Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
see i dnt care who had what contributions or wrote what imma see the film regardless i cld give two fukks bout either director. all i said was post production shyt happens, watch the film in its entirety before judging and u dnt know who wrote what :manny:. maybe you can reread our exchange rea fast and tell me if im trippin. i'd appreciate it on my end.

Breh, to be completely honest with you, I really don't want to:russ: its nothing against you. This shyt just gets so petty man. Movie isn't even out yet and cats aren't allowed to enjoy their pre hype before it. Let's watch the movie and bytch about it later. You cats are quick to kill my highs man:pachaha:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Not when it comes to DGA. DGA is strict about that shyt. If Whedon did anything to make it more his film than Zack's, they'd make sure of it. Legally, they'd have to make sure of it. So while I hear you son, the directors guild is very very particular about that and who gets credit and who doesn't. Even if you want to point to the composer thing, it's still more Snyder's movie than Whedon's so if you got beef with it, holla at the DGA in cali:yeshrug:
Rogue one is said to have had at least 40% of the film done from reshoots and the director credit never changed.

They could have changed 30-40% of the film which is far from minimal and still not had to give credit.

There is countless examples of films that heavy reshoots from another director that didn't get credited. We both know it's not as black and white as you are making it seem.

To get a directors credit on a film you basically have to film the entire thing over,which nobody has said.

Even if wb/whedon changed 30-40% of the film that's not enough to get credit.

The writers credit is easier to get that directors credit and in fact just further illustrates how much of a hand he has had.

To get a writers credit you need to have contributed at least I believe 30% of a script. So if whedon filmed all the scenes he wrote that is significant changes and far from minimal as you implied.

When is the last time ANYBODY has been given a co-director credit in a re shoot situation? Can you name one? That's how hard it is to wrestle away sole director credit. And I'm not talking about directing teams which has its own set of rules that's hard to get credited for.

Hell Robert Rodriguez quit the dga because they wouldn't give frank miller Co director credit on sin city.
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Rogue one is said to have had at least 40% of the film done from reshoots and the director credit never changed.

They could have changed 30-40% of the film which is far from minimal and still not had to give credit.

There is countless examples of films that heavy reshoots from another director that didn't get credited. We both know it's not as black and white as you are making it seem.

To get a directors credit on a film you basically have to film the entire thing over,which nobody has said.

Even if wb/whedon changed 30-40% of the film that's not enough to get credit.

The writers credit is easier to get that directors credit and in fact just further illustrates how much of a hand he has had.

To get a writers credit you need to have contributed at least I believe 30% of a script. So if whedon filmed all the scenes he wrote that is significant changes and far from minimal as you implied.

When is the last time ANYBODY has been give a co-director credit? Can you name one? That's how hard it is to wrestle away sole director credit.

Hell Robert Rodriguez quit the dga because they wouldn't give frank miller Co director credit on sin city.

Rogue one is SAID to have done that, again rumor, conjecture and hearsay. You don't get co-director credit unless you've done an equal amount of work. The person who does the most work gets the most credit which is the point I'm making. So if someone shoots 30-40% of a movie that still doesn't trump someone's 60 or 70, therefore it's still there movie and they get the credit. Now if the movie comes out and someone starts saying this isn't Zack's vision and it was completely reconfigured in the editing bay? Okay cool, I'll come to your side and say "yup, they took it from him" because that's happening. But as of now, based on everything I've heard that's fact and not gossip, it's still the movie he wanted and any changes that have happened (minus Junkie XL since I don't know the details) are changes he gave the thumbs up to before he bounced. Any thing he wanted changed script wise, he and Joss worked on that together and he wanted those changes made. Any changes he wanted tonally, he already intimated months ago what the tone of this movie would be and how it was always going to be lighter than what's come before it.

Bottom line, it's easy to say things that happened are happening due to insidious reasons but unless you know every side of the argument, it's just gossip. Joss has worked on this movie long enough where none of us here know what he and Snyder talked about. We don't know what they wanted to change, what they wanted to stay the same, we don't know shyt.

