Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread


May 1, 2012
So... This movie was very interesting to say the least.

I think the cast worked well together. I liked flash even tho he was kinda extra in the beginning. Bats was cool even tho he looked like he was having weight issues. Diana was cool, I really liked cyborg, aqua man was ehh to me I feel like he needed more shine and supes is supes.

Villain was ok. Felt like they could really could have put Darkseid in this but maybe they are saving him.

But for God sake can they please get rid of Lois Lane, she is fukking terrible :snoop: her and ma Kent were bad in this, those scenes were cringe worthy

This felt like an episode of Justice league tho. This franchise isn't bad, it's just rough around the edges and it's clearly showing

6/10 on 1st watch

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
saw the shyt last night. my theatre probably had 12 people inside :flabbynsick::flabbynsick::flabbynsick:
Batman supposed to have the theatres packed off gp, why they playing him like this?:mjcry:

Batman 89 theme couldn't save them. gotta be the worst scored dc movie in the past decade, never seen Jonah hex and can't remember green lantern score, so i can't say it outright, but it's down there.

although there were a few parts where i laughed, my theatre shyt was mostly crickets at them flash jokes. :manny:

shyt was too short.

there wasn't even a real boss fight, they should have just had "part 1" in the title.

honestly i ain't notice any of the cgi problems, even that cyborg gif. maybe because i saw in 3d but the shyt is moving too fast to notice. only shyt nikka spoiled in here is when i noticed. steppenwolf was exaggerated too.:manny:

characters were cool, felt like i ain't know shyt about aquaman though.

shout out to you fakkits that spoiled the after credits scene. :pacspit:


you slapped a marvel sticker on this and the shyt would gotten in the 70s review wise.
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Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
i felt like i missed some shyt in that flash back. who was all in that shyt? who was the electric dude?

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
With that said @Rapmastermind

That score shyt? I don’t know you got me on that..... but what I don’t believe is there is this major conspiracy against DC to go out their way to hate them.

I feel like cats gotta stop whining about that everytime they get a bad score.

I think in this day and age of whistle blowing, if that was the case.... someone would’ve been exposed it and it would be a bigger story



Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
10:15 showing right now and theres mad people here for the 1st show lets go the geeks are
Out! Movie pass gabg whole lotta gang shyt

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Also..... not to bring up the infamous “Flash suit hate” discussion.

But after seeing this movie.... I think it finally dawned on me what I didn’t really like about his suit.

It’s the head piece.

I don’t like it’s shape and how it had this pointy end on the back making him looking like the aliens from Alien or something.

He more he got screen time the weirded it looked to me.

Not mad at the metal, not mad at the wires, or anything else.... but why his helmet shaped like a football?



Jan 1, 2014
The unknown
It was pretty good...middle of the pack IMO. I didn't really like the flash, but I guess that's partially because I'm used to Grant Gustin and the TV show.

I'm lowkey tired of the Superman/Lois love story, but I see why it had to be done in the movie.

How is Superman not already alive, btw? Didn't the ending of BvS confirm he was alive?

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
you slapped a marvel sticker on this and the shyt would gotten in the 70s review wise.

Slap a Marvel sticker on this and with the quips, forced love scenes, too much time to characters that really weren’t that important or we didn’t care for, the villain, the humor, and a list of other shyt and cats would’ve said this is a trash movie (their words not mine or my opinion) on the lines of IM3, A2, and Thor 2:yeshrug:

And reasons like this is why cats gotta stop being ingenious with how they rate shyt


Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Look, nobody on this site can say I'm bias towards DC or Marvel, I've given objective reviews on both franchise. I know the DC films have had flaws but guess what. So have Marvel but if you listened to RT, Marvel has been "Fresh" every single time out and we all know that's not true. How is "Incredible Hulk" fresh? How. IM2 and 3 have major issues. The 1st Thor films had issues. The Cap Trilogy, IM1, The Avengers and Guardians were all fair scores. 'Ultron" was far from perfect but it's score was about right. Guardians 2 had issues that were glossed over. Ant-man" was straight but not groundbreaking. "Thor 3" was fair but I felt like that 90's score was for the fact it was the 1st Thor film that actually was good all way through so Critics went overboard with the score.

"Thor 3" was good and I enjoyed it but it wasn't "The Dark Knight" 90% level. But I won't knock that score because I was surprise how much I liked "Thor 3". Maybe it's cause I'm an 80's baby and it felt like something ripped from 80's. I'm sorry but RT is bias with DCEU. That's my opinion based on analyzing the scores. When I saw JL score I just starting laughing because it's so obvious now it's pathetic. These cats really think people are believing 4 out of 5 DCEU Films are Complete GARBAGE. Not average or decent but TRASH. That's what they are pumping to the public. Enough. I will call like it is. I will write my review of JL and I will say right now. There is no way in hell this is a 37%. That score says it all. There is no objectivity.


RT doesn't review movies though.

The overall consensus for this movie was that it wasn't as bad as bvs but it was still flawed.

People say they enjoyed it but then proceed to point out glaring flaws.

You can't have it both ways.

You can say the iron man sequels and Thor movies were bad but you can't say they were all over the place. They had a?theme/message that was effectively executed.

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
Slap a Marvel sticker on this and with the quips, forced love scenes, too much time to characters that really weren’t that important or we didn’t care for, the villain, the humor, and a list of other shyt and cats would’ve said this is a trash movie (their words not mine or my opinion) on the lines of IM3, A2, and Thor 2:yeshrug:

And reasons like this is why cats gotta stop being ingenious with how they rate shyt

that's my point. it's in line with those, only difference is those got ratings in the 70s.

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
Just got out.. Gonna write up my review now.. If you believe these critics then I'm sorry you're among the problem, film was amazing. eassily 7.5-8/10 , should be 80+ on RT.. dont know what the critics watched, but this aint it.. I urge everyone to see it, you won't be disappointed. If you're looking for a masterpiece in a tema up movie, then thats your fault. Let the solos do the intricate details for you..

And some reviews say all Flash scenes are in slo-mo, thats a lie. At this point if you allow critics to shape the idea of a film for you, thats your fault


From the start of the movie, that little interview you can tell it was from the reshoots, CGI was NOT as bad as you fakkits were making it out to be, smfhh, you guys tried it. CGI could've been better but thats like every blockbuster.

The opening with Batman chasing that dude and luring him to get the Paradaemon was smooth as fukk, the way he moved. I loved it. then we move to AMAZON and shyt went from 0-100 REAL QUICK, That whole montague with Steppenwolf and the Amazons is top 5 highlight for me, Mans a THREAT and made it known, he beat the breaks off everyone without holding back, i loved the whole ANYONE could get it mentality he was showing. the ''box getaway'' you can tell for a FACT that was SNYDER, them Amazons moved with finesse getting the box away, i LOVED it. (to the dikkhead feminist complaining choke on some dirty dikks, this hoe wanted the Amazons to single-handedly defeat Steppen-dawg like dude isnt a galactic threat, fuccin thots, the Amazons were potrayed well, ignore those vagina chasers)

The team dynamic was amazing, i felt like the animosity AquaGAWD bore towards humans and other was done well, he didnt understand Cyborg and viewed him as a threat and that was well done. Dianna did her best as team mother, i say mother cause remember shes hundreds of years older than everyone else, so the way she moved with the team was that of mother and protector (cuddling Flash, helping ease Victor, protecting H2oMan and berating Bruce on the ''experiment'')

The battles were FLAWLESS, i feel like DCEU when it comes to fights always have good visuals. The flying fox and nightcrawler are beautiful tools, its good to see Bruce actually being a creator, thats MY BATMAN.

the flashback to the pre-war was FLAMES... Green Lantern was dope to see, i like the already set DCEU world, everythings in place.

In the Flying Fox where Aquaman was saying all those shyt about the Amaazons, in my head i was like ''ugh feminists are gonna pick this shyt apart and have a bytch fit'', turns out it was Dianna and her lasso, everyone burst out laughing, i loved that scene, like Dianna said ''that was beautiful''

Amy Adams caught some subs loooool, Clarks mom said to he ''Clark always said you were the thristiest woman ever'', obv speaking about her being a reporter, everyone in the cinema was dying cause we all know what the term thirsty refers to loool. I dont't feel like the film was light as the critics are making it seem. Yes there were jokes but there was nothing light about the film, i honestly dont know how the critics review DCEU films, shyt was dark still, not BvS dark but it was DCEU dark still and i loved it, it was NOT A MARVEL movie. Yes Flash was funny and cracked jokes but shyt was still real.

The part where Supes is ressurected was so well done, when he catches Flash in movement and Flash is surprised AS fukk, i was dyiiiiiing like yoooo, nikka thought he was good looool. him fighting the whole team was dope, nikka tossed Bats to the bushes when Lois came :mjlol:

Last fight scene with Steppen-dawg was neeeeeaat. Steppen was talking all that hard shyt to the mid tier heroes and flexing until Son of El came and buried his shyt :mjlol: in every fuccin scene, Son got tossed like a hoe omgggg, he got his ass beat badly looooooooooooooool, son got beat to the point he was sweating fear, i was dyiiiiing, Kal came in like John Cena and buried son, ''is he still bothering you guys'' ... STOMP lmaoooooooooooooooo

I like how they got rid of him, we don't know if he's dead or not and i like that cause that means he can come back stronger with Darkseid. i like where the DCEU is heading. Cyborg was really and unexpectedly the highlight of the film.

