Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Anyway, back on topic than the usual suspects coming in to complain about DC....

I just read an interview where they are saying that JL will be more "fun" and "poppier"...

Basically it's going to be as goofy as SS from what that means to me

Stop trying to be like Marvel:mindblown:

The irony of that opening statement..... but here we go.

As far as "fun" and "poppier"

I dont see why not and why is that a problem? Also, I dont see how that makes them like Marvel? Cats gotta stop acting like Marvel invented humor and fun in movies.... look.... when we was kids.... we ALL saw every Superman movie and every Batman. The OG Batman can still hold its weight to this day and be considered one of the classic great comic book movies and that movie is full of FUN, Poppy, funny shyt. Not one joke or etc took away from that movie.

Superman is a very lighthearted movie, non of that ever hurt those.... Hell the last few weeks a channel like AMC or something been having marathons of all 4 (which ironically in the last 2 week all the Reeves and the B. Routhe Superman movies all been on tv with mad repeats) I watched them all and still enjoyed them. Thats no lie.... I like legit saw them and stopped what I was doing and watched.

Another ironic thing about niccas with this faux anger over the possibilities of DC going the fun route... yall the same niccas (and dont deny it) that geek heavily to the Fast series, have NO issues about them, and will be seeing XXX in a couple of days from now. Damn near every Tarentino movie is a comedy at its core, but we cool with that eh? (Hateful 8, pretty much straight jokes)

DC just need to be "them" and if they do, fans just need to accept the fact that they are "them" and not copying the competition. I bet most of yall watch the DCCW shows and have no real issues to Felicity, Cisco, The entire Legends team with they constant quips, hell on any given week one can catch an ep of any of them shows and in the 42 mins of air time hear more jokes, quips and humor than ANY of the comp movies in their 2hr nonstop presentation..... but that bothers NO ONE.

JL/JLU had fun, humor, poppy shyt and that series was a fukking INCREDIBLE show.

Comedy wasnt even the thing that hurt Green Lantern, if they would've had a better villain fight niccas probably wouldve said that movie was a top 10-15 movie

Presentation is key, I dont think they are copying anyone and that excuse is no longer applicable.... they just need to be honest with who they are at their core, be them, and have fun with it.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I think its becoming more apparent that they are giving us the Mortal Kombat created Injustice angle that the majority have absolutely NO idea what thats about. And I personally dont have a problem with it because luckily like most of us here I'm in the KNOW.

But I also dont see the big deal and understand why they dont just give the fans what they really want and be more in line with what most of use grew up watching in the 80's and 90's.

If I walked into an office today and talked to say 20 people (men and woman from ages 23-67, in any city or country hick town in the states), all 20 would know who Superman and Batman is. But I'm sure if I was to ask them what they think about Superman killing a warehouse of 100 civilians and killed about 6 members of the Justice League and trynna kill Batman (or any other shyt for that storyline), I'm guessing only like 2 would know what I'm talking about and not look at me like I'm lying or making shyt up... and thats being generous.

Maybe they need to cater more to they core casual base and stop trynna be cute and please (and disappoint) the small percentage of some of the diehards and fanatics. Like this convo now makes me re evaluate the E and understand why they got a guy like Cena in his place (his overpush the last decade) and never fukked with him. Yes maybe a few thousand boo him but in the larger picture there are MILLIONS of fans who love him and spend a LOT of money on him and enjoy the product because of him.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
The irony of that opening statement..... but here we go.

As far as "fun" and "poppier"

I dont see why not and why is that a problem? Also, I dont see how that makes them like Marvel? Cats gotta stop acting like Marvel invented humor and fun in movies.... look.... when we was kids.... we ALL saw every Superman movie and every Batman. The OG Batman can still hold its weight to this day and be considered one of the classic great comic book movies and that movie is full of FUN, Poppy, funny shyt. Not one joke or etc took away from that movie.

Superman is a very lighthearted movie, non of that ever hurt those.... Hell the last few weeks a channel like AMC or something been having marathons of all 4 (which ironically in the last 2 week all the Reeves and the B. Routhe Superman movies all been on tv with mad repeats) I watched them all and still enjoyed them. Thats no lie.... I like legit saw them and stopped what I was doing and watched.

