with great shield use. Ult makes him even more annoying. Great counter to turrets and high mobility characters
Orisa can damage boost team, do decent damage, and help you push. Not an ideal tank tho
What does Roadhog do better than these guys now that his damage beefed it??? Simply staying alive as a tank isn't enough. His ult doesn't kill it just knocks back.