Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Ok,so maybe I brought too much of the real world into this movie, which affects the things I think are negatives, but overall it’s a decent movie as it’s own little thing, but I’m just not swayed from being part of the wish they would’ve recast crowd.

first off, definitely loved the moments they gave us to remember Chadwick, made a thug woman tear up a bit :wow:

now to the movie. First off, guess im a victim of patriarchy, because I’m not sold on all these women kicking men’s asses, especially not no fukking 80lb Letiti. Like at least give me a 5’10” meg thee stallion built chick…hell, I would’ve taken Queen Angela and her toned arms kicking ass at 60 over Letitia (aided by a 5 ft nothing also 80 lb iron heart :facepalm: )

speaking of Angela, I don’t follow all the leaks so I wasn’t ready for her to die :mjcry:

where I brought too much of the real world in was around current divisions in the US and the black community and just feeling these storylines werent the right time. I am truly saddened by the lack of leading black men in this movie, maybe I’m in the minority of women, but I didn’t need a full black girl magic film, the OG struck a great balance between roles of substance for both the sexes. All the fighting between BM and BW right now, I would’ve preferred a more universal film. maybe black Adam filled that role for BM tho…haven’t seen it

my other real world thing, film lost a bit of that black excellence feel by bringing in this Aztec/Mexican nation and their lore, I shouldnt feel this way but I do :manny: also, being from cali and the whole tension between blacks and Mexicans, I didn’t enjoy seeing that on screen, again, my issue for letting real world issues taint my enjoyment of fiction.

I don’t get how they kept hitting nakia dipped six years ago when the OG BP was four years ago, but guess I’m supposed to just accept that the years don’t match

and while I didnt really enjoy MBJ’s performance as killmonger in the first film, i liked that that was who showed up in the ancestral plane, and god damn he looked good :noa:

for what it was tho, it was entertaining, as a self contained film, it’s like a 7.5 to me, but as part of the BP franchise, it’s a very middle 5
Nakia had already been gone from Wakanda for awhile in the first movie I’d you recall so that’s where that 6yrs come from.


Nov 12, 2014
7/`10. could be 6.5 but the good things are good enough to pull the score up.

best things are the emotional core, talokan, namor (overall), world expansion, m'baku (overall), shuri's acting and the dora (overall) as they are always fun to see.

flaws are largely the same as the first film - effects, tension, making the mundane spectacular as befits a superhero movies etc ..

it's less of a superhero extravaganza than the first film and less focused but it has more heart and is a fitting farewell to chadwick.


Nov 12, 2014
I don't know how many of y'all actually followed other shows/movies through the years but actors die and get recast all of the time. If people can't suspend disbelief over a fictional character, then you've already failed to capture their imagination.

Hell, as huge as Harry Potter was, Richard Harris died, and Dumbledore was recast to complete the production schedule. He'd already been in 2 films at that time, AND he was a legend. You don't think that didn't hit the cast, especially the children, hard?

indeed :ehh:

they switched out depp (as gindlewald) for mikkelsen even though gindlewald was a central character.

they switched out alec baldwin (as jack ryan) for harrisson ford (2 years later) and then years later switched twice again to affleck and then chris pine.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Decent film just like i thought it would be. nothing spectacular storywise. same "i wanna rule the world villian story" and "the hero must protect an innocent bystander" storyline.

i felt like this should have been a 10 episode disney plus series called wakanda forever or some catchy name....NOT BLACK PANTHER.

mbaku and his tribe should have been used more fighting wise....they were just there assisting most times. lol

who the hell gave the okay for riri to come in a super sentai/power ranger/ wacky cheap lookin japanese suit? shyt didnt even look related to iron man. shyt was guud n turrible.......

shuri was okay but she is not a good or believable as black panther
........angela basset did very good maybe she gets an oscar because of chad death. idk killmonger would have been a way better least hes controversial and sparks your interest when hes on camera. lol

Overall ill give it C, maybe C+ at best. Probably only behind Spiderman in Phase 4.
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All Star
Jul 6, 2013
I don't know if some of you were not paying attention or didn't really see the movie. To say Nakia and Riri were filler in this movie is hilarious. Nakia played one of the biggest roles and Riri was the reason Namor was introduced. Ross and his white counterpart was filler but they had to throw him in there to satisfy a certain viewing audience. Also, remember that Riri is a genius but an amateur especially in combat. Her inventions at this point are not going to look and operate like Ironman's from the rip. She's not a Tony Stark clone and will probably have her own style and tech designs.