Another ironic thing about niccas with this faux anger over the possibilities of DC going the fun route... yall the same niccas (and dont deny it) that geek heavily to the Fast series, have NO issues about them, and will be seeing XXX in a couple of days from now. Damn near every Tarentino movie is a comedy at its core, but we cool with that eh? (Hateful 8, pretty much straight jokes)

DC just need to be "them" and if they do, fans just need to accept the fact that they are "them" and not copying the competition. I bet most of yall watch the DCCW shows and have no real issues to Felicity, Cisco, The entire Legends team with they constant quips, hell on any given week one can catch an ep of any of them shows and in the 42 mins of air time hear more jokes, quips and humor than ANY of the comp movies in their 2hr nonstop presentation..... but that bothers NO ONE.

JL/JLU had fun, humor, poppy shyt and that series was a fukking INCREDIBLE show.

Comedy wasnt even the thing that hurt Green Lantern, if they would've had a better villain fight niccas probably wouldve said that movie was a top 10-15 movie

Presentation is key, I dont think they are copying anyone and that excuse is no longer applicable.... they just need to be honest with who they are at their core, be them, and have fun with it.
Gonna skim through all of this

First of all, FastbFurious had their own shyt. 7 movies in and some more comical than others but mainly they are known for their serious cars, girls, and action. Popcorn movie and I like the franchise but not in love with it.

I never gave a fukk about XXX and Tarantino isn't even comparable because despite the DARK humor in its movies, none are dumbed down to PG-13

I like what Marvel does and make GOOD, lighthearted action movies and Good, darker humored Netflix shows. Perfect balance and they're really not trying. They're kinda going with the source material. I don't like the villains in the movies usually because they are too soft or goody (Ultron) but Villains like Cottonmouth, Purpleman, Kingpin, etc., are excellent

My thing is, despite JL/JLU and older Batman/Superman being more lighthearted, most of the recent material ISN'T (Flashpoint, War, TDK, TDKR, BatmanBegins, Injustice storyline, etc.).. They are VERY dark and VERY good.

Even the first few Arrow seasons were dark af and thats when people loved it the most. After it started trying to be another CW teen show (Olicity) and catering to women/children, with meh villains, it fell off and EVERYONE agrees.

People love CW Flash because its a spinoff and GOOD, but despite the lighthearted main characters, the show is still very dark and fits with the newer DC. Only show that doesn't fit to me is Supergirl but the team up was dope and LOT is just a good, fun show of b-list fukkups being stupid. Kinda like GOTG and what SS probably could've been with a better villain, more joker, and less cheese. But I blame execs for that shyt too (retakes)

I agree, they just need to keep doing whats been done the past decade or so. It's no secret that these execs are more concerned with copying the Marvel blockbuster formula when they really don't need to. BvS directors cut was good(just long af and not enough action and overdoing the killing... Plus Lex was just terrible), MOS was very good to me, SS was ok, etc., They just need to focus on making a GOOD JL movie, not worrying about how poppy it is or isn't. Stick to the atmospheres and storylines that have been successful lately, everything else will fall into place.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I got you and feel what you're saying.... I gave you a lot you gave me back a lot and those were great discussion points.

But I want to disagree with one thing, "sticking with the late successful thing".

No, I don't agree with that just off the strength of still the masses aren't familiar with that. A few thousands that are up on that unfortunately don't translate over to the BILLIONS that know the characters and love them off the strength of what's familiar.

Look at the complaints that are thrown at DC movies, those seem to be more from the casuals that aren't familiar with the current updates and in turn are rejecting it and getting turned off.

If these were small budgeted indie like movies I'd agree and say fukk it stay the course. But once you go the route of a $250M+ produced movie and then gotta throw another $200M in marketing on top of that. You kinda have to focus on making the billions happy over making a few thousands who approve

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
I got you and feel what you're saying.... I gave you a lot you gave me back a lot and those were great discussion points.

