Official Lovecraft Country Thread


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA

At some point sacrifice has to END or all we’re doing as black people is suffering and dying. It becomes an endless loop of unrealized black potential. The sacrifices should have STOPPED with Tic. Tic was not the “Ka-El” of the story the great grandmother was. Tic should have found a way to win (beat white supremacy) and also raise HIS son alongside Leti as his wife (creating a new future of hope for a unified black family.) As it stands Tic dying just leaves another black boy to grow up without his father and gives a “second” chance to a character who didn’t earn it (Montrose).

I said Tic is Jor-el and George Jr is the Superman

Yeah it would be nice if suffering stopped, but thematically Tic hadn’t sacrificed anything to that point in the story.

Dee- Lost her drawing arm
Leti- Sister(trying to help her)
Grandmother-her life for the book
Ji-ah- Tic and her mother
George Sr.-died
Montrose- saving his boyfriend

Yeah they all gained something from loss

For Tic to simply walk away unscathed while everyone around him suffered would put him closer to the white people in the story who walked over others to get what they want.

Lancaster- stole black body parts
Titus- stole Yimah from her people
Christina- kept William in coma to use his
Braithwaite- using Titus body
Winthrop- Black body experiments
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I said Tic is Jor-el and George Jr is the Superman

Yeah it would be nice if suffering stopped, but thematically Tic hadn’t sacrificed anything to that point in the story.

Dee- Lost her drawing arm
Leti- Sister(trying to help her)
Grandmother-her life for the book
Ji-ah- Tic and her mother
George Sr.-died
Montrose- saving his boyfriend

Yeah they all gained something from loss

For Tic to simply walk away unscathed while everyone around him suffered would put him closer to the white people in the story who walked over others to get what they want.

Lancaster- stole black body parts
Titus- stole Yimah from her people
Christina- kept William in coma to use his
Braithwaite- using Titus body
Winthrop- Black body experiments

That makes ZERO sense.

Tic, as a black man in America, had already suffered racism, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his father, the death of his mother at a young age, and PTSD brought on by his time in the Army (not to mention almost being killed by a sex monster who claimed to love him)

I have absolutely NO idea why you’d even try to correlate ANYTHING about Tic or his character to being closer to the white people of the story, that’s Jamele Hill level’s of trolling.

The ONLY reason Tic came back to Chicago was to find out why his father disappeared. He went on a perilous journey to save him (only to find his father being an ungrateful a$$hole) he displayed immense courage standing up to Christina and her father from the moment he met them. He was 100% willing, WITHOUT hesitation, to sacrifice himself in episode 2 so that George and Leti would live. Instead of hauling ass and heading back to Florida he stuck around to research and discover clues about the book of Adam to keep Let and his family safe. He continually put up with Montrose’s terrible attitude all in efforts to keep him safe and protect him.

Never not ONCE was Tic not honorable in his intentions or motivations.

the white characters, every single ONE of them, were evil, manipulative monsters. Christina was evil. Her father was evil. The police officers were evil. They were motivated by greed, NOT survival or the protection of others. Diana didn’t “sacrifice” her arm. It was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Hippoylta didn’t “sacrice” George. His life was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Leti didn’t “sacrifice” Ruby. Ruby was (potentially) MURDERED by an evil Cac bytch.

Tic didn’t “Walk over” anyone to get what he wanted. Who did he walk over? Who did he mistreat? Who the fukk did he manipulate? Who did he use within his family or black community to get a step ahead? The man was willing to legitimately die at least 4 times BEFORE the finale to keep his people safe. Christina offered to spare him IF he gave her the Book Of Names and he looked her dead in the face and said “No”. Why? Because he wasn’t willing to GIVE UP the one thing that could have kept his family safe.

Tic actually dying makes no narrative sense as i’ve said before. He suffered under the evils of white supremacy just like everyone else did. Had he lived he would, not only have been the Hero of the present, he would have been the hero of the FUTURE by raising his son in a manner that his father never raised him. With love, strength, and mutual affection alongside Leti.

You seem like one of those people who only puts value in Black Men when they become Martyrs. It seems like an impossibility that Tic could have defeated the agents of white supremacy AND lived to have seen what all the “sacrifice” was for. Because black men in your estimation haven’t earned anything UNLESS they suffer harder, longer, and more permanently than anyone else


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
That makes ZERO sense.

Tic, as a black man in America, had already suffered racism, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his father, the death of his mother at a young age, and PTSD brought on by his time in the Army (not to mention almost being killed by a sex monster who claimed to love him)

And none of the other black people in the story hadn't? His great grandmother wasn't raped and almost had her baby sacrificed? The grandmother, grandfather, sister didn't burn alive in the Tulsa massacre?

I have absolutely NO idea why you’d even try to correlate ANYTHING about Tic or his character to being closer to the white people of the story, that’s Jamele Hill level’s of trolling.

