chapter 2 just seems like a mess. like I said before, there's no explanation for the repeat missions. the Quiet ending (mission 45) kind of fits, I guess, although I wish there was a way to get her back for the remaining missions. all in all it seems like Quiet is the only one that gets a complete story in this game. but then chapter 46 just comes out of nowhere, and has no real build up. it's just like all of a sudden you're playing the prologue again, with some slight changes. obviously this is the big twist or whatever, but the pacing of the story doesn't really build up to that. and then why are there some more repeat missions after that? I guess it would have worked a little better with the missing mission 51, but that's not there either
I think the repeat 'extreme' missions are a good idea, but they should be an optional thing for replayability. not just arbitrarily thrown into the mix in chapter 2. shyt just totally breaks the immersion and the pacing of the story
it just seems obvious shyt went wrong, and they threw the second half of the game together with some pieces they had laying around. it really was a let down in what was seeming like such a great game