Official Justice League "Snyder Cut" Thread


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Did the actors get paid again for this movie? :jbhmm:

The scene where Clark’s two fathers are talking is dope.

I thought MMH looked cool. I know some people said he looked weird, but it was dope to me.

I feel like the scene where the flash says dad, I just want you to know no matter what happens your kid was one of them. One of the best of the best was Zack talking about his daughter through the Flash.
I read somewhere that the song choices in many scenes (flash/iris scene, etc) were choices based on his daughter’s favorite songs/artists. I think that hallelujah song was her favorite song at the time of her death.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
My biggest gripe about the Whedon release (there were a lot) was what he did with Superman. It came off as someone who heard the gripes about Supes not being the boy scout and decided he'd do something about it. That's why we got the very forced video a kid took of Superman in the opening scene, and how Superman acted once he joined the fight in the end. I've always said Snyder had a plan to transition Superman to a more recognizable character over time. Whedon had Superman come back from the dead, fight his allies, and then quickly turn into the guy that reminded kids to take their vitamins. It was a completely unearned transformation. Snyder had set the precedent that visits to the fortress of solitude helped him mentally and emotionally. We saw him getting closer to tradition by sacrificing itself at the end of BvS. The scene where he takes the black is in tune with that. He hears both of his fathers' voices lending him advice and direction. Love them, lead them, be their example. When he shows up against Steppenwolf, you see a confident, self assured Superman for the first time. That's earned, as opposed to shoehorned like Whedon's version was. Whedon's version was very much that of someone that felt uncomfortable that Supes looks angry amongst his enemies. Snyder had Supes look confident with a smile, ready to whoop ass, as opposed to smiling to make pussies feel comfortable.


Aug 29, 2013
Wtf is this shyt. It looks like DVD rip quality from a screener

Expect me to watch 4 hours of this shyt? :dahell:
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Aug 29, 2013
:stopitslime:Its 4:3 cause thats how Imax is shot, but other than aspect ratio it looks great
I dont care about the 4:3

I'm talking about the actual quality. It's supposed to be 4K but it looks like 720p


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I see cats are caught up in the moment and are ODing with the hyperbole, but given how dogshyt the theatrical cut of this film was, I can understand why fans of these characters or franchise might be a bit over-the-top.

The negative? Snyder will be Snyder, with his usual quirks; self-indulgent and pretentious as fukk. I mean, what was with the gangly white singing bytches after Batman first met Aquaman? Mater of fact, the music video character intros were cringe throughout. Also, the issue with Superman being so OP that he renders the rest of the League moot is still there. Sure, there are examples of this from the comics, but the best League stores are when Superman is treated as a first among equals rather than being head and shoulders above everyone else.

The positives? This film was so much more cohesive from just a plot standpoint. Character motivations actually make sense for the most part, and the action was very well done. Also, Ray Fisher's beef with WB and Whedon makes much more sense after this. His scenes were much needed, and genuinely touching. This could have been a star-making performance for him. Also, the added stuff with Barry and Authur actually make me care about their characters, too. It wasn't hard to do, but this is much better than the theatrical cut and a pretty pleasant viewing experience once you get past the Snyderisms.

With all of that said, this version of the film wouldn't have been possible without the theatrical cut going down the way that it did. There is absolutely no way Warner would have let Snyder run with this 4 hour film in theaters coming off of the heels of the lackluster Batman V. Superman. Things kinda had to play out as they did for us to get this.
Fanboys need to let Snyder go out on a high note.

Took him three and a half(watchmen) to make a decent superhero movie.
Jul 26, 2012
As a #marvelset representative I will give my unbiased review as I actually watched the whole thing (I used the fast forward button numerous times tho)

1. This was better than the first (I didnt watch the first one, only clips)

2. Snyder did the best he could given what he had to work with. He knew coming into this, there was no way they could duplicate the MCU, and he even admitted that much. But it worked.

3. It should've been dark for the entire movie. No jokes needed.

4. This wasn't 4 hours. It could've been easily cut down to 2 hours, 30 minutes. The last 30 minutes was after the movie was over and they felt the need to add after credit scenes

5. Superman was too OP.

6. The amazonians were useless.

7. I would've rather watched a Darksied solo movie.

8. You could tell, they paid more for better CG.

9. At times Stepenwolf sounded like Kylo Ren (mask on).

10. The use of slow mo probably added an additional 10 to 15 minutes to the run time.

11. DC has sucked at world building.

12. Becasue the crammed so much into one movie, exposition added another 10 minutes or so to the run time. But the exposition was needed, since 3 of the superheros didnt get a backstory.

13. The best scene was the OG battle with Darkseid, but the fact that he lost so easily cheapens it.

At the end of the day, WB should've just let this movie drop the first time. DC fanboys wouldve jerked off and came harder, and this probably would've made more money.

But BvS was soo bad tho :scusthov:

Snyder shouldve been allowed to have say in all of these DCEU films, if nothing than to have artistic continuity. They weren't going for volume like the MCU so why not let him control all of it.

side note, the whole Martian Manhunter play was a bunch of bullshyt :mjpls: and it looked like it was something they added just for this.

So there you have it. An honest critique. Infinity War was better and you cant compare this to End Game.

Unbiased? :mjlol: