Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread


May 25, 2015
One things these reviews gonna stop doing is making it seem like DC should be like Marvel or that Marvel is flawless

Real talk; Avengers, Winter Solder, Ultron, Civil War are the only Marvel films (DD seasons are dope) that I've owned to watch multiple times

666 ReVeNGe 666

Sep 16, 2014
lol you just csn walk in off the street with no schooling and be like bam you a reporter ?? :ohhh: I'm about to do that as a side hustle
I went to school for journalism and worked professionally as a journalist for 6 years.

Most newspaper jobs require a degree ... however one person had a associates but he had wrote for newspapers before so he got lucky.

But in 2017.... everyone is a journalist due to social media and cell phones.

But they won't be working for any reputable newspapers or TV news stations for sure.

Journalists get paid shyt though. Unless you work for WSJ or NYT. Lol.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
How obvious are the reshoot scenes?

To me not really as noticeable as you would think..... anyone who says else wise is kind of full of it.

Just like off casual glance you won’t clearly tell which is a Snyder scene and which is a Whedon


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

That is a LOT of shyt shown from the trailers cut!

But in all fairness to DC..... all you ultra anti Marvel fans, which way do you want it?

Cuz y’all complain big time with the:sadcam: “bu bu bu bu but they spoiled sooooooo much of the movie and showed tooooooooo much, I’m gonna stop watching trailers and go dark” shyt when a lot shyt from the trailers makes the final cut.

So it’s kinda like, if the reverse happens..... should anyone really complain? Ain’t this kinda what y’all want?:ld:

Sidenote and no spoiler but practically every Aquaman scene from this movie sans one or 2 was in the trailers:frank1:



May 6, 2015
How obvious are the reshoot scenes?

Everyone knew something was up with Superman's face right out the gate.

Now as for my review, first off, I enjoyed it just as much as the rest of DCCU and will be seeing JL again. It is on par with Ragnarok if we want to play the comparison game, but that isn't what i am here for specifically.

The chemistry amongst the group really works better than I could have imagined.

Steppenwolf got busy, he was giving everyone the work. I wouldn't even call him a villain per se, he didn't take pleasure in killing others and actually had respect for those he fought against imho and even offered them jobs. He's just an enforcer, just business, nothing personal (reminded me of the Borg from ST)

Supes swag-level = Yellow Sun level charge....
Especially when he was giving the work to Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg at the same time and caught Flash trying to hit him with a surprise blitz. Supes was like, "You pocket watching Bro?"

Ode to OG Batman:
Scene in the armory had similar Japanese Armor that was in Keaton 89 Batman.

Alfred mentioned, "Exploding toy penguins"

Thought it was a nice touch

Cyborg....panel to screen...just fine, no fluff, and more than holds his own.

CGI on Cavil was distracting

Beyond that, you have to be deep into the lore to understand what exactly is happening (they obviously explain it), but critics are obviously going into in blind without knowledge of the previous films.

Unfortunately, DC films are in a bind, either you have to live up to Marvel's expectations of camp and fun or replicate a truly once in a lifetime Ledger-type grittiness. I think this film is a good balance between grit and camp.


May 1, 2012
so here's a question
with superman back, and clark kent "alive" again, will people figure out the connection between those 2?
  • Dap
Reactions: flo

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I'm not gonna give no reviews.... will wait for more people to see it but I will give this assessment and this is nonbias;

If you're an overzealous DC Stan, you're probably gonna say and this this is the greatest movie of all time and possibly best movie of the year
If you're a casual DC stan (or Clark Kent) you'll think it decent, has its ebbs and flows but overall enjoy it but wont have it too high
If you're a Marvel stan, you'll probably see a lot of hypocrisy and just laugh to yourself taking mental notes but at worse think its decent
If you're a true casual stan, you will think its decent but may see some things that are nitpicked in other NON DC franchises and your opinion may raise or lower based on how you feel about the shyt called out in other franchises.

I dont believe no one will really hate this movie, but most would agree its not in the top 3 spot to get a gold, silver, or bronze.

