Official Lovecraft Country Thread


Jul 24, 2012
So in their universe, the Civil Rights era was mad different imagine Brother Malcolm being the sorcerer supreme . Those demon dogs going ham on racist cops. I have a dream,indeed


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
The bolded makes no sense. Leti was never under Christina's pocket. Leti only worked with Christina and gave her Titus' pages for the invulnerability spell.

The intheritance was a sham. Meaning at anypoint she decided to reveal that Leti was in trouble which is why Tic tried to kill her in ep 3.

Before that Christina was blocked from entering the house. She only gained access to the house from Ruby as William. It wasnt a random hook up but a way to get into the house. If she could pull a front involving Leti's mama, you think she wouldnt be able to find out who her sister was?

I didn't say it was a random hookup, but she wasn't planning on using her as a mole to get info either.

Ruby is Leti's sister who is involved with Tic and also they all stayed at or frequented the same house. Just because she only had 2 scenes with Tic doesnt mean she wouldnt be able to share information with Christina which we see she did.

Christina is smart to have attack on multiple fronts as I said she treated them all like pawns so she had options.

This doesn't track. Once the relationship starts, Leti says she hasn't seen her in weeks and ask where she was staying. So why would you have a mole not being at the place where she's supposed to be a mole? She starts staying with William(where she was going after Till's funeral)

On top, Christina never mentions the orrey to Ruby which is what she was looking for in the Winthrop house. She had no idea where the vault with the pages were or that the house had a cutout to the the front door. She definitely wouldn't have given Tic the ring he needed to access it if she had.

The only thing she ask of Ruby is to place that item to take Lancaster off the board.

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
:mjlol: like why tho? The book helped them in the end and he just came off as a weak ass hating gay nikka this whole show. Every episode I'm shaking my head saying it should of been you instead of uncle George

Was Uncle George that much better, standing back and doing nothing while his drunk baby brother was beating on HIS son?


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
I enjoyed the series overall, they lost me a little early on in episodes 2 & 3 but I thought it bounced back towards the end. A lil too disjointed for my liking but it all came together pretty well. I'm loving the sci fi series that incorporates black history in a real way. But if I had to compare I'd say I enjoyed Watchmen a lil more than Lovecraft. I'll probably try to run back through it a few weeks because I'm sure I missed alot details that will make more sense now


Feb 18, 2014
I liked the finale but I wanted more. They left Dee in the middle of the fukking woods at night:why: who were those random white folks?

An episode of them learning how to pronounce the spells, Tic & Leti's encounters with his ancestors, then healing Dee at the end would have been more ideal before the finale. Tie up any loose ends so the finale doesn't have to.

While Christina was a plotting caniving pasty cac, the show didn't paint her out to be that horrible. When Tic told her no, her true colors showed. I think I would have preferred a more sinister Christina throughout as opposed to the cordial one that we got. She was the "antagonist" of the show but it didn't really feel like it til the end. Her slicing Tic's arms and bathing in his blood was a bit much though:huhldup::merchant:

Morose Polymath

Poster of the Year
Aug 1, 2013
Above The Clouds
The only thing keeping episode 10 from a perfect score is that Tic should have lived. The theme and message of the story should have been that Tic and Letty were, not only going to save the world for Black People through mystical means, but also as a true physical FAMILY unit and the embodiment of redemption for the failings of their parents. It was set up PERFECTLY in that manner. Leti learned how to embrace family and be open and honest in her love towards Tic. Tic learned how to embrace acceptance, forgiveness, and not having to be emotionally stonewalled in his love for Leti. THATS how you embark on building a strong black family unit. Tic’s true heroism should have been in living and raising a son alongside his wife leti. The magic and mysticism should have been a backdrop to that.

Real talk, this is a brilliant take and that why we need more brothers like you behind the cameras and in those writing rooms!

But in usual Hollyweird fashion, just like THE WATCHMEN series, the black man must be sacrificed so the black woman can live in a better future with limitless possibilities :martin: :snoop:

I mean sheesh its not a coincidence that the writing rooms for this show was all female and fun boys. And in this story the only ppl survive are the black women and the gay man. It aint no surprise that both the strong hetero black men of the family died by the end of the season :francis:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Real talk, this is a brilliant take and that why we need more brothers like you behind the cameras and in those writing rooms!

But in usual Hollyweird fashion, just like THE WATCHMEN series, the black man must be sacrificed so the black woman can live in a better future with limitless possibilities :martin: :snoop:

I mean sheesh its not a coincidence that the writing rooms for this show was all female and fun boys. And in this story the only ppl survive are the black women and the gay man. It aint no surprise that both the strong hetero black men of the family died by the end of the season :francis:

Breh this is why i stopped the show. I think alot of us were tied up in the representation in a non low budget package that we overlook alot of underlying themes and messaging.

thanks but no thanks. I dont knock anyone who enjoyed the show but yeah.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
I'll say this, the show ended vastly different than the book. If they do a season 2, it may become AHS anthology style, since the book wrapped up everything, just as the show did. It's a blank canvas.

Overall, I think both were "ehhhhhh" I may revisit the book later for a second take, but it's just as rushed. I think it's too far left field for casual black audience, and overall, just not good enough for the sci-fi/fantasy black audience.

Where the show didn't work:

  • [*]Killing off George - this is the strongest aspect of the book, because it shows Atticus bonding with his uncle who is more like him, and gives balance to the men in his life. Also George & Montross playing off each other is great
    [*]Montross - making him gay. There's no repressed anger for being gay, he's just beaten down from society. Plus he loved his wife
    [*]Leti - the romance wasn't needed either
    [*]intertwining their lives so much detracted from the anthology angle, so the show was too convoluted at times. In the book, they pretty much all live their own lives, and just have random encounters with Braithewhites, but none of them are aware of the others.
    [*]Ji-Ah wasn't needed.
Where the show did work:

  • [*]Showing the time period in which they lived, and events having an impact on them
    [*]Changing Caleb to Christina/William.

    [*]Hippolyta's story. The changes work much better than in the book.
    [*]time traveling aspect

    [*]taking risks with the supernatural element


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I'll say this, the show ended vastly different than the book. If they do a season 2, it may become AHS anthology style, since the book wrapped up everything, just as the show did. It's a blank canvas.

Overall, I think both were "ehhhhhh" I may revisit the book later for a second take, but it's just as rushed. I think it's too far left field for casual black audience, and overall, just not good enough for the sci-fi/fantasy black audience.

Where the show didn't work:

  • [*]Killing off George - this is the strongest aspect of the book, because it shows Atticus bonding with his uncle who is more like him, and gives balance to the men in his life. Also George & Montross playing off each other is great
    [*]Montross - making him gay. There's no repressed anger for being gay, he's just beaten down from society. Plus he loved his wife
    [*]Leti - the romance wasn't needed either
    [*]intertwining their lives so much detracted from the anthology angle, so the show was too convoluted at times. In the book, they pretty much all live their own lives, and just have random encounters with Braithewhites, but none of them are aware of the others.
    [*]Ji-Ah wasn't needed.
Where the show did work:

  • [*]Showing the time period in which they lived, and events having an impact on them
    [*]Changing Caleb to Christina/William.

    [*]Hippolyta's story. The changes work much better than in the book.
    [*]time traveling aspect

    [*]taking risks with the supernatural element

Ji-ah’s episode was probably the best one.

Jurnee and Majors had good chemistry.

Everything else I agree with.

The Montrose thing is just really dumb. Not him being gay, but giving him no redeeming values as a father to make Tic risking his life worth it.