The bolded makes no sense. Leti was never under Christina's pocket. Leti only worked with Christina and gave her Titus' pages for the invulnerability spell.
Before that Christina was blocked from entering the house. She only gained access to the house from Ruby as William. It wasnt a random hook up but a way to get into the house. If she could pull a front involving Leti's mama, you think she wouldnt be able to find out who her sister was?
Ruby is Leti's sister who is involved with Tic and also they all stayed at or frequented the same house. Just because she only had 2 scenes with Tic doesnt mean she wouldnt be able to share information with Christina which we see she did.
Christina is smart to have attack on multiple fronts as I said she treated them all like pawns so she had options.
like why tho? The book helped them in the end and he just came off as a weak ass hating gay nikka this whole show. Every episode I'm shaking my head saying it should of been you instead of uncle George
Idk about all that but he was definitely a better character for this show, entertainment wiseWas Uncle George that much better, standing back and doing nothing while his drunk baby brother was beating on HIS son?
The only thing keeping episode 10 from a perfect score is that Tic should have lived. The theme and message of the story should have been that Tic and Letty were, not only going to save the world for Black People through mystical means, but also as a true physical FAMILY unit and the embodiment of redemption for the failings of their parents. It was set up PERFECTLY in that manner. Leti learned how to embrace family and be open and honest in her love towards Tic. Tic learned how to embrace acceptance, forgiveness, and not having to be emotionally stonewalled in his love for Leti. THATS how you embark on building a strong black family unit. Tic’s true heroism should have been in living and raising a son alongside his wife leti. The magic and mysticism should have been a backdrop to that.
Real talk, this is a brilliant take and that why we need more brothers like you behind the cameras and in those writing rooms!
But in usual Hollyweird fashion, just like THE WATCHMEN series, the black man must be sacrificed so the black woman can live in a better future with limitless possibilities![]()
I mean sheesh its not a coincidence that the writing rooms for this show was all female and fun boys. And in this story the only ppl survive are the black women and the gay man. It aint no surprise that both the strong hetero black men of the family died by the end of the season![]()
Season 2 is gonna be on some Nat Turner tip.
Can't wait.
So what would a season 2 even be?
Some alternate 1960s?
I have to sit on this one a bit.
is season 2 confirmed?
I'll say this, the show ended vastly different than the book. If they do a season 2, it may become AHS anthology style, since the book wrapped up everything, just as the show did. It's a blank canvas.
Overall, I think both were "ehhhhhh" I may revisit the book later for a second take, but it's just as rushed. I think it's too far left field for casual black audience, and overall, just not good enough for the sci-fi/fantasy black audience.
Where the show didn't work:
Where the show did work:
[*]Killing off George - this is the strongest aspect of the book, because it shows Atticus bonding with his uncle who is more like him, and gives balance to the men in his life. Also George & Montross playing off each other is great
[*]Montross - making him gay. There's no repressed anger for being gay, he's just beaten down from society. Plus he loved his wife
[*]Leti - the romance wasn't needed either
[*]intertwining their lives so much detracted from the anthology angle, so the show was too convoluted at times. In the book, they pretty much all live their own lives, and just have random encounters with Braithewhites, but none of them are aware of the others.
[*]Ji-Ah wasn't needed.
[*]Showing the time period in which they lived, and events having an impact on them
[*]Changing Caleb to Christina/William.
[*]Hippolyta's story. The changes work much better than in the book.
[*]time traveling aspect
[*]taking risks with the supernatural element