Apply logic to a movie about sky scraper size monsters fighting brehsThe movie was dope for what it was.......
But as a science buff/nerd, a lot of the science was awful and they didn’t even try to explain it.
One of the biggestaspects that nobody will catch is how advances in technology grew exponentially from 2014 to 2021
you would think aliens came from another galaxy to assist earth.
the whole hollow earth setup was just plainscrew tectonic plates, never mind Godzilla being able to punch a hold to the core of the earth, never mind if the earth is that hollow, it would affect gravity on the surface and earths magnetic field.
The would’ve been better off writing there being worm hole or portal to a parallel universe or galaxy. Ghidora took the long way to get to earth and discovered enemies from their home planet. Something, anything would’ve been better than the goobley goop, they wrote.
let that nikka Zilla scream in his face like a hoeThis was a really fun movie
Kong got washed. Thats what happens when you fight bums your whole career
Mecha G did my mans dirty how he was dragging em through the buildings![]()
Not until Godzilla charged the axe up on some stormbreaker shyt![]()
@Owen Reece clown. You should be banned. Take your dikkriding ass somewhere else
The movie was dope for what it was.......
But as a science buff/nerd, a lot of the science was awful and they didn’t even try to explain it.
One of the biggestaspects that nobody will catch is how advances in technology grew exponentially from 2014 to 2021
you would think aliens came from another galaxy to assist earth.
the whole hollow earth setup was just plainscrew tectonic plates, never mind Godzilla being able to punch a hold to the core of the earth, never mind if the earth is that hollow, it would affect gravity on the surface and earths magnetic field.
The would’ve been better off writing there being worm hole or portal to a parallel universe or galaxy. Ghidora took the long way to get to earth and discovered enemies from their home planet. Something, anything would’ve been better than the goobley goop, they wrote.
Popped that shoulder on some Lethal Weapon shytKong was badass in this. It was clearly his movie. When he popped his shoulder ready to save Godzilla![]()
The dome they had Kong in kept Godzilla from sensing him. The woman said it right before she said Godzilla would be on they ass soon as they left the island.Movie was cool... I think KOTM was better
the problem with this movie is the lack of explanation to things unless I missed it. These studios need to stop making these directors trim plot elements out of the film.
last we saw Kong, he was younger and beasting on Skull Island. Would’ve been nice to see how he ended up in the humans’ hands. I know they said somethin bout some storm but I’m like come on bruh.. what did y’all do to neutralize this nicca to get him to fake Skull Island? Matter fact, what did y’all do to neutralize him to put him in chains to transport him? Humans had an answer for Kong but only Apex had an answer for Zilla
and maybe I missed this too but why did Zilla track Kong down in the first place? He been MIA for 3 years, why he ain’t track him down after he gave Ghidorah the beats by Dre
hollow earth needed further explanation too. The Zilla/Kong fights were straight. Mechagodzilla felt rushed
I don’t think they need to make anymore Monsterverse movies unless they can figure out a plot to have Kong in NYC somehow. I don’t see anything else you can do with Godzilla
Kong was badass in this. It was clearly his movie. When he popped his shoulder ready to save Godzilla![]()
I hated the fact that the humans were the ones to disable the Mechagodzilla so that Kong and Godzilla could get the upper hand. Should've left the humans outta the fight instead of making them the heroes all the time. Let the monsters fight
Plus the girl from Stranger Things is a horrible actress![]()