Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Popularity of the characters are not an excuse breh. These are supposed to be professional movie critics not a bunch of stans. They shouldn't be rating trash like thor as great, then turn around and give a much better movie like man of steel bad reviews because of reasons that have nothing to do with the films. Superman being more popular 20 years ago in comicbooks shouldn't be a deciding factor when it comes to giving a fair review.
Amen brah


May 2, 2012
Like wonder woman?:kobehaha:

Lets be reality, dc/wb has been a cluster fukk when they decided to rush into the comic film universe building and giving the keys to snyder.
Meanwhile iron man 3 and avengers were cluster fukks but since they aren't as popular as Superman was in the 70s, that can't be held against them.



May 7, 2012
Just finished the 7 o'clock show . Movie was amazing !! :wow: That man is a beacon of hope and truth for everyone . Loved everyone and actually liked the villian . I'm not sure what the critics expect steppenwolf was a typical world destroying comic book villian for the heroes to stop . The plot was simple not confusing at all. Cyborg - booya great job for a actor I never saw . Like this take on flash . Batman kicking ass and WW :blessed: my boy aquaman being a bad ass . 5 out of 5 . Same ranking I'd give Thor . By thr way I wish the critics stopped saying everything is a plot hole . Every movie has suspension of disbelief and convient shyt happening . :gucci:The snobby way critics review D.C. Movies is :comeon: this movie is more like comic book than most of marvels movies


May 2, 2012
how becuz i and other disliked it but it had a high score? what about those who did like it are they now not counted? I like antman some people dnt im not gonna cry over it or say bias or whatever, people like what they like and it seems the majority like it or maybe the hype around it gave it legs idk. its a copout to use the bias route. bvs had no biasness its opening weeked numbers are higher than what jl is projected to do, bvs had hype and if it was decent wlda crushed a majority of marvels movies and its high praises wlda had a ripple effect on the upcoming dceu. only so many times u can fool moviegoers into thinking they will get a good film and unfortunetly the dceu did so now its hurting them via word of moutn and continuity of their universe. like seriously say the mcu didn't exist and the the dceu was the same since mos u really think shyt wld be different?
Let's not play dumb breh, I don't know anyone in real life that thinks iron man 3 was a good movie.

BvS wasn't a good movie, but I remember it getting shytted on from the moment it was announced. I don't remember anything good about that movie leading up to release.


Oct 9, 2015
Avengers compound
So I watched 2 trailers and was not excited at all for this shyt. Got to the theatre and this shyt was good start to finish for me. Best DC movie IMO and better than both Avengers flicks.
That 1st scene after Batman took out the parademon, that crook would've cracked some joke if it was a Marvel flick I'm sure. Flash's shock at finding out Superman is just as fast as him was entertaining as fukk. Cyborg was definitely not the disappointment I expected him to be.

Aquaman was my least favorite. I didn't like his personality. He was more surfer dude as opposed to King of Atlantis. I expect that to change since they explained he was just now returning to home. Superman had signs of a personality as well instead just brooding the whole time.

I was hoping for Darkseid but Steppenwolf was cool to me even though I had never heard of him. Alfred dropping that penguin line was a nice treat. I wanted to see that race too, lol

So for me this year it goes
JL, Logan, SM:HC, WW, Thor, GOTG
The bolded was a serious highlight for me and showed that Supermans reaction time is Goat level and Barry hitting the:merchant:as Supes is giving him the:demonic:throughout the whole speed run was crazy lol. All 3 trying to hold him back and he barely struggling let you know who's top dog of this strength shyt:ufdup:Honestly I wish this was longer buy all yhis bytching they've been getting about length they had no choice. Cyborg was really cool and I liked that at the end they teased him starting to really understand how to control his body with him transforming. Aquaman was fine to me and Mera getting it in with the mysticism in the water:whew:I really can't wait for that movie. Flash was dope as hell and I need a Batman trilogy there's so much they can do. Superman coming back like that and letting Steppenwolf know it was time :ufdup:the whole League teaming up was Goat. Wonder Woman squaring up with SWolf and the Para demons dolo:wow:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
This was a lot of fun, and there were moments of humor, but for the most part, it wasn't overdone and there was a nice balance. There were some problems, but not nearly as many as I'm hearing from folks. I guess people who play video games all day notice heavy CGI more than casual viewers because I honestly only saw a few spots that were spotty in terms of CGI, but then again, I also thought that CGI Tarkin in Rogue One was very realistic looking. Anyway, if folks hadn't been complaining about the CGI before I saw it, I may have not even noticed it at all.

I really dug Superman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. I think Ben Affleck was OK. He wasn't nearly as horrible as people are saying he was, but he's not the best Bruce Wayne or Batman. He's just competent enough not to distract.

I really, really dug any scene involving Themyscira and the Amazonians, and not just because they were strong kickass women, although that was definitely a factor, but they just had a lot of heart and passion while fighting and it's the kind of stuff that pulls the viewer in. That was done so well. I also really enjoyed the character development and insight into Victor/Cyborg and
Batman and Wonder Woman's little stand off and Bruce acting like an a$$hole LOL. That was great. My favorite part though was Pet Cemetary!Superman. I love that they gave us a head's up about it and I was thinking it before Flash even said, but they went ahead and did it. That was really cool. Something about Superman whupping everyone on his team was just so satisfying. When he punched Wonder Woman into the concrete, I was like :gladbron::ufdup: I really thought he was gonna seriously put Batman out of commission for awhile, like a coma or something. 'Do you bleed?" :pacspit:
I also got a kick out of the fact that
J.K. Simmons played Mr. Jameson in Spiderman and now is playing Commissioner Gordon in DC movies. That's kinda badass for him to swing that.

