From what i'm seeing alot of yall making up these gripes cant even see the basic shyt the MCU does. Yall logic is Shuri should have killed Namor and started a war with a nation that had given them multiple Ls thoughout the movie. A nation of people who were seconds away from wiping out the best fighters from Wakanda on that ship. A nation of people that got right back up after Okoye "killed" some of them. But she was supposed to start a war with that instead of making a truce.I agree...but the MCU aint made for us. Its made for these dumb ass folk who prolly dont even read books in general and scroll social media as their daily reading. Yes I get it. We made the movies possible by buying the comic for over 50 yrs. But this aint for us. And it shows. So once you compartmentalize that, you will save yourself the headache. It is what it is.
But WE stupid?