I had a really small issue with that too...
I mean like really small... but I understand why they did this kinda...
Most ppl aren't avid film watchers... especially superhero movie watchers... imo...
For those who watch character studys, psych thrillers... we kinda already knew what was up early on with Zazie's placement in the movie... and we're already keen to the tell tale signs.
The flashbacks was done for the other movie go-ers to be like"wowww, dammm"
To the others who knew, it was like"overkill "
Great movie tho
Mrs and I said the same thing. It was too bait. Even if they just did one flash back, but they did 4 scenes like “OK bruh”
What’d be a good title for a sequel? This doesn’t seem like the type of movie that should have ‘2’ tacked onto it.
Act 2/Encore
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