But I want to disagree with one thing, "sticking with the late successful thing".

No, I don't agree with that just off the strength of still the masses aren't familiar with that. A few thousands that are up on that unfortunately don't translate over to the BILLIONS that know the characters and love them off the strength of what's familiar.

Look at the complaints that are thrown at DC movies, those seem to be more from the casuals that aren't familiar with the current updates and in turn are rejecting it and getting turned off.

If these were small budgeted indie like movies I'd agree and say fukk it stay the course. But once you go the route of a $250M+ produced movie and then gotta throw another $200M in marketing on top of that. You kinda have to focus on making the billions happy over making a few thousands who approve

you make good points..


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Gonna skim through all of this

First of all, FastbFurious had their own shyt. 7 movies in and some more comical than others but mainly they are known for their serious cars, girls, and action. Popcorn movie and I like the franchise but not in love with it.

I never gave a fukk about XXX and Tarantino isn't even comparable because despite the DARK humor in its movies, none are dumbed down to PG-13

I like what Marvel does and make GOOD, lighthearted action movies and Good, darker humored Netflix shows. Perfect balance and they're really not trying. They're kinda going with the source material. I don't like the villains in the movies usually because they are too soft or goody (Ultron) but Villains like Cottonmouth, Purpleman, Kingpin, etc., are excellent

My thing is, despite JL/JLU and older Batman/Superman being more lighthearted, most of the recent material ISN'T (Flashpoint, War, TDK, TDKR, BatmanBegins, Injustice storyline, etc.).. They are VERY dark and VERY good.

Even the first few Arrow seasons were dark af and thats when people loved it the most. After it started trying to be another CW teen show (Olicity) and catering to women/children, with meh villains, it fell off and EVERYONE agrees.

People love CW Flash because its a spinoff and GOOD, but despite the lighthearted main characters, the show is still very dark and fits with the newer DC. Only show that doesn't fit to me is Supergirl but the team up was dope and LOT is just a good, fun show of b-list fukkups being stupid. Kinda like GOTG and what SS probably could've been with a better villain, more joker, and less cheese. But I blame execs for that shyt too (retakes)

I agree, they just need to keep doing whats been done the past decade or so. It's no secret that these execs are more concerned with copying the Marvel blockbuster formula when they really don't need to. BvS directors cut was good(just long af and not enough action and overdoing the killing... Plus Lex was just terrible), MOS was very good to me, SS was ok, etc., They just need to focus on making a GOOD JL movie, not worrying about how poppy it is or isn't. Stick to the atmospheres and storylines that have been successful lately, everything else will fall into place.

Unfortunately this all comes down the the critics who don't know anything about CBs so they go off of past CBMs or what's hot now (The MCU). I remember reading a MOS review and the reviewer was heated because Clark didn't get into a phone booth and turn into Superman like the Reeves' movie and that his suit was too dark :what:. Little does she know, Reeves never got into a phone booth and they made joke about it in the movie :francis: It didn't help that the person reviewing was a twenty something broad who's reviews actually count on RT. So you have these type of cats reviewing movies and influencing Social Media to shyt on it. Just pull up BvS on RT and see how many "It's not Marvel" reviews you found, hell they used that movie to prop up CW instead of actually reviewing the movie.


I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
just copy the jl and jlu shows have the animated writers work with the dc nikkas simple. WB are just doin dumb shyt and snyder has hack issues (like i said he shld be fight and visuals only imo). but i'll be there to watch super hyped for WW


Apr 30, 2012
Unfortunately this all comes down the the critics who don't know anything about CBs so they go off of past CBMs or what's hot now (The MCU). I remember reading a MOS review and the reviewer was heated because Clark didn't get into a phone booth and turn into Superman like the Reeves' movie and that his suit was too dark :what:. Little does she know, Reeves never got into a phone booth and they made joke about it in the movie :francis: It didn't help that the person reviewing was a twenty something broad who's reviews actually count on RT. So you have these type of cats reviewing movies and influencing Social Media to shyt on it. Just pull up BvS on RT and see how many "It's not Marvel" reviews you found, hell they used that movie to prop up CW instead of actually reviewing the movie.
Man of Steel Review: Henry Cavill's Action Flick "Never Takes Flight"