Also, we didn't see everything that was said and done in the ancestral plane.


All Star
Dec 29, 2016
Pham… just recently parted ways w a woman i had intentions on marrying and i dont think shes ever coming back. So a vreh already been emotional as fidduck.

Taking my dad on sunday and i aint aboot to sob next to pops.

Prolly a good idea if i go in a bit tipsy cuz it looks like a potential tear jerk fest.


Damn breh I hope you’re doing well. Breakups are never easy :mjcry:


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Beautiful film. No spoilers.

- Ima need every non incel weirdo to give our sis Letitia Wright her flowers. Big that woman up in all digital and physical spaces as much you can because that woman has amazing talent and even more amazing fortitude. To go through what she did, not only morning a big brother-like figure, but dealing with the extreme hatred she received because of posting that Anti Vax video and still deliver a top fukking tier performance is really impressive.

Someone I know legit boycotted the movie because of her. That's how much folks dislike this woman, and while I obviously did not co sign her anti vax promotion, I feel folks are bullies and hateful - especially cacs. Having a flawed/incorrect POV does not make someone a bad person or undeserving of love and opportunity.

She was GREAT in every scene: expressing every emotion with a sense of authenticity that felt so real. Probably because most of the emotions were real. Amazing performance.

- Had zero issue with how the Black Panther mantle was handled. The suit is incredible and the impassioned yet inexperienced way they fought made perfect sense. I just wish the suit was introduced a little earlier.

- I felt without Riri the movie would have been too heavy. I enjoyed her lightness and realistic reaction to being hunted and overwhelmed.

My FAVORITE thing about Riri was Ryan Coogler destroyed the trope that being brilliant and black means you must be white washed or "proper". I like that she was just a wise cracking typical black kid who happens to be really fukking smart. Really appreciated that.

- Not recasting T'Challa was the right move and refusing to see that after watching the film is just classic stubbornness. The ending handled that plot so tastefully. I have zero complaints regarding that. Looking forward to seeing THAT secret character's future.

- My only real issue was that white woman with Ross. I hated her and she wasn't funny. Straight up felt forced just so white people had someone who looked like them on screen.

- Namor and his people are as amazing as advertised. Tenoch Huerta is an incredible actor. Zero complaints about Namor. I'm strictly about the sistas but Namora was sexy AF. Beautiful woman. Those type of Latinas are way more attractive than them white ones. Looking Aztec as fukk.

- Big ramp up on the action which was needed as it was BP1's only blatant flaw.

- If Angela Bassett isn't at least nominated for the Oscar for best supporting actress, how can anyone call them credible? Letitia deserves a best lead actress nod, too.

- Wanted more M'Baku but at least got more of him than ya'll were leading folks to believe.

- Aneka's character felt absolutely pointless but she didn't have a lot of screen time so whatever.

- Forced LGBT winks was annoying. Not because I'm homophobic or anything bur because it felt tacked on and forced. I particularly wasn't feeling it because there wasn't even any Black Male + Black Female love represented AT ALL. So they can miss me with that. If the movie not gonna focus on that, fine, but keep that same energy the whole way through.

- The score was crazy. The music that plays when we first see Taolokan was mind blowing.

I genuinely feel the 7s and 8s im seeing are too low. As someone who has been anticipating this film since the minute I walked out of BP1 with a huge smile on my face, I obviously didn't get the movie I expected back then, but it was beautiful in its own right. I'm going with a 9/A- right now and I'll revisit my score when I watch again tomorrow.

Not as tightly woven and cleanly executed as BP1 but a lot bigger in scope and more daring/exciting. Remove the white people filler and introduce the Black Panther a little earlier and I would struggle to find a flaw.

Ryan Coogler is an amazing talent and one of my biggest inspirations as a fellow writer. A lot of folks had their mind made up the second they realized they weren't getting what they wanted, but remove the biases and the movie was great. Go see it. This better cross a billion.
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Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
But you're not supposed to see the actor in a movie though. you're supposed to see the character.
In a movie, you are supposed to see the actor’s interpretation of a character. The actor is also supposed be a great representation of the character. This is why Chris Hemsworth as T’Challa would be insane, right? But maybe that’s okay with you?