Also, true to the some critics reviews, you really cant tell which are the Snyder scenes from the Whedon scenes and anyone who's says so is a gotdamn liar. Everything just flowed, definitely transitioned smoother than BvS. Now if you wanna call out all the slow mo shyt as definitely Snyder scenes... have at it.... but everything else... not so much

I can see a 6/10


Just gonna leave this here again.

The most favorite thing about JL to me is, this movie gonna be a movie that’s gonna expose a lot of shyt going forward.:patrice:

Cuz this movie had SOOOOOOO many things that have been shytted on in past movies that I’m sure and I see right now all of a sudden certain people either are ignoring or loving.:gucci:

And there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that.:hubie:

Some of the complaints in the past I had no problem with then and I have no problem with JL doing them now.:manny:

But if you’re raving about JL, you should know you can no longer get by on shytting on or calling out the “flaws” from other shyt and we may need to re-evaluate harsh critical comments from years past.:sas2:

Fans enjoy the movie and love it to your highest content..... but just know now the game has changed or atleast been updated.:smugdraper:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
so here's a question
with superman back, and clark kent "alive" again, will people figure out the connection between those 2?

probably not, it will more than likely be glossed over.

Hell I don’t think think this movie was like “years later” it felt like a few days after, maybe a couple of weeks. At worst can be probably chalked up to “Clark was out dealing with a private family emergency”



Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Not saying the movie is bad or good.... .but cats gotta chill with that "agenda Marvel paid critics" card.

Look if you not gonna believe the critics if they talk negatively about this movie..... dont believe them same critics that talked negatively about IronFist and InHumans

At the end of the day, just see it for yourself breh, everything gonna be alright

Truth be told, this movie had some of the same shyt going on in it that coli critics shyt on the some of the Marvel movies for or clown to the fullest. Like, if you hated forced "Love shyt" from say a "Thor 2" then I'd suggest you dont go see this. If you hate quips in the middle of a battle, I'd suggest you dont see this. Like every shot I've heard about some of the Marvel movies in the past 5 years..... I saw clear as day with this.


Look, nobody on this site can say I'm bias towards DC or Marvel, I've given objective reviews on both franchise. I know the DC films have had flaws but guess what. So have Marvel but if you listened to RT, Marvel has been "Fresh" every single time out and we all know that's not true. How is "Incredible Hulk" fresh? How. IM2 and 3 have major issues. The 1st Thor films had issues. The Cap Trilogy, IM1, The Avengers and Guardians were all fair scores. 'Ultron" was far from perfect but it's score was about right. Guardians 2 had issues that were glossed over. Ant-man" was straight but not groundbreaking. "Thor 3" was fair but I felt like that 90's score was for the fact it was the 1st Thor film that actually was good all way through so Critics went overboard with the score.

"Thor 3" was good and I enjoyed it but it wasn't "The Dark Knight" 90% level. But I won't knock that score because I was surprise how much I liked "Thor 3". Maybe it's cause I'm an 80's baby and it felt like something ripped from 80's. I'm sorry but RT is bias with DCEU. That's my opinion based on analyzing the scores. When I saw JL score I just starting laughing because it's so obvious now it's pathetic. These cats really think people are believing 4 out of 5 DCEU Films are Complete GARBAGE. Not average or decent but TRASH. That's what they are pumping to the public. Enough. I will call like it is. I will write my review of JL and I will say right now. There is no way in hell this is a 37%. That score says it all. There is no objectivity.


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Everyone knew something was up with Superman's face right out the gate.

Now as for my review, first off, I enjoyed it just as much as the rest of DCCU and will be seeing JL again. It is on par with Ragnarok if we want to play the comparison game, but that isn't what i am here for specifically.

The chemistry amongst the group really works better than I could have imagined.

Steppenwolf got busy, he was giving everyone the work. I wouldn't even call him a villain per se, he didn't take pleasure in killing others and actually had respect for those he fought against imho and even offered them jobs. He's just an enforcer, just business, nothing personal (reminded me of the Borg from ST)

Supes swag-level = Yellow Sun level charge....
Especially when he was giving the work to Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg at the same time and caught Flash trying to hit him with a surprise blitz. Supes was like, "You pocket watching Bro?"

