- book readers, can yall explain why rhaegar had to name his son aegon? what's the significance of this name
Rhaegar was all caught up in the prophecy of "The Prince That Was Promised". the story was that he was basically a nerdy bookworm, but one day he read
something and decided he needed to be a warrior. at one point it was thought that he was said prince. then one of his children. the quote "the dragon has three heads" came up a lot, and he thought he needed three children. after Elia had their second child, the maesters told Elia she couldn't have any more children. but Rhaegar still thought he needed that third child to fulfill the prophesy
I'm not sure how exactly this ties into him naming two of his kids "Aegon" though. maybe he thought that was the name for the PTWP, but he miscalculated with the first Aegon
-anyone know what hound was alluding to by telling mountain he know what'ts coming to him? is there some prophecy about them/this?
I assume it means Cleganebowl. The Hound always been salty about his brother burning him. he was always on that "fukk a knight"/"I'm no 'ser'" shyt, and I think a lot of that had to do with his brother