Pharah is great on the low-mid high end levels.
Pro levels not so much still strong.
I wouldn't based everything of what pro players are doing tho, I feel likt that's a huge mistake that people do when it comes to team games like dota, LoL etc etc...
Unless you have a pro team, mehh....
Pharah at pro level will come along I think she's super god but takes more map knowledge than alot of other characters plus pro players are gonna snipe her WAY easily than non pro that struggle to hit her in the air.
If you are above rank 50, theres very little reason to pick Pharah over McCree
im speaking from a keyboard/mouse perspective. I know people with controllers struggle in this game with characters that require you to aim fast so thats probably why Pharah is strong on console. Because McCree actually requires you to aim more but rewards you more for hitting your shots, where Pharah rewards worse players because of the splash damage plus console players aim slow due to analog sticks so cant hit a moving flying pharah

where as on PC with precise aiming from a mouse, a pharah in the air is as good as dead, especially when she ults
I mean, they needed Torb to be nerfed on console, and hes the worst hero in the game on PC
This game is the perfect example of why keyboard/mouse > controller in FPS
struggle with stationary turrets because you cant aim fast enough brehs