
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The writers were terrible. They have no idea how to write Baelish so they sink to to an easy out. "He was a coward and it finally caught up to him." This is fan service. Notice how no one "good" has really lost all season. The only impartial death of note was the Dragon and only to create a zombie.

To have the man who basically started the show go out like this is terrible. I don't mind that he died or was exposed but the way that they did it was not in his character. He's far more intelligent than to be outsmarted in that way, and even if exposed his argument here seems sub par. He's not a coward, he faced death before and simply chose an alternative way to fight. Risk was his road in life. He deserved to see it to the end, to have the throne in his grasp and perhaps just lose it. Not like this...
They never addressed how Sansa made her "realization" either


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
It was only a small contingent of them, and any competent King would have already taken them out long before heading to Winterfell. If he were smart, Jon would have died at the Battle of the b*stards, and Littlefinger would just kill Ramsey Bolton bringing Winterfell under his rule. Sansaa would have been relegated to a Lady with no damn power. Sort of like the Queen of England.
He would still need Sansa like the Boltons , doubt the Northern houses would have accept LF over Sansa. She would just as likely claimed the victory just as she did to Arya. LF would still need her because his plan always relied on getting attached to one of the royal houses. He felt he was on the outside with Sansa and tried to worm his way back in which is why he hatched that plot but Sansa had already had her mind made up about him due to the Ramsey stuff and he just didn't know it.


pimp of the year
Oct 9, 2012
Maybe to highlight how unlikely/ironic it is for him to be the hero/savior...think about the heroes of mythos....how many of them are small?

And Gentry was born in the Riverlands so his name is Waters.

The North - Snow
The Vale - Stone
The Riverlands - Rivers
The Westerlands - Hill
The Crownlands - Waters (where Gendry is from)
The Stormlands - Storm
The Reach - Flowers
Dorne - Sand
The Iron Islands - Pyke


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
He would still need Sansa like the Boltons , doubt the Northern houses would have accept LF over Sansa. She would just as likely claimed the victory just as she did to Arya. LF would still need her because his plan always relied on getting attached to one of the royal houses. He felt he was on the outside with Sansa and tried to worm his way back in which is why he hatched that plot but Sansa had already had her mind made up about him due to the Ramsey stuff and he just didn't know it.

Relegate her to a lesser position of power via keeping her imprisoned for her own "protection"; securing his throne by taking out the evil Ramsay Bolton, thereby giving the impression to the people that without Little-Finger and his rule, the people of Winterfell will succumb to another despot like Ramsay. Allow them to retain their customs to some degree whilst instituting new laws. Such forms of taking over kingdoms was done by the Spartans. Promote willing households to better positions of power by giving them lands, and the homes of those that 'grumble' at the new king.

The houses shown themselves to be weak, and with the Vale, LF could easily take them out and annex them. They would have little to say and wouldn't even get a seat at the table because their lots would be divided amongst the new Oligarchy which would undoubtedly want to retain its newfound power.

He didn't even need Sansaa and she couldn't take credit because she would be placed somewhere else and would be trotted out from time-to-time.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
It's in Cersei's contract that Bronn can't be in the same scene/room together. They were in a relationship and it ended badly. :gucci:

Sounds like a restraining order.

What the hell happened?



Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Nowhere in the books have I ever read that it was Robert first claiming Lyanna was kidnapped and raped. Can you post the proof of that from GRRM?

Plus Robert wasn't even around Brandon during this time. He was in the Vale and Brandon was in the Riverlands. I don't recall ever reading that Brandon heard about it from Robert.

Rickard did not go to Kings Landing for Lyanna. He went because Aerys imprisoned Brandon for Treason a long other noble sons including Jon Arryn's heir. Why didn't Robert go if he's the one saying that's what happened?

From what I remembered it was just common belief considering the circumstances behind it.

No one ever said Lyanna sent a raven. I think you're giving her and Rhaegar too much credit. They acted selfishly and their actions is what led to the events that eventually caused the rebellion, not Robert.