Pros: you felt the DANGER, shyt was real and the wasn't unecessary humour for no reason. Paradaemons design was exactly like the comics, there were certain scenes that were like beautiful pages from the comics, THANKS BASED SNYDER. Aquamans suit was well designed, matter of fact i loved everyones suit.

Cons: movie should've been longer, the scene with Alfred fixing the car and the stranger coming to him was cut out, wanted to see what that was. they also cut out the Aquaman discussion, Dianna & Bruce were having ''he said more or less'' . I wasn't a big fan of Supes ressurection, it wasn't what i would've done. but it worked for what the story needed. And the aftermath of what happens next makes sense.

The music was hella forgettable, loved the BTAS Bat theme tho, felt nice and with the lightening in the background. great memories


Batman: i'll say this now and always, Ben IS BATMAN, he IS BRUCE, i dont see anyone doing it like him ever, and he doesn't even have a feature length movie yet. throughout the movie, you felt the powerlessness from him standing next to others, him getting hurt and him saying he's too old for this, the human side shows. but in Batman form, you see BATMAN, the way he moves, the way he thinks, that ''do whatever it takes mentality' IS EXACTLY Bruce from the comics, and always having a contingency. i loved it.

Wonder Woman: our beautiful team mother was amazing, shawty is cute and she wasn't afraid to fight, she showed her strength and didnt let the ''men'' make her feel any less than a proud warrior, she flexed more than the men even. her fight with Supes was a highlight, them mans were trading headbutts, i was dying loooool, shawty was giving him that work, she lost tho but thats Supes lol. I can't wait for WW 2

Flash: LOVE LOVE LOVE Ezra as Flash, he's clearly the baby of the group and the least experienced in fights, i dont even think at this point of the DCEU he's been in any proper fight villain wise yet. because of his least experience, he reacted exactly how you'd expect any new person to and it was just pure of soul and amazing.

Cyborg: THE HEART OF THE DAMN FILM, whoever had anything bad to say about BORGLIFE, please go kiss a moving train, from start to finish, every line from his mouth, you FELT THAT shyt.. ''you didnt want them to see the monster? ''who said i was talking about me?'' :wow: His design was exactly as his name, a fuccin cyborg, all you mouth breathers and the design bullshyt, i hope you watched the end when you see him designing a new armour for himself.. fuccin idiots. i kept on telling you dummies, the more he learns about his power the more he;d evolve himself. I loved as you saw him progress throughout the film, learning more and meshing well with the team.

Aquaman: the drunk uncle of the team,metaphorically of course. He doesn't like any of them at the start and refuses to join. but he's a bad ass in every scene and just amazing in water. I'm not sure where his power levels are at yet cause the film didnt do much to flex his strength properly, but dude just looked like he was having fun all throughout and it showed in the film. Underwater scenes were piff and obv his solo film will explore the 7 seas properly cause you can't do all that worldbuilding in a team up film. but what they showed was nice and regal. Mera is beautiful and her control of water was done well, i liked it, she isn't weak. and i dont think they're romantically linked yet, they didn't like each other too much. Im hyped for his movie, the way he moves in water and his aura is beautiful.

Superman: The optimism is back and the hope is there. he stops midway in battle to help civilians and he's adjusting to the world and reacting different, he's more happy. my only gripe is his suit was too fuccin right, i guess they wanted the hope to stand out a lot, but i wish they used the MOS suit, im mad we didnt get a black suit and beard cause dude is beautiful AF (no homo) with his beard. All in all, i think it'll be a good time for WB to steamroll a MOS 2 and establish him into the universe with the adjustments they've made now.

End Credits:

1st one: hilarious, STRAIGHT FROM THE COMICS, new 52 i think where they both race to see who's faster.

2nd one: GAWD, GAWD GAWD... ALL I CAN SAY IS GAWWWWD. All you lex haters can suck a dikk till you turn blue, nikka is BUILDING shyt. ohh gawwwwwd, thats my Lex, fucc your opinions.. Joe M, GAWD.. GAWD... GAWWWWD, he took off the mask and my dikk got hard. SNYDER GOT THAT shyt RIGHT.. my gawwwwwd he looks like straight from the comics.. my lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd// LEAGUE OF DOOM... oh maaaan that shyt was worth it.. goodness me, IM HYPED for the future of the DCEU, they have some really dope pieces set in motion.


Critics are being way too harsh on how they grade films from the DCEU, i honestly from the bottom of my heart dont see where the hate is from, and you posters geeking and colluding like it's true who haven't even seen it, or saw it just to hate, i dont care. i dont see how anyone can say they genuinely watched this film and hated it, i dont see it.

The DCEU has a good future ahead of them, once they get the solos out and do some world building, the world will see how extensive and amazing this universe is. I'm excited

Score: 8/10

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