yal keep stating this as if outside of "magic and dragons" the show hasn't been bound by realism, there are no wormholes to teleport or warp speed horses/ravens. you don't get ravens to people in secret when you don't know if your connect is even alive. you don't survive without food water and shelter and stay 100%....get out of here with this cop out.
Yeah and you can basically see in the behind the scenes stuff that they are writing the set pieces first, instead of writing the plot first.
They were like "wouldn't it be cool if all of these people were stuck on an ice island and Dany had to save them and that's how the Nights King got a dragon?" and with that, they forced the pieces together to make that happen. That's why almost every character decision doesn't make much sense. They don't care about following their own rules or thinking out their plots, they only care about the "wow" moments.
I've usually defended the writers from the people saying "they don't care" but I feel comfortable saying they don't care now because of one of the tweets Bryan Cogman said to Joanna Robinson.
She asked him on twitter why didn't anyone from the NW send a raven to Winterfell to let them know that Bran had arrived, especially since Edd is close to Jon and would not want to just let the boy go off by himself again.
And Bryan Cogman, one of the writers of GoT, responded with "oh because that sounds so dramatic" or something like that. I can't post the tweet because he's since deleted his twitter.
He basically admitted that they didn't care to be logical about their world because it wasn't dramatic enough. Even though ravens used to deliver dramatic news all of the time in GoT, and funnily enough, this last episode featured a raven delivering dramatic news.
So yeah, it's about hitting the "dramatic" moments and everything inbetween is just not well-thought out bullshyt to get them there.
If the writers themselves are admitting they don't care then I'm done defending or trying to come up with theories and explanations when the answer is just stop thinking about it.