Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Monsoon is the easiest. When he becomes unhittable hit him with the chaffe nade and then slice that head and make him go back to hit hittable form. Sounds like you need to better master the parry counter which sends them into dizzy mode making them sliceable.I started my Very Hard run a few days ago, and some of this shyt is just
I didn't do a New Game+ so I had to start from scratch. First Skill I bought was the evade... I can't be out there without that shyt. Just made it to the part where you reach Denver. The Grad boss fight had me like WTF with the 2 mechs spamming projectiles and taking hella damage before they went down. I knew I just had to drop one of them and it would be curtains for the other after that... but damn, it's difficult to do when you have shyt flying at you from every direction. shyt took it back to NG2 with the rocket spam
I'm not looking forward to that Monsoon fight that's coming up, and I'm definitely using Repair Paste on this shyt now.
Also, the Mastiffs are WAY tougher on Very Hard. It's to the point now where I get my MGS on on some parts where I see 3 of them and sneak past that section. Fighting 3 of those goons at once...