Whenever I play mercy and I hold my ult it's usually because people are dying too far apart. For some reason people think her ult is global or something.
Most people in this game keep trying to run all over the map doing their own thing. That shyt only works if you have a Lucio and it is still less efficient than grouping up most times because a good team will focus priority targets.
I'm playing healer most of the time these days and honestly fukk 90% of the player base in this game. No one protects the healer, everyone is always oblivious to the flanking reaper, genji, tracer, etc, you get blamed for everything that goes wrong, tanks would rather focus on doing damage, and the offensive characters can't kill shyt.
If you think solo q is bad, solo q as a healer makes you want to throw the game in the trash. I'm going to start playing Ana and zenyatta exclusively and go for kills. Go find a health pack