What's your diet like right now
No diet at the moment

I just try to get enough protein in, the only time I diet is spring/summer.
What's your diet like right now
No diet at the moment
I just try to get enough protein in, the only time I diet is spring/summer.
Alright, let me try to get my questions straight.
So I checked out this thread and I peeped that we're the same height (5'8) and have very similar builds.
I've also got a small waist (I'm around a 32) and I'm lean. Don't know my exact body fat % but I'm cut. I may put up pictures when I get around to taking some new ones during this bulk. Right now, I'm around 195 when I wake up. Usually I hover around 180-185, tops. I'm trying to see if I can break 200 and keep going for a while before I cut.
One huge question that I have for right now is: "Do edibles have any negative impact on your gains or testosterone?" I've been trying to do research because I don't smoke and I rarely drink but I'll occasionally have a bite of a weed brownie (post leg day) or after the last workout of the week for the back pain and to help stimulate my appetite for eating right after. I still keep the munchies clean (brown rice, baked chicken, oatmeal, eggs, veggies)....
...but I've never seen anyone with a definite answer on how it affects the gains. Every time I look it up in BB forums, they're talking about smoking instead of edibles.
I'll ask you more about the Hypertrophy training later on.
I just read through the entire thread for the first time and googled some of the pain associated with sickle cellThey compared it to cancer pain
Did lifting heavy trigger any severe pain episodes for you?
I get bad 'episodes' of pain in my joints now and then from my disorders, and swelling that doesnt go away for months. The swelling/pain gets bad enough to call in sick from work. Doc keeps wanting to put me on higher doses of prednisone for the pain but I try to avoid those as much as I can. I didnt even consider edibles, hmm.
What are your treatment options for your knee?
ask away breh :smugcoke:
i workout everyday and im a beast at it
but im starting to see that its a little more technical than what i thought
do you take counting macros and all that serious?
right now im like 250 and im stuck wondering if i should just slim down with cardio first and weight train after or if i should jsut incorporate both
the shyt i been doing is that basic joint from high school. every day a diff body part (ex. mon - chest, tues - arms, wed - back.......etc)
but im gonna adopt that routine you posted. good looks