Last edited:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Unfortunately this all comes down the the critics who don't know anything about CBs so they go off of past CBMs or what's hot now (The MCU). I remember reading a MOS review and the reviewer was heated because Clark didn't get into a phone booth and turn into Superman like the Reeves' movie and that his suit was too dark :what:. Little does she know, Reeves never got into a phone booth and they made joke about it in the movie :francis: It didn't help that the person reviewing was a twenty something broad who's reviews actually count on RT. So you have these type of cats reviewing movies and influencing Social Media to shyt on it. Just pull up BvS on RT and see how many "It's not Marvel" reviews you found, hell they used that movie to prop up CW instead of actually reviewing the movie.

That kinda goes back to what I was saying before.... DC gotta just cater to Billions that are already familiar with a certain history, structure, and etc.

Maybe go the OG Star Wars route with the first one light (since its an origin) something that tells a great story to (re)introduce us to the character thats fun and has heart.

Then make the 2nd darker, and the 3rd maybe a mixture of both.... possibly the 1st half dark but give the hero a path of redemption and some good come up shyt.

But you cant alienate the people you want to come spend big money from the jump. Yes we love that dark shyt.... but WE are the smaller crowd and if it doesnt financially hit whatever mark for them.... more ways than others... it just makes it more difficult to continue to put out the products or its like they consistently stay in a position of "square one" verse having real progression.

I still felt like they gave up too early on GL, and its crazy to me how that movie with that team dont get a second chance but then we got movies out here that NO ONE asked for that will get sequel after sequel


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
The irony of that opening statement..... but here we go.

As far as "fun" and "poppier"

I dont see why not and why is that a problem? Also, I dont see how that makes them like Marvel? Cats gotta stop acting like Marvel invented humor and fun in movies.... look.... when we was kids.... we ALL saw every Superman movie and every Batman. The OG Batman can still hold its weight to this day and be considered one of the classic great comic book movies and that movie is full of FUN, Poppy, funny shyt. Not one joke or etc took away from that movie.

Superman is a very lighthearted movie, non of that ever hurt those.... Hell the last few weeks a channel like AMC or something been having marathons of all 4 (which ironically in the last 2 week all the Reeves and the B. Routhe Superman movies all been on tv with mad repeats) I watched them all and still enjoyed them. Thats no lie.... I like legit saw them and stopped what I was doing and watched.

Another ironic thing about niccas with this faux anger over the possibilities of DC going the fun route... yall the same niccas (and dont deny it) that geek heavily to the Fast series, have NO issues about them, and will be seeing XXX in a couple of days from now. Damn near every Tarentino movie is a comedy at its core, but we cool with that eh? (Hateful 8, pretty much straight jokes)

DC just need to be "them" and if they do, fans just need to accept the fact that they are "them" and not copying the competition. I bet most of yall watch the DCCW shows and have no real issues to Felicity, Cisco, The entire Legends team with they constant quips, hell on any given week one can catch an ep of any of them shows and in the 42 mins of air time hear more jokes, quips and humor than ANY of the comp movies in their 2hr nonstop presentation..... but that bothers NO ONE.

JL/JLU had fun, humor, poppy shyt and that series was a fukking INCREDIBLE show.

Comedy wasnt even the thing that hurt Green Lantern, if they would've had a better villain fight niccas probably wouldve said that movie was a top 10-15 movie

Presentation is key, I dont think they are copying anyone and that excuse is no longer applicable.... they just need to be honest with who they are at their core, be them, and have fun with it.
my man stay shyttin on these nikkas :banderas:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
:ehh: eh more or less, I enjoyed the action scenes

What stuck out to me was how terrible scene transitions were. I`m not too picky about film details but the pacing and transitioning in this film were so bad that some scenes didnt make any damn sense. I hear the UnCut blu ray solves all of this and should have been the theatrical cut but I had no desire to ever watch that film again.