The negatives are Aquaman. I just didn't get him. They didn't really make me care about him. He's gorgeous as hell but his character seemed underdeveloped. Also, I think all of these villians (both Marvel and D.C.) are becoming repetitive and cliche. They all have their hordes of brainless henchmen and they all have the same motivation. The worst ones are those that are just "pure evil" which is pretty boring. I think that's a problem across the board in all of these comic book movies.

Another one of the weakest things about these DC movies continues to be Amy Adams and the whole Lois Lane love interest part. Normally I'm a fan of heroes having something greater than the fight to motivate them but there's seriously no chemistry between Adams and Cavill, and their interactions feel so forced to me. There were a couple of other hiccups that kinda slowed things down or weren't natural in terms of camera shots and transitions, but it wasn't enough to ruin the movie or suck the fun out of it.

I think if you are looking for problems here, you're gonna find them, but if you're going into this to be entertained, you will be. It's not quite as fun as Thor 3, but it is a lot of fun.

I'd give it a 7 out of 10 for the genre.


May 1, 2012
t-dot till they bury me
This was a lot of fun, and there were moments of humor, but for the most part, it wasn't overdone and there was a nice balance. There were some problems, but not nearly as many as I'm hearing from folks. I guess people who play video games all day notice heavy CGI more than casual viewers because I honestly only saw a few spots that were spotty in terms of CGI, but then again, I also thought that CGI Tarkin in Rogue One was very realistic looking. Anyway, if folks hadn't been complaining about the CGI before I saw it, I may have not even noticed it at all.

I really dug Superman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. I think Ben Affleck was OK. He wasn't nearly as horrible as people are saying he was, but he's not the best Bruce Wayne or Batman. He's just competent enough not to distract.

I really, really dug any scene involving Themyscira and the Amazonians, and not just because they were strong kickass women, although that was definitely a factor, but they just had a lot of heart and passion while fighting and it's the kind of stuff that pulls the viewer in. That was done so well. I also really enjoyed the character development and insight into Victor/Cyborg and
Batman and Wonder Woman's little stand off and Bruce acting like an a$$hole LOL. That was great. My favorite part though was Pet Cemetary!Superman. I love that they gave us a head's up about it and I was thinking it before Flash even said, but they went ahead and did it. That was really cool. Something about Superman whupping everyone on his team was just so satisfying. When he punched Wonder Woman into the concrete, I was like :gladbron::ufdup: I really thought he was gonna seriously put Batman out of commission for awhile, like a coma or something. 'Do you bleed?" :pacspit:
I also got a kick out of the fact that
J.K. Simmons played Mr. Jameson in Spiderman and now is playing Commissioner Gordon in DC movies. That's kinda badass for him to swing that.

The negatives are Aquaman. I just didn't get him. They didn't really make me care about him. He's gorgeous as hell but his character seemed underdeveloped. Also, I think all of these villians (both Marvel and D.C.) are becoming repetitive and cliche. They all have their hordes of brainless henchmen and they all have the same motivation. The worst ones are those that are just "pure evil" which is pretty boring. I think that's a problem across the board in all of these comic book movies.

Another one of the weakest things about these DC movies continues to be Amy Adams and the whole Lois Lane love interest part. Normally I'm a fan of heroes having something greater than the fight to motivate them but there's seriously no chemistry between Adams and Cavill, and their interactions feel so forced to me. There were a couple of other hiccups that kinda slowed things down or weren't natural in terms of camera shots and transitions, but it wasn't enough to ruin the movie or suck the fun out of it.

I think if you are looking for problems here, you're gonna find them, but if you're going into this to be entertained, you will be. It's not quite as fun as Thor 3, but it is a lot of fun.

I'd give it a 7 out of 10 for the genre.
Dapped....but :dame:


May 2, 2012
But its a problem THEY created not the critics. They don't even know how to pick the right actors.
I like everyone they casted so far except for lex and joker.

Critics have been judging these movies for what they are not, instead of reviewing them for what they are trying to be.


May 7, 2012
Like wonder woman?:kobehaha:

Lets be reality, dc/wb has been a cluster fukk when they decided to rush into the comic film universe building and giving the keys to snyder.
Why does D.C. need to do that ? According to the critics they know everything about every D.C. Character and how batman /superman /lex/Shazam/ Lois /suicide squad have to be portrayed , only marvel characters get a pass . Case in point how Tony stark Invented ultron and hank pym is old and him plus the wasp aren't OG avengers . No one cares ! They just judge the movie they are seeing . Why is ant man not the OG antman it's not like Scott Lang was some super popular version of the character. Why does vision have a infinity stone ? Why is Peter quills father ego? These are all fundamental huge changes in characters and stories that for some reason D.C. Isn't allowed to do .


Jul 17, 2012
i liked this movie, soooo glad the run time was cut down, didn't feel any of the movie was boring. but then again i liked suicide squad.