Played a game yesterday, with a 4 man crew, where someone just threw the game. We were on route 66 and attacking and we looked at the guy's career profile and saw he played a lot of Zarya so we let him go Zarya(our crew took 2 healers/one dps/one tank), the other random went dps, and then he went Genji at the very last second before the gates open. So we were like whatever we'll solo tank cause of this fakkit and we managed to stomp them. I sort of noticed that he was the only one dying and usually by going in by himself but I didn't really care all that much because we were still winning and then we barely got in with like a minute remaining.
Then we went on defense and this guy goes Roadhog so we were happy that he at least went a tank this time. He went in and every. single time. walked up the enemy and let them at him and then healed so they could shoot at him more and build ults. All. game. long.
He did it in the overtime as well. I asked him why he was throwing in a message and he told me it was because he "wanted to play with friends and so he had to lose".
This fakkit cost us the game, and we were all masters btw so this aint some low level bullshyt happening, this is a guy who made a smerf and now is fukking over other players with his smurf account so he play with his friends. PSN needs to prevent this smurf bullshyt or hook me up with some addresses so I can personally go to his house and smash his fukking PS4 with a sledgehammer. I haven't played a game since, this type of shyt is what's going to end this game for me since I can't deal with that sort of bullshyt. I want to hit grand master and I can't climb because someone is out here purposefully throwing games we have all rights to win?