Competitive is definitely annoying as hell. Had a player just sit at the spawn room spinning in circles switching characters the whole match. Wasnt even mad when my teammate quit cause that dude was trolling hard. Another match where some lil kid was blasting backstreet boys and nsync over his mic laughing maniacally spamming mei walls in terrible spots. Im sitting here tryna get my points up brehs.

Low level is a trap. You get way more trolling cause nobody gives a shyt bout their points. fukk dem placement matches
I stilll have managed to have a winning record with Ana, whenever I play other characters I feel too dependent on my team. If you Lucio and your team sucks, you still lose. With Ana feels like I'm playing a game changer. Shutting down ultimates, sleeping people in general, sniping bums and healing every1. Super useful and that one nano boost can really change everything.