But also they're in a spot where they can't win: If Snyder, Ben, Gal, and everyone else said this movie is still his vision, cats will say "they're just saying that" but if they don't say it's his vision then we'll all say "It's Joss' movie now" so really it's a lose lose. When someone of authority speaks on it we don't believe that but when they don't speak at all, we make assumptions anyway.


I see you niccas...
May 8, 2012
Characterization doesn't bother me for the most part and I was intrigued by both Leto's and Eisenbergs takes on their respective characters but Miller is Barry Allen in name only. I think what might be throwing off some people is that Allen is typically the most level headed leaguer. I'll give CW that. With that said I'm still there day 1.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Rogue one is SAID to have done that, again rumor, conjecture and hearsay. You don't get co-director credit unless you've done an equal amount of work. The person who does the most work gets the most credit which is the point I'm making. So if someone shoots 30-40% of a movie that still doesn't trump someone's 60 or 70, therefore it's still there movie and they get the credit. Now if the movie comes out and someone starts saying this isn't Zack's vision and it was completely reconfigured in the editing bay? Okay cool, I'll come to your side and say "yup, they took it from him" because that's happening. But as of now, based on everything I've heard that's fact and not gossip, it's still the movie he wanted and any changes that have happened (minus Junkie XL since I don't know the details) are changes he gave the thumbs up to before he bounced. Any thing he wanted changed script wise, he and Joss worked on that together and he wanted those changes made. Any changes he wanted tonally, he already intimated months ago what the tone of this movie would be and how it was always going to be lighter than what's come before it.

Bottom line, it's easy to say things that happened are happening due to insidious reasons but unless you know every side of the argument, it's just gossip. Joss has worked on this movie long enough where none of us here know what he and Snyder talked about. We don't know what they wanted to change, what they wanted to stay the same, we don't know shyt.

But also they're in a spot where they can't win: If Snyder, Ben, Gal, and everyone else said this movie is still his vision, cats will say "they're just saying that" but if they don't say it's his vision then we'll all say "It's Joss' movie now" so really it's a lose lose. When someone of authority speaks on it we don't believe that but when they don't speak at all, we make assumptions anyway.
All that's fine and well but actions speak louder than PR speak.

I was on board with what they said publicly until it became obvious all it was PR.


Zack is a complete professional and I've never seen anybody in the industry say a bad word about him. He would never come out and throw wb or Joss under the bus or complain about it not being his vision anymore. Nor would any of the actors.

The junkie xl thing and all the huge sweeping visual changes is all the proof needed.

If to want to believe they're being completely honest about this do you but I'm not buying it because again,actions speak louder that empty platitudes.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
All that's fine and well but actions speak louder than PR speak.

I was on board with what they said publicly until it became obvious all it was PR.


Zack is a complete professional and I've never seen anybody in the industry say a bad word about him. He would never come out and throw wb or Joss under the bus or complain about it not being his vision anymore. Nor would any of the actors.

The junkie xl thing and all the huge sweeping visual changes is all the proof needed.

If to want to believe they're being completely honest about this do you but I'm not buying it because again,actions speak louder that empty platitudes.'re proving my point:russ: you're my man but they will never ever ever be able to win with you on this one. Again, you dont know what was decided before Zack had to step away. If you get a connect and you find out that he didnt want Junkie off and they said "screw you old man" or that he didn't want any visual changes, then okay I'll be on that side with you and we can both bytch about the studio system. Until that day comes though, I'll rock with what they're all saying publicly because I have nothing else to go off...nor do I give a shyt to be honest. As long as I enjoy the movie on November 19, I'm sound as a pound


