What?? If all you care about is casual play that arguing about a characters "Effectiveness" is irrelevant.
Are you a professional player? No? Then you are a casual. And it is relevant to everyone who doesn't play in tournaments
What?? If all you care about is casual play that arguing about a characters "Effectiveness" is irrelevant.
People just bytching for no reason cause of Mcree. I don't know why yall expect a dude WITH A SHOTGUN to not be able to kill you easily CLOSE RANGE.
1.Mcree is HARD countered by widowmaker Pharah and Hanzo.
2.Mcree loses 1v1 vs mei genji
3.Mcree's ult is one of the easiest in the game to avoid
Not to mention people complain about the flash bang whe that's not the problem. It's the fan.
But hey when enough people complains about it blizzard will cater to the noobs so its inevitable mcree will be nerfed. Which really only makes the REAL problems(Widowmaker/Mei) even better. So yea keep on complaining. Yall will just switch to the next character to bytch about anyway.
It's a TEAM based game. Because u lost a 1v1 shootout doesn't mean the character needs to be nerfed. Lmao.
Are you a professional player? No? Then you are a casual. And it is relevant to everyone who doesn't play in tournaments
Why do you guys always invoke tourneys like what they do actually carries over to casual play? All that stuff Ana does is never used in normal casual. Hence she sucks and is ineffective. I've not once seen her change a round the way someone like Mercy or Reaper does
Posted this back in June.
They nerfed the HELL out of Widowmaker and Mei is completely running through Overwatch cup.
Yall gonna listen to me one day.
I think the ult nerf is going to go through for sure after watching the OW cup, I actually got tired of seeing ults determine each point. Mei is dominating now because she has her ult like 8 times a match. That's really her biggest problem right now.
Also does anyone know if sombra can disable mei's iceblock? If so #RIP lol
All changes right now arent final. Thats why its in the PTR. This is just testing stuff out"
D'Va does need a buff but this might be a bit too much. But obviously we'll see as the days go by.
Im REALLY feeling this Solider buffs though.
U also got to realize these ptr changes are aligned with a across the board ULT nerf of 25% charge time. There trying to make the characters individual traits more important then just combining ults and winning.
The fact that your saying this during Overwatch Cup of all time.............
She has the fastest heal per second
Sleep dart completely shuts down alts
She can basically heal camp the best tank in the game(Reinhardt)
Nano Grenade shutting down Zenyatta alt is ridiculous.
Nanoboost is a game changer(which you yourself admit)
I am finally a master.
Blizzard did not want me to get it. I was at 3475 and the next game we tied. Then Blizzard decides to have us face people 300 points above us, I lose 25 points. The next game, we are about the same and we win. I get 24 points. Now back at 3474, We play a team 100 points better and beat them convincingly. I should be a grand master right? ..... wrong. I get 21 points and am 5 points away
. Next game kings row , this team is over 200 points better and has a masters on their team and the rest diamonds
. We had 2 platinum and 4 diamonds
. I thought I was never getting masters. We beat them barely in double overtime, they were inches away from winning
. They had 4 minutes to get farther than we did too in overtime, we only had minute and then we couldn't move from the objective. I only got 24 points for that win
but now am a master . and 268 points from top 500
Thanks to @Relldaproblem @DrunkenNovice @King Koopa @NorthernLights @JBone4eva @Capitol
That all the people that post here that I play with, I think. Sorry if I forgot you,
Sombra gameplay. Not sure who this guy is
Looks like she might be my new girl, an offensive support character
I think imma just wait before trying to main tho. There's gonna be a million Sombres online when she drops. And if she's gonna be broken as y'all say, then Blizzard is gonna hit her with an inevitable nerf when folks start crying lol.