Canada Goose
Pooping on your head :umad:
This made mestraight from Rafe himself
I really wasn't going to address the foolishness but I'll speak my peace and let it be. When you create an opportunity for people and provide them with a platform that they can use to springboard themselves off of to create other opportunities for themselves and they don't that is not your fault. Almost two years have passed and if all you used this platform for was to acquire free clothes and party for free then don't blame me when that train ride comes to an end and you find yourself holding nothing. All I can do is get you in the door but you have to work the room. My back is broad enough to carry the weight of the world but I can not and will not carry n*ggas. I wish everybody the best... #MoneyandViolence

So reminds me of Jay/Beans and 50/G Unit when had there falling outs.
Its so weird to see this outside of the rap game