This bytch OP

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This bytch OP
Don't be quick to judge bruh. Wait a few weeks and see how other characters adapt.
My girl Pharah ain't gonna have many problems with this chick tho
Also, a lil disappointed she's Latina and not of African descent. Still another woman of color tho. I can dig it.
Doomfist better be next![]()
Don't be quick to judge bruh. Wait a few weeks and see how other characters adapt.
My girl Pharah ain't gonna have many problems with this chick tho
Also, a lil disappointed she's Latina and not of African descent. Still another woman of color tho. I can dig it.
Doomfist better be next![]()
whats the logic on releasing one character at a time? now everybody and their mother gonna be fighting to play her on ranked. Quick play is gonna be
.....we'll see what happens
They did this even back in closed beta. One character every 3 months. They only want to release one character at a time to get players acquainted on both how to play and fight against them. Releasing too many characters at once disrupts that
Also every 3 months is when the season end so there's that as well. Can't release so many characters at once and mess up ranked.
But yea she's gonna be insane. Remember people SWORE Ana sucked. Turns out she's actually pretty ridiculous
Were going INTO Sombra thinking she's gonna be crazy. Lol.
Ana does suck outside her ultimate and that's only really effective on the right character
Ana does suck outside her ultimate and that's only really effective on the right character
The fact that your saying this during Overwatch Cup of all time.............
She has the fastest heal per second
Sleep dart completely shuts down alts
She can basically heal camp the best tank in the game(Reinhardt)
Nano Grenade shutting down Zenyatta alt is ridiculous.
Nanoboost is a game changer(which you yourself admit)
Why do you guys always invoke tourneys like what they do actually carries over to casual play? All that stuff Ana does is never used in normal casual. Hence she sucks and is ineffective