In the FICTIONAL story about magic. The white people used magic by using others. That was the story was setting up. The contrast.

The entire arc of the Tic, Leti, and Montrose was trying to use magic not by using others. They saved Yimena instead of what Titus did. Leti used the people Winthop sacrificed in his basement to stop him. They went to their ancestor for help saving Dee instead of using someone else's body or making others worse.

The ONLY reason Tic came back to Chicago was to find out why his father disappeared. He went on a perilous journey to save him (only to find his father being an ungrateful a$$hole) he displayed immense courage standing up to Christina and her father from the moment he met them. He was 100% willing, WITHOUT hesitation, to sacrifice himself in episode 2 so that George and Leti would live. Instead of hauling ass and heading back to Florida he stuck around to research and discover clues about the book of Adam to keep Let and his family safe. He continually put up with Montrose’s terrible attitude all in efforts to keep him safe and protect him.

Never not ONCE was Tic not honorable in his intentions or motivations.

Where did I say he wasn't honorable?

Tic also joined the military to help stop communism. He also shot an innocent woman in the face.

the white characters, every single ONE of them, were evil, manipulative monsters. Christina was evil. Her father was evil. The police officers were evil. They were motivated by greed, NOT survival or the protection of others. Diana didn’t “sacrifice” her arm. It was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Hippoylta didn’t “sacrice” George. His life was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Leti didn’t “sacrifice” Ruby. Ruby was (potentially) MURDERED by an evil Cac bytch.

Tic didn’t “Walk over” anyone to get what he wanted. Who did he walk over? Who did he mistreat? Who the fukk did he manipulate? Who did he use within his family or black community to get a step ahead? The man was willing to legitimately die at least 4 times BEFORE the finale to keep his people safe. Christina offered to spare him IF he gave her the Book Of Names and he looked her dead in the face and said “No”. Why? Because he wasn’t willing to GIVE UP the one thing that could have kept his family safe.

Again. Nurse. Shot in the face.

Tic actually dying makes no narrative sense as i’ve said before. He suffered under the evils of white supremacy just like everyone else did. Had he lived he would, not only have been the Hero of the present, he would have been the hero of the FUTURE by raising his son in a manner that his father never raised him. With love, strength, and mutual affection alongside Leti.

You keep saying that but you don't know what it means.

If Tic was the bat man who saved his family in Tulsa then that means he's always been destined to die. They always went back to Tulsa for the book and we are just watching a time loop(full circle)

They set it up. You weren't paying attention.

You seem like one of those people who only puts value in Black Men when they become Martyrs. It seems like an impossibility that Tic could have defeated the agents of white supremacy AND lived to have seen what all the “sacrifice” was for. Because black men in your estimation haven’t earned anything UNLESS they suffer harder, longer, and more permanently than anyone else

Nah. I'm one of the black men who wants black men/black women to be able to tell all kinds of stories.

I have no problem with black men being crooked cops like Denzel in Training Day or the hero of Black Panther. I'm the kind of black man who wants us to be able to tell all kinds of stories in all kinds of ways.

That's my agenda.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
That makes ZERO sense.

Tic, as a black man in America, had already suffered racism, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his father, the death of his mother at a young age, and PTSD brought on by his time in the Army (not to mention almost being killed by a sex monster who claimed to love him)

I have absolutely NO idea why you’d even try to correlate ANYTHING about Tic or his character to being closer to the white people of the story, that’s Jamele Hill level’s of trolling.

The ONLY reason Tic came back to Chicago was to find out why his father disappeared. He went on a perilous journey to save him (only to find his father being an ungrateful a$$hole) he displayed immense courage standing up to Christina and her father from the moment he met them. He was 100% willing, WITHOUT hesitation, to sacrifice himself in episode 2 so that George and Leti would live. Instead of hauling ass and heading back to Florida he stuck around to research and discover clues about the book of Adam to keep Let and his family safe. He continually put up with Montrose’s terrible attitude all in efforts to keep him safe and protect him.

Never not ONCE was Tic not honorable in his intentions or motivations.

the white characters, every single ONE of them, were evil, manipulative monsters. Christina was evil. Her father was evil. The police officers were evil. They were motivated by greed, NOT survival or the protection of others. Diana didn’t “sacrifice” her arm. It was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Hippoylta didn’t “sacrice” George. His life was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Leti didn’t “sacrifice” Ruby. Ruby was (potentially) MURDERED by an evil Cac bytch.

Tic didn’t “Walk over” anyone to get what he wanted. Who did he walk over? Who did he mistreat? Who the fukk did he manipulate? Who did he use within his family or black community to get a step ahead? The man was willing to legitimately die at least 4 times BEFORE the finale to keep his people safe. Christina offered to spare him IF he gave her the Book Of Names and he looked her dead in the face and said “No”. Why? Because he wasn’t willing to GIVE UP the one thing that could have kept his family safe.