And it's so funny that Lyanna had an issue marrying Robert because he was a cheater but had no problem running off with a man that had a wife and 2 children :mjlol:

Rhaegar and Robert weren't the same. Rhaegar MARRIED Elia and Lyanna. Robert had 16 b*stard kids with who knows how many women. That's like comparing a divorced guy with a nikka with 20 kids.

You're right....partially. Brandon was in the Riverlands getting ready to marry Cat...I think. Ned and Robert were chilling in the Vale with Jon Arryn. So, Brandon did come to that conclusion first. But still, after that, after Brandon was dead and the war was on, Robert was the main one perpetuating the belief that Rhaegar stole his chick and was raping her to galvanize his army eventhough it was common sense throughout the realm that Rhaegar was a GOOD DUDE....he was beloved by the people like Margery was.....it's completely out of character for him to be raping some chick. Plus, Ned/Brandon/Benjen would have all known that Lyanna didn't want to marry Robert and was being forced into it, so the fact that no one ever pulled dude aside or at least talked among each other and questioned whether or not Lyanna had run away on purpose is kinda hard to believe :patrice:

And yes, the war was over Lyanna....ultimately. RR is the Iliad. Lyanna is Helen of Troy. Rhaegar is Paris/Hector. Robert is Menelaus/Achilles. For Robert, it's about "his lost love" :skip:. For the other lords, it's about putting the Targs off the throne, much like how the Greek generals used TTW for an excuse to raid Troy, something they been wanted to do. But ultimately...it started over Lyanna. Robert fighting because he foolishly believed Rhaegar stole his wife (his hatred for Rhaegar being compounded by the fact that Rhaegar disrespected him openly at Harrenhall + his parents dying to find Rhaegar a wife) and Ned fighting because his sister was missing and was last seen with the Prince, because the Mad King killed his family members, and because now the Mad King forced him into a position where he either has to fight back or get his head chopped off. Lyanna was the catalyst that set all events in motion.

I don't think Lyanna and Rhaegar were selfish. For one, without Rhaegar and Lyanna, there's no Jon. No Jon means Westeros gets destroyed when the Night King comes. He was thinking 20 years down the line. He was just in a fukked up position because he had a psycho for a father and the girl that he knew he was supposed to marry/have a child with put him in the IMMEDIATE crossfire of the very people whose support he needed. Look at it from his perspective. Technically, Rhaegar was plotting treason. He's the Prince. Not the King. He has to move extra carefully to get Aerys off the throne without getting his head lopped off or sent to the Wall. The people who are loyal to the Targs, are supposed to be pledged to Aerys, even if they don't like him. Not Rhaegar. I'm sure most of the Kingsguard wouldn't have been down with Rhaegar dethroning Aerys, as that would go completely against their oath. So, he had to try to parlay with Rickard/Jon Arryn/Hoster Tully/Robert but, oops....he meets Lyanna and sees that she's the Ice he's been searching for :patrice: He knew the WW's were ultimately the bigger threat, and if she gets married to Robert it would be too late, so he took Lyanna knowing it would fukk everything up in the present so Jon could be born for the war in the future. Dude's a real nikka tbh :yeshrug: He was thinking about the long term while Robert and the rest of realm was thinking about small little nikka shyt :manny: Plus, he thought he had time to work everything out. He didn't think Brandon was going to race to KL and threaten the King (crazy), and he didn't think his father had mentally deteriorated so much that he would burn one of the most powerful lords alive. He thought he had time to work everything out but, it didn't go that way :yeshrug:
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The bubble was fraudulent
May 3, 2013
Littlefinger has never fared well against dudes named Brandon Stark. Soon as Bran landed in Winterfell it was over for this nikka. His demise was poetic.

:blessed:Season starts with a legendary Stark victory, season ends with a legendary Stark victory. We coming for that Throne in season 8.