
Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
people were tepid about the 13 episode announcement tho, but up until then, had no reason to mistrust the D&D process. many folks didn't expect a writing dropoff and skipping of major plot points to happen - no, i'm not talking about adding 3 episodes of traveling to the wall, i'm talking about critical conversations, or even a clever line or two to cover some of gaps/plot holes or assuage the speed of travel discrepancies.

on the past, the show showed that they thought about things in great detail prior to execution, they could still do that and keep the pace and action of this season, but they didn't. @Tasha And just gave a great example of this

I don't need everything explained to me towards the end, especially not with how fickle people on here are, perfect example is the people complaining about the time spent on Sam when he was clearly furthering the story, but it was said over and over again that it was filler.

The real question is, what needs to be added to prevent people from complaining about it, and it would have all been filler. Did we really need a subtitle that said "3 days later" and have Jon say they were low on food, but then people would be saying it's illogical for the Night King to wait 3 days later to attack. There's too much logic being applied to something designed to entertain and be high drama, dudes really out here breaking down how fast a Raven can fly, word?


Jun 1, 2012

Not trying to derail the thread but fukk Capcom. These bums released the same game 3 times (PS3, 360 then PC, then PS4) instead of a sequel. If there is interest across three platforms and two gens then obviously fans will support a sequel.

Anyway, back to "GOT"....the undead dragon at the end of the ep reminded me of when the undead dragon would appear in Bitterblack Isle.

:dead: never thought I'd find Capcom hate in a GOT thread:dead::dead::dead:

You right tho fukk Capcom:dead: I'm STILL mad about Street Fighter 5


Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
You can not give a fukk, that's fine, just stop acting like we're being unfairly critical of the show when we're 7 seasons in and didn't have these criticisms of previous seasons. There's nothing illogical about us criticizing the show even with the magical elements.
:beli: Ok...

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I don't need everything explained to me towards the end, especially not with how fickle people on here are, perfect example is the people complaining about the time spent on Sam when he was clearly furthering the story, but it was said over and over again that it was filler.

The real question is, what needs to be added to prevent people from complaining about it, and it would have all been filler. Did we really need a subtitle that said "3 days later" and have Jon say they were low on food, but then people would be saying it's illogical for the Night King to wait 3 days later to attack. There's too much logic being applied to something designed to entertain and be high drama, dudes really out here breaking down how fast a Raven can fly, word?
The show itself broke this down in the earlier seasons.

But now we're supposed to ignore it?


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
The show itself broke this down in the earlier seasons.

But now we're supposed to ignore it?

So, hypothetically what if at the start of the next episode they say "Thank the old gods we had those racer Ravens to send to Dragonstone" then what? Or "Thank the heavens for those southern wind gusts that made the ravens fly faster" They could literally just say some foolish shyt and ADR a scene with some dialogue that wasn't originally there and you'd just have to accept it :mjlol:

Personally, I suspended my disbelief in season 1, I don't need them to say it was 3 days later or maybe the ravens flew a bit faster for a show with zombies and shyt to make logical sense.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
The average writer can pump out at least 4 pages a day or 1,000 words. Some professional authors can write 20 pages a day. Stephen King used to blaze through books. This is how your favorite author can release a book every year. But, let's keep it at 4 pages. 4 pages over a year is 1,460 pages of material. That's a little bit larger than the size of a typical ASOIAF book. Then, let's give him a second year to completely rewrite it and fix all the flaws in the story. Then, let's give him a third year to have it professionally edited for commercial release. Also, let's give him a buffer year to relax/travel/plan out the story. I'm being real conservative with all of this. Going by this, we should've had Winds of Winter by 2014 or 2015 and A Dream of Spring by 2017 or 2018.

Dude has taken longer and longer and longer to release each book.

1996 - Game of Thrones
1998 - A Clash of Kings
2000 - A Storm of Swords
2005 - A Feast for Crows
2011 - A Dance With Dragons
2017, it's almost 2018 now - ?????

He went from dropping these joints every two years to taking 6-7 years.