Tic actually dying makes no narrative sense as i’ve said before. He suffered under the evils of white supremacy just like everyone else did. Had he lived he would, not only have been the Hero of the present, he would have been the hero of the FUTURE by raising his son in a manner that his father never raised him. With love, strength, and mutual affection alongside Leti.

You seem like one of those people who only puts value in Black Men when they become Martyrs. It seems like an impossibility that Tic could have defeated the agents of white supremacy AND lived to have seen what all the “sacrifice” was for. Because black men in your estimation haven’t earned anything UNLESS they suffer harder, longer, and more permanently than anyone else

I agree. There was no reason for Tic to sacrifice himself, not even for the story they wanted to tell. This is also why Ji Ah was not needed in the story. A strong black man (also with strong black women characters) that outsmarted the white man, no longer allowed himself to be a pawn for the white man games, and achieved victory over them, success and wealth for himself and family, and a maintained a strong legacy for their family, was where the story should've went. They also had it laid out for him to break the generational curse, and succeed for the sins of his ancestors.

All the story ended up telling was the same old neverending cycle of BS. Why does the black man have to die for all of the women to succeed and live on? Is that the only way for us to move forward in greatness? If so, how is that?

The showrunner/writers clearly wanted to throw that angle in there, and I hate that. I do think more of the women casual viewers will like the story more. However, overall the show just wasn't great. It was good in parts, great acting all-around, but the story(-ies) it told were too disjointed, when trying to connect together.


May 1, 2012
Im just glad it’s over. The highs were the pilot and the Korea episode. Show was average otherwise. Definitely not dope enough for nikkas to be in here writing dissertations.

This is the same show that has Cardi B blaring TWICE in the middle of some 1950s black excellence.
That first episode was so tough man .. I said aww shyt we bout to have a classic


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
That makes ZERO sense.

Tic, as a black man in America, had already suffered racism, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his father, the death of his mother at a young age, and PTSD brought on by his time in the Army (not to mention almost being killed by a sex monster who claimed to love him)

I have absolutely NO idea why you’d even try to correlate ANYTHING about Tic or his character to being closer to the white people of the story, that’s Jamele Hill level’s of trolling.

The ONLY reason Tic came back to Chicago was to find out why his father disappeared. He went on a perilous journey to save him (only to find his father being an ungrateful a$$hole) he displayed immense courage standing up to Christina and her father from the moment he met them. He was 100% willing, WITHOUT hesitation, to sacrifice himself in episode 2 so that George and Leti would live. Instead of hauling ass and heading back to Florida he stuck around to research and discover clues about the book of Adam to keep Let and his family safe. He continually put up with Montrose’s terrible attitude all in efforts to keep him safe and protect him.

Never not ONCE was Tic not honorable in his intentions or motivations.

the white characters, every single ONE of them, were evil, manipulative monsters. Christina was evil. Her father was evil. The police officers were evil. They were motivated by greed, NOT survival or the protection of others. Diana didn’t “sacrifice” her arm. It was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Hippoylta didn’t “sacrice” George. His life was TAKEN from her by evil Cacs. Leti didn’t “sacrifice” Ruby. Ruby was (potentially) MURDERED by an evil Cac bytch.

Tic didn’t “Walk over” anyone to get what he wanted. Who did he walk over? Who did he mistreat? Who the fukk did he manipulate? Who did he use within his family or black community to get a step ahead? The man was willing to legitimately die at least 4 times BEFORE the finale to keep his people safe. Christina offered to spare him IF he gave her the Book Of Names and he looked her dead in the face and said “No”. Why? Because he wasn’t willing to GIVE UP the one thing that could have kept his family safe.

Tic actually dying makes no narrative sense as i’ve said before. He suffered under the evils of white supremacy just like everyone else did. Had he lived he would, not only have been the Hero of the present, he would have been the hero of the FUTURE by raising his son in a manner that his father never raised him. With love, strength, and mutual affection alongside Leti.

You seem like one of those people who only puts value in Black Men when they become Martyrs. It seems like an impossibility that Tic could have defeated the agents of white supremacy AND lived to have seen what all the “sacrifice” was for. Because black men in your estimation haven’t earned anything UNLESS they suffer harder, longer, and more permanently than anyone else
:wow: !


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Im just glad it’s over. The highs were the pilot and the Korea episode. Show was average otherwise. Definitely not dope enough for nikkas to be in here writing dissertations.

This is the same show that has Cardi B blaring TWICE in the middle of some 1950s black excellence.

Say it again breh.

Whoever was in charge of music production for this show should never get another gig again


The show had too much meaning to be tainted with ratchet music