So yesterday I went to the premiere of the movie/documentary "Time is illmatic" in paris, it was an europe exclusive premiere, the guys in that hip hop festival did great, they said they took the opportunity only two weeks ago, grab the movie and worked day and night just to make the subtitles in french just for the occasion. It was great. I thought it would be just the movie but prior to that there was a conference with Sohail Daulatzai who came to present and being interviewed for the french edition of the book "born to use mics". There was also the first guy who got the nasir jones hip hop fellowship and two of french best rappers also
Finally they displayed the movie with the presence of one9 and erik parker (they were really cool dudes, I got to discuss and take pictures with them).
About the movie it was awesome, I already knew nas story but to see this in theater and heard illmatic songs like that was another experience, as a fan I was amazed. I'm dying to see it again, hope it ill be back in theater again. I asked them after the movie if they were some other footage they said they filmed a lot of stuff about olu dara background in natchez and they will release some unrealeased stuff. And also eric parker told me there was cameras during the nso performance so they probably gonna sell it. I got to discuss with other nas fans after (they did a mini party) it was refreshing to talk with fellows nas stans

. Tomorow I'm going to nas concert, I mean what a week