Bruh do the characters know they are going to defeat the night king? They all think it's the end of the world. I thought Jons speech was about togetherness. I could be wrong but I think characters mindsets are different hell Dany wanted a truce after the war.. She asked Cersei is the truce only extended to the KOTN. She doesn't want to fight any more. All her people came over to Westeros to fight for her to reclaim the throne. Now she asks them to fight the NK and then asks them to fight Cersei. That's too much blood spillage.Rewatching the finale, getting everybody together at the Dragon pit made for great television, I still don't think it made sense to the story. They weren't even asking for her help, they were asking Cersei to pull her armies back so they could focus on the Great War because if she didn't, Cersei could "reclaim" parts of the country. So what? If Cersei reclaims those lands Dany can just take them back after they defeat the Night King.
Furthermore, why was Sansa even invited to this meeting. Jon's the King in the North, and he was set to be there. What's the point in inviting the person he left to rule in his absence? To the story, there's no point, seems it was only added to get Brienne there to interact with Jamie for the audience's benefit.
The Hound going back makes no sense either. The Hound wasn't on anyone's mind when they devised the plan to capture a wight because he was locked in a cell unbeknownst to Jon, Tyrion and them. They didn't lose anyone from the Dragonstone crew on the expedition, so who were they expecting to transport the wight back originally? Plus, when you add to that the fact that the Hound is a deserter fugitive with a price on his head who has repeatedly stated how much he hates King's Landing and never wants to go back it truly makes no sense that he'd be the one the one to transport the wight. Seems it was done purely to give us a Hound v Mountain encounter.
Cersei out here trolling come to the place where ya pops got his head chopped off. Get to Sansa and weaken her.
Hound ain't from Nawf and there aren't any chickens with the wight in the box all prices on his head doesn't matter.
Nah they just wanted a scene to talk about A girl.
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