Just binged watched this this weekend. Thought it was good from a production quality standpoint. Not sure if I like it or hate it plot wise.
I’m confused as to whether HWR is a good guy who was legit just tired of it all or if not what’s his endgame? Seems like he had everything under control so why put the Loki’s on a path to him to then gamble over what was going to happen to him and thus the fate of the sacred timeline? Also if he’s just a man with no powers, how could he know what moves would have led them to him in the first place? They never show him observing multiple timelines like Strange did in IW.
He wasn't good or bad. I'd say he was a necessary evil because him pruning the time lines insured he (Kang) would never rise to power.
As far as why he led Loki to him....he said it himself, he's been doing this for God knows how long, and he's tired. Also, they never really went into how long he'd been watching Loki so it's possible he seen how resilient MCU Loki is and thought

"let's see where this goes".
The ring around his crib is the sacred time line. So he existed outside of them all, and could observe them all.
As far as him having no powers....he's from the 31st century. Kang in the comics has no powers either but he's always giving super heroes that work because his tech is so advanced it's damn near magic compared to them.
Actually comics Kang is from the 40th century. Which is even worse.