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
But you're not supposed to see the actor in a movie though. you're supposed to see the character. Every time someone mentions an actor being themselves in a movie, it's always meant as a slight.

The plot of the movie was all over the place. Namor changed plans without merit like 5x. Shuri becoming Black Panther still doesn't change that she couldn't fight, and damn sure can't lead Wakanda. Every stage of her master plan was dumb. So the final fight outcome came out of nowhere. Okoye was dropped halfway through the movie. Ayo had virtually no lines. Ross, Valentina & Riri were all filler...and M'Baku was comic relief. These are my gripes with the actual movie...even with the acting being excellent.

Good analysis


May 12, 2012
as much as i loved/still love the interconnectivity of the MCU, i'm really getting tired of the Disney+ of it all.

this movie didn't really need to spend even 2 minutes with Val, even if she's being built up as "bad" Nick Fury, it was basically just a reminder that she exists. Remember her from Disney+?!. Then you have the entire plot of the movie basically revolving around introducing RiRi, which i don't think was poorly done or anything, but again, it was just some "coming soon to Disney+!!!" bullshyt. Midnight Angels is probably a Disney+ show too. [/spoilers]

not sure why, but when it's set up for a movie, or bringing back a movie character, it doesn't bother me as much. probably b/c at this point when you see a new character or a returning ancillary character, you think, "ah fukk, is so and so getting a Disney+ show now?"

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I feel like I watched a completely different movie from a lot of you nikkas

For starters, I’m not a huge fan of Black Panther 1, like some posters in this thread. BP1 was just alright to me.

I liked this movie A LOT more than BP1. Obviously, There was a huge somber tone around this movie, considering Chadwick’s death. I really would love to see the original script for this film and how much it differs from what we eventually ended up seeing due to Chad’s death.

Angela Basset did her fukking thing in this movie. Her acting was on point. I was really shocked when her character got killed.

I LOVED Atlantis in this movie. The decision to base Atlantis on indigenous Mesoamerican culture was great. I can imagine that for a lot of Hispanic people, seeing their culture represented on screen in such a cool way will have the same effect that BP1 had for Black people.

Namor was the highlight of this movie to me. He wasn’t as arrogant as his comic counterpart, but the things that make Namor, Namor, were still showcased.

Riri’s suit is awful. When I saw it on screen, I was like WTF? Marvel could’ve and should’ve done a way better job than that. I liked her character. I didn’t find her annoying. At the theatre I went to a lot of people laughed at her jokes, so I don’t understand the hate :yeshrug:

Shuri’s plan was dumb as hell. Attacking the Atlanteans on their home turf was pure idiocy. They have endless reinforcements, and if they sink your ship, it’s a wrap :mjlol:

Namor’s defeat was anti-climactic as hell. I really thought Shuri was gravely injured, and then all of a sudden, her suit heals her, and she gets a cheap victory over Namor? I wasn’t feeling that at all. That was a major letdown, especially after she talked to Killmonger in the ancestral realm.

I’m not one of the people whose been moaning about the lack of black masculinity in this film because of the trailer, but it was apparent when I actually watched this movie. The Black men in this movie were pretty useless. M’Baku was reduced to comic relief and got washed by Namor easily. I don’t think any of the Wakandan men were impactful in this film. Black women empowerment, I get it, and I understand that totally, but some of the black men could’ve shined, particularly M’Baku.

Letitia’s acting was on point in this movie, but I still don’t and probably will never buy her as Shuri. She can embody Shuri’s intelligence, but as a warrior, I just don’t see it. From jump street I wish we could’ve gotten an actress that physically embodies Shuri, but it’s far too late to turn back now.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie, and I’ll probably go see it again. My main gripes with this film were the lack of useful Black men, Riri’s suit, and the reveal about T’Challa’s son at the end. None of those things significantly ruined this movie for me, though.
I pretty much agree with this but I buy Letitia as Shuri for being a warrior because she really wasn't that good of a fighter. She was all heart and chin with the strength and speed of the BP with an extreme mean streak. She was more like a far less skilled Killmonger with elite heart and recovery.

I didn't on M'Baku. I felt he was critical to this movie and he show a lot more depth than in BP1. If you go and watch it again, just watch the depth of his character compared to BP1. I don't think he was weak either. He might have been weak to Nanmor but that's a damn god. He aint just a warrior.