I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
Breh, to be completely honest with you, I really don't want to:russ: its nothing against you. This shyt just gets so petty man. Movie isn't even out yet and cats aren't allowed to enjoy their pre hype before it. Let's watch the movie and bytch about it later. You cats are quick to kill my highs man:pachaha:
lmao breh the irony of you posting this, i said the same shyt. but yea i'm with you this was unnecessary af i usually dnt even do back and forths.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Family're proving my point:russ: you're my man but they will never ever ever be able to win with you on this one. Again, you dont know what was decided before Zack had to step away. If you get a connect and you find out that he didnt want Junkie off and they said "screw you old man" or that he didn't want any visual changes, then okay I'll be on that side with you and we can both bytch about the studio system. Until that day comes though, I'll rock with what they're all saying publicly because I have nothing else to go off...nor do I give a shyt to be honest. As long as I enjoy the movie on November 19, I'm sound as a pound
We will agree to disagree. I'm reading the tea leaves not a carefully crafted statement from a PR team.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
We will agree to disagree. I'm reading the tea leaves not a carefully crafted statement from a PR team.

And again that’s fair but that’s also assuming you know what Zack wanted or what he and joss talked about. That’s all I’m saying. Yes you could be 100% right because i work in communications lol and that’s the job. But you could also be wrong breh and you gotta be open to the possibility of being wrong. Also open to the fact you may never know “the truth” and being okay with that

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
And again that’s fair but that’s also assuming you know what Zack wanted or what he and joss talked about. That’s all I’m saying. Yes you could be 100% right because i work in communications lol and that’s the job. But you could also be wrong breh and you gotta be open to the possibility of being wrong. Also open to the fact you may never know “the truth” and being okay with that
Of course none of us have proof. We never will.

There's things you know and things you can prove.

I'm just saying it's very naive to think this has gone like they said.

WB may be in a "no win" situation to you but their also in a "no lose" situation.

They can play both sides of the fence. Not piss off snyder's and the dceu fan base by saying it's still his vision while bringing in a guy like whedon to appease the people that hate snyder and those people can believe this is Whedon's film.

If the film is bad it can be just shrugged off it was all snyder's fault because hey guess what,sole credit and we told people it was his vision and wb and whedon come out clean. It if it's good then snyder fans can say it was because of him and whedon fans can say whedon saved the film and wb comes out clean.

In reality this film is most likely a stitched together product of two different directors with different visions with a studio being reactionary and all the signs are there so far.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Of course none of us have proof. We never will.

There's things you know and things you can prove.

I'm just saying it's very naive to think this has gone like they said.

WB may be in a "no win" situation to you but their also in a "no lose" situation.

They can play both sides of the fence. Not piss off snyder's and the dceu fan base by saying it's still his vision while bringing in a guy like whedon to appease the people that hate snyder and those people can believe this is Whedon's film.

If the film is bad it can be just shrugged off it was all snyder's fault because hey guess what,sole credit and we told people it was his vision and wb and whedon come out clean. It if it's good then snyder fans can say it was because of him and whedon fans can say whedon saved the film and wb comes out clean.

In reality this film is most likely a stitched together product of two different directors with different visions and all the signs are there so far.

You might be right but I’ll refrain from judgement till I see the flick. But even then without knowing all the ins and outs, to me it becomes a fruitless exercise trying to determine who did what and when and how

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
You might be right but I’ll refrain from judgement till I see the flick. But even then without knowing all the ins and outs, to me it becomes a fruitless exercise trying to determine who did what and when and how
Well when the screen flashes from ben looking normal to then having a puffy red face and different hair I think it's pretty obvious. Like kate mara wearing a wig during the fantastic four reshoots obvious. Another film that had major reshoots and changes with another director and only 1 director for sole credit. :francis: we all know Josh tank didn't film that whole thing.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Well when the screen flashes from ben looking normal to then having a puffy red face and different hair I think it's pretty obvious. Like kate mara wearing a wig during the fantastic four reshoots obvious. Another film that had major reshoots and changes with another director and only 1 director for sole credit. :francis: we all know Josh tank didn't film that whole thing.

Breh lol my point is you don’t know that Zack wasn’t going to make those same changes or didn’t talk about it with joss beforehand. That’s the only thing I’m trying to get through to you. And because you don’t know, the whole thing becomes a quixotic exercise

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Breh lol my point is you don’t know that Zack wasn’t going to make those same changes or didn’t talk about it with joss beforehand. That’s the only thing I’m trying to get through to you. And because you don’t know, the whole thing becomes a quixotic exercise
Breh if you think it was Zack's plan to fire junkie xl and bring in Danny Elfman I have a bridge to sell you. That's what I'm trying to get through to you. That no matter what statements are made actions speak louder.