So either, the first couple of books must have been written BEFOREHAND in the same way Tolkien had wrote the entire LOTR trilogy or GRRM has lost motivation to finish the story overtime because his output nosedived. I wouldn't be surprised if the new book is still unfinished :mjgrin: I really think he wrote himself into a corner and he realizes he can't finish the story in 2 books. With all the storylines he has (Aegon, Arianne, Dany, Jon Snow, Tyrion, Margery, Bran, Sweetrobin & Sansa, Theon, Yara & the Ironborn) up in the air, he realizes he needs to write 3-4 more books instead.
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Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
So, hypothetically what if at the start of the next episode they say "Thank the old gods we had those racer Ravens to send to Dragonstone" then what? Or "Thank the heavens for those southern wind gusts that made the ravens fly faster" They could literally just say some foolish shyt and ADR a scene with some dialogue that wasn't originally there and you'd just have to accept it :mjlol:

Personally, I suspended my disbelief in season 1, I don't need them to say it was 3 days later or maybe the ravens flew a bit faster for a show with zombies and shyt to make logical sense.
You're free to think whatever you want makes sense. If the Lannister army shows up in Winterfell in a single day, feel free to say "who cares, this is a world with dragons". I just don't get the need to tell other people that aren't buying it that they are watching it wrong, especially when the show used to pride itself on the world building and attention to detail.

The first few seasons couldn't rely on spectable, there were no ice zombies fighting dragons. So it was "invest in our world, invest in our world, invest in the details, the plotting, invest in it, it's worth it" and people became fans. But now that they have spectable to sell, they are telling people those same details that hooked them, don't matter anymore because wow look at that dragon.

Some people aren't buying that. It's cool if you are.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
You're free to think whatever you makes sense. I just don't get the need to tell other people that aren't buying it that they are watching it wrong, especially when the show used to pride itself on the world building and attention to detail.

The first few seasons couldn't rely on spectable, there were no ice zombies fighting dragons. So it was "invest in our world, invest in our world, invest in the details, the plotting, invest in it, it's worth it" and people became fans. But now that they have spectable to sell, they are telling people those same details that hooked them, don't matter anymore because wow look at that dragon.

Some people aren't buying that. It's cool if you are.

The first few seasons couldn't rely on spectacle because of budget constraints, not because they were trying to bring things along slowly and build the world, there was no telling whether the show would be popular or not. They could have done Roberts Rebellion first if they wanted to build the world, because this part of the story always led to the place where they'd be fighting zombies with Dragons. Had they known this would be a hit I guarantee they wouldn't have started here, they would have started with the Rebellion with hints of the world being magical because in the end it's about making money and doing it that way would have set them up for a continuous show arch for the next 15 years.

As I said earlier, most of the fans of the show aren't checking flight routes for ravens or how long it takes ice to freeze or how far Dragonstone is to Eastwatch :yeshrug: The episode is getting universal love in the real world.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
I don't need everything explained to me towards the end, especially not with how fickle people on here are, perfect example is the people complaining about the time spent on Sam when he was clearly furthering the story, but it was said over and over again that it was filler.

The real question is, what needs to be added to prevent people from complaining about it, and it would have all been filler. Did we really need a subtitle that said "3 days later" and have Jon say they were low on food, but then people would be saying it's illogical for the Night King to wait 3 days later to attack. There's too much logic being applied to something designed to entertain and be high drama, dudes really out here breaking down how fast a Raven can fly, word?
been addressed this, the same types to complain about him are the ones soaking up this season, many of them never cared about the nuance of the show. while those of us who enjoy him (and other side stories and revelations) are the types to call out the show for forgetting to maintain those qualities.

i'm done with this whole convo, got burnt out on it in the leak thread. i'll just end with what most people who have been critical think - d&d should've just done full seasons - the only reason they're not is so they can get to the next project. the stuff they're leaving out isn't the budget breaking, time intensive cgi, battles, or special efx, it's a few more pages of script and a couple more hours shooting on a set that already exists.
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