Ode to OG Batman:
Scene in the armory had similar Japanese Armor that was in Keaton 89 Batman.

Alfred mentioned, "Exploding toy penguins"

Thought it was a nice touch

Cyborg....panel to screen...just fine, no fluff, and more than holds his own.

CGI on Cavil was distracting

Beyond that, you have to be deep into the lore to understand what exactly is happening (they obviously explain it), but critics are obviously going into in blind without knowledge of the previous films.

Unfortunately, DC films are in a bind, either you have to live up to Marvel's expectations of camp and fun or replicate a truly once in a lifetime Ledger-type grittiness. I think this film is a good balance between grit and camp.

Hmmm.... ok I respectfully disagree with some of that.

I didnt get that he respected anyone or looked at it from a “just business” approach. He clearly was in his feelings with this since it was personal to him due to his prior defeat and forced to flee like a coward.

The first fight alone with WW he said himself “no she’s mine” as a clear sign of his grudge against the Amazons.

Also, he had no problem killing who he had to kill, hell he even had some humorous parts to it making jokes/quips as he went along

And the giving people jobs? Respectfully, I missed that, now if job you mean by enslaving people or threatening to force the Amazons to be his harems..... well then.... I wouldn’t necessarily call that offering a job

That chemistry thing is “tricky” at best. Cuz I recall complaints of the past if “bu bu bu bu bu they just met it haven’t known each other so they best friends now?”

I mean that worked for me then and it still works for me now..... but to some who shytted on it in the past, I only respectfull ask.... “what changed?”:patrice:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Look, nobody on this site can say I'm bias towards DC or Marvel, I've given objective reviews on both franchise. I know the DC films have had flaws but guess what. So have Marvel but if you listened to RT, Marvel has been "Fresh" every single time out and we all know that's not true. How is "Incredible Hulk" fresh? How. IM2 and 3 have major issues. The 1st Thor films had issues. The Cap Trilogy, IM1, The Avengers and Guardians were all fair scores. 'Ultron" was far from perfect but it's score was about right. Guardians 2 had issues that were glossed over. Ant-man" was straight but not groundbreaking. "Thor 3" was fair but I felt like that 90's score was for the fact it was the 1st Thor film that actually was good all way through so Critics went overboard with the score.

"Thor 3" was good and I enjoyed it but it wasn't "The Dark Knight" 90% level. But I won't knock that score because I was surprise how much I liked "Thor 3". Maybe it's cause I'm an 80's baby and it felt like something ripped from 80's. I'm sorry but RT is bias with DCEU. That's my opinion based on analyzing the scores. When I saw JL score I just starting laughing because it's so obvious now it's pathetic. These cats really think people are believing 4 out of 5 DCEU Films are Complete GARBAGE. Not average or decent but TRASH. That's what they are pumping to the public. Enough. I will call like it is. I will write my review of JL and I will say right now. There is no way in hell this is a 37%. That score says it all. There is no objectivity.


Ok let me address the bold for a moment cuz that stood out to me before I read further down.

I think that’s a fair question, but I also would say look at what was going on at the time for some of those?

shyt normally just naturally progresses and new shyt always get viewed as better as most cases new shyt will outshine or out date old shyt.

Like prime example

Tomb Raider in 96 was a dope game but if you look at it now it may be trash in comparison to the 2016 version.

If The Matrix dropped today after all the other movies that have been great and released, we really wouldn’t love that movie as much and probably clown it saying it’s biting Snyder DC movies with the slo mo and shyt on the fighting and wire jumping shyt.

So I hope that make sense, I think each movie is rated according to whatever was going on at that time and naturally as we get away from it new shyt impresses us and we look further away from past shyt

Terminator 1 was a great movie in the 80s, if that exact movi dropped no y’all would shyt on it and claim it looks like it should be a SyFy channel movie
