same here. I don't even feel like going out after work to eat even though I've been planning to do so for weeks at this one spot. I'm just at work thinking about the game all day.I was going to do that with the tasks for the missions, but I'm just going to keep progressing through the story and the side missions.
I've literally no lifed this game since I got it on Monday. Ain't did nothing but play MGS5 and go to the gym this week
I think I'm on like Mission 18 or 19, but I've done damn near every Side Op in Afghanistan. I'm caking with bread from that, whenever it's time to upgrade it's nothing.
Now that my army is growing like crazy, I be on the prowl for the truck containers that hold a ton of materials so I can keep expanding my various departments.
All of my departments are like level 20 or higher.
I'm not gonna be able to play again til late Sunday though