My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
I've been addicted to this game. Its saved me from the poverty of fighting games. Always really liked these fighters that had nobody online, and it was miserable. But I always kept coming back to play the same 2-7 people in the same game. It sucked. Now I'm done with that shyt.
Anyway, got up to the point where I could play competitive. My placement matches went awful. Had several matches where a teammate DC's early and I just take the L. Ended up getting put in Bronze. Not gonna BS that I'm mad nice and its every1 elses fault tho. BUT
What I dont like is these nerds not believing in their teammates. I was running Zenyatta (I like to call him Mecha-Dhalsim), and the team was complaining we need a real healer, someone had to play Mercy. So we ran with both me and the Mercy and I outhealed the motherfukker dropping like 10k healing in the match. Why people got no love for Zenyatta? fukk outta here.
Makes me wanna just run casual quick play instead. I like the way competitive points system works compared to quick play but I dont like these kids taking the shyt super serious. Like breh you in BRONZE, how you gonna have the master gameplan to win that we all must follow? Obviously we all are trash.
Zenyatta and Ana are support. Mercy and Lucio are the true healers.
Zenyatta and Ana are both extremely good at what they do. But they cant be solo healers. If you on big stages pick Zenyatta mercy is the best duo. Closed stages Ana Lucio is the best duo,.
Never pick Symnetra 

Anyway I need to grind my points. Im tired of solo queuing and my friends al tired and done paying by the time I get home from work. Who tryna get these points from like 10-1am on pc?