Everybody knows this film was going to be more light hearted and had humour. Every time someone makes a joke or quip I'm not stabbing my hand saying oh my god it was Joss! I know a lot of that was in fact snyder. The quips and shyt were in the first trailer before all of this.

I'm calling a spade a spade. This isn't Whedon's film. But this isn't snyder's film anymore either. This is WB's film. Maybe I'll like it maybe I won't. I bought my tickets for opening night.

I love snyder as a director so yeah when I see changes being made and shyt I don't like I'm going to call it out. I think Elfman has been trash for the last almost 15 years. I think the new music Ive heard is soulless generic garbage. I don't give a shyt about nostalgia so hearing old ass music does nothing for me.

Like I've touched on before,I went to school for this stuff. I know what I am looking at.

I mean there's nothing really more to discuss. You can believe a PR statement if you wish,I won't hold it against you. I'll believe my own eyes. Nothing you or anybody else can say will persuade me to view this differently. I know what I know.

If people have a problem with it they should stop engaging with me about it. Let me say my piece and move on,if anybody doesn't like keep it moving and ignore me.

I've severely toned down my trolling and I rarely if ever quote anybody to start an argument anymore. If somebody wants to come at me bytching and calling me a clown and then hide their hands I'm going to respond in kind.

If somebody didn't act like a bytch about me pointing out an obvious flaw the last page of this thread doesn't exist.

Fact is there is a lot of people on here that are obsessed with everything I say. To the point they copy my posts for months at a time. I can't help I'm more interesting than them.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Breh if you think it was Zack's plan to fire junkie xl and bring in Danny Elfman I have a bridge to sell you. That's what I'm trying to get through to you. That no matter what statements are made actions speak louder.

Everybody knows this film was going to be more light hearted and had humour. Every time someone makes a joke or quip I'm not stabbing my hand saying oh my god it was Joss! I know a lot of that was in fact snyder. The quips and shyt were in the first trailer before all of this.

I'm calling a spade a spade. This isn't Whedon's film. But this isn't snyder's film anymore either. This is WB's film. Maybe I'll like it maybe I won't. I bought my tickets for opening night.

I love snyder as a director so yeah when I see changes being made and shyt I don't like I'm going to call it out. I think Elfman has been trash for the last almost 15 years. I think the new music Ive heard is soulless generic garbage. I don't give a shyt about nostalgia so hearing old ass music does nothing for me.

Like I've touched on before,I went to school for this stuff. I know what I am looking at.

I mean there's nothing really more to discuss. You can believe a PR statement if you wish,I won't hold it against you. I'll believe my own eyes. Nothing you or anybody else can say will persuade me to view this differently. I know what I know.

If people have a problem with it they should stop engaging with me about it. Let me say my piece and move on,if anybody doesn't like keep it moving and ignore me.

I've severely toned down my trolling and I rarely if ever quote anybody to start an argument anymore. If somebody wants to come at me bytching and calling me a clown and then hide their hands I'm going to respond in kind.

If somebody didn't act like a bytch about me pointing out an obvious flaw the last page of this thread doesn't exist.

Fact is there is a lot of people on here that are obsessed with everything I say. To the point they copy my posts for months at a time. I can't help I'm more interesting than them.

Well breh I'm a PR guy I'm always more likely to believe my own people. And yeah the shyt you saw isn't something anyone else who has eyes couldn't see (apologies to anyone who didnt lol) but one thing working in PR is I've learned not to judge every situation until I have all of the facts. Every single one of them. And not to open my mouth until I have said facts. Conjecture, hearsay, guesses, all that shyt doesn't work in my line of work and the ones who try it don't last long. So yeah I get where you're coming from but I also see the other side of it and will always see the other side of it. I don't get in the habit of mind reading, shyt isn't cool.

And I can't speak for anyone who has an issue with you so :hubie: