R.E.N. Spells Ren
Don't take this the wrong way but I don't know who you're talking to. Or talked to....which is why I gave the other short answer. I never said anything about bending the knee prior to that one post....it seemed blatantly obvious it was a pissing match/foreplay between Jon and Dany. And fans ate it up, as such. If cats were in here writing dissertations on why the Northern lords would react like whatever....I don't know nothing about that.
Yes, I am responding to the responses I got to this posts....
Set wars aside, why should we care if Jon bends the knee? He has no interests in the Iron Throne (well his only bit of interest would be wanting to see Cersei off of it), and is focused on the Night King. The Starks bent the knee to Aegon without bloodshed likely in part because they knew they had bigger issues to worry about North of the wall. He's knelt before Mance, he's knelt before Stannis, who cares if he kneels before Dany? Especially if that helps convince her to shift strategies away from King's Landing and towards what's happening on the wall.
It should also be noted that it was Melissandre who convinced Stannis to take his eyes of King's Landing and head north from Dragonstone, and she's lamped up in Dragonstone at the moment.
Most of #StarkSet was vehemently against Jon bending the knee at all. Now most seem to be ignoring he actually bent it