Kunty McPhuck

Scust Szn has Returned
Apr 30, 2012
Books and Pencils
i will agree that this show suffers without the books. george had everything so fleshed out, no room for inconsistencies. which also begs to question why they just didnt do 10 episodes these last 2 seasons.

blind wave brought up a good point in that randal tarly was so against dany being queen that he was willing to let his son die alongside him, but its been stated that he fought the hardest for the targaryens in roberts rebellion. stannis stating that he ws the only one to defeat roberts forces.

why is he so agaisnt serving dany as queen when he was one of the most loyal to her father. he only bent the knee after robert won the war. far too many inconsitencies when compared to seasons 1-4. still a great show in comparison to others tho.

Probably felt serving 3 different houses/leader in a short space of time was enough, they even bought up his loyalties. As soon as he saw the dragon, he was like fukk it, I'm too old for this shyt. He kneel down once to Robert, which didn't sit well with him and then years later switching sides to the Lannisters after being loyal to the Tyrells for so long was conflicting, now he was no longer in charge he was taking orders from Jaime which you can see he wasn't happy with and now Dany and her Dragons.
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#LongLive24 #TMC America's Team, Lakeshow, & ASU
May 1, 2012
The Valley Of The Sun 602🌵480🌵623🌵520
I loved this episode as much as any other this season, and I usually defend it anytime someone bytches about the speed of this season, but this time it's justified, pace was ridiculous this week, I'm not necessarily talking about the place warping either, even tho we saw Tyrion travel from Dragonstone to Kings Landing, Sneak though (off screen) meet and convince Bronn (off screen), Meet Jaime, Convince him of The White Walkers (off screen) then return to Dragonstone all within 20 minutes. I mean..all of these in one episode...

Davos seeing Gendry again
Gendry meeting Jon Snow
Jorah reuniting with Dani
Tyrion Reuniting with Bronn
Jon Snow meeting Jorah
Jorah reuniting with Tyrion
Tyrion reuniting with Jaime
Jon finding out Arya & Bran are still alive
Meeting up with The Hound & Co..

10 episodes again would have been perfect, some of these reunions have been anticipated for a long time now and they got breezed through in a couple minutes each. the season would feel alot more fleshed out with a lot more depth if they just stretched it out for 3 more episodes with some important bits inbetween. Actually show the battle at high garden, Have Jon return to WInterfell to reunite with Arya/Bran before going on that dangerous mission, show Tyrion sneaking through Kings landing or Beric and the Hound Arriving at the wall. shyt there was enough content and plot advancement in this episode alone for it to be 2 episodes and still be good.

Sorry for the juelz gif post y'all, just my opinion.
With all that said next episode looks like it'll be fukking amazing.
I gotta agree...Its one thing to have Davos travel from Dragonstone...to Kingslanding...then back to Dragonstone... then to Eastwatch...And though it would be nice to get some dialogue in a boat with Tyrion, Davos and Gendry...I don't need to see it...what I have a problem with is can we have something that puts time in perspective...let us know how much time is passing...I'm assuming months...and I'm expected to believe the Sullied Unsullied Greyworm is still in Casterly Rock just chilling...enjoying the ocean and shyt. Drogon done flew over half of Westeros...he couldn't do a driveby to the Rock and make sure that their plan is being carried out and that everybodies cool? Then they force us to give a fukk about the bullshyt beef with the Greyjoys...what the fukk is Euron doing...he still blowing up ships...he torturing Yara...is he da pappy to Cersei's baybay...i don't need to see these fools travel...I just want some perspective...a timeline or something. nikkas ain't even pack up no snacks for their travels...or mention that Gendry been to Dragonstone a long time ago...ain't grown no beards or nothing...That shyt don't dip into the production funds. None of them Dothraki muthafukkas even recognized Jorah...nikka what!? There better not be another episode like that. I can excuse the bs when we get a great episode like Loot Train...but that was unadulterated hollywood rubbish.
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Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
On my long ass commute home, I was thinking what if her and Dany teamed up and killed Jon after the WW war (I know - doesn't make a lick of sense) but with the way they're drawing out Jon (and others) learning about his origins on the show, I feel like it's going to cause a lot of political drama even tho Jon is the type to be like "ah well, I ain't trying to be king anyway".
It does make some sense if his bloodline is revealed.He becomes the biggest threat to the thing both Cersei and Dany wants.The Throne.But I see that as a bigger issue for Dany than Cersei.


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
Why is this season only 7 episodes anyway?

Have a feeling that flop Vinyl had something to do with it :francis:


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
Until last Friday, I hadn't watched an episode since Oberyn got his head crushed. Caught up completely yesterday.

First off, so far, this has been the best season. shyt is very well put together.

Secondly, Battle of The b*stards>>>>>Blackwater. I legit thought Blackwater was the best episode ever until Jon got busy.
May 7, 2012
A note from "sansa" saying that their dad tried to betray Joffrey, and steal his throne and that they needed to bend the knee and pledge allegiance him.

Not sure if it was BS or if that was something that Joffrey/Cersei made her write.

I'm way behind on this thread, so sorry if this has been discussed over and over already. Cersei did make Sansa write a letter to Robb in season one. Robb, well really Cat knew immediately it was Cersei's words...Arya's not that savvy to know this tho. It makes sense for it to be that note, given how worn out that scroll looked. Plus since the knew Maester confirmed it was the only copy in Winterfell, it suggests that it's not a Littlefinger forgery. My only thing is that Robb and Cat read that letter at camp, not at Winterfell...but I guess Maester Luwin, who was at Winterfell, would've sent a copy to the camp.

Damnit, Arya put Littlefinger in a body bag! Don't hurt Sansa! :damn:


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
I'm way behind on this thread, so sorry if this has been discussed over and over already. Cersei did make Sansa write a letter to Robb in season one. Robb, well really Cat knew immediately it was Cersei's words...Arya's not that savvy to know this tho. It makes sense for it to be that note, given how worn out that scroll looked. Plus since the knew Maester confirmed it was the only copy in Winterfell, it suggests that it's not a Littlefinger forgery. My only thing is that Robb and Cat read that letter at camp, not at Winterfell...but I guess Maester Luwin, who was at Winterfell, would've sent a copy to the camp.

Damnit, Arya put Littlefinger in a body bag! Don't hurt Sansa! :damn:
Man it seems like Littlefinger put a fake note to make Arya think Sansa ordered the Bran assasination. I just have a hard time Littlefinger is outsleuthing Arya, come on.


Oct 14, 2012
I gotta agree...Its one thing to have Davos travel from Dragonstone...to Kingslanding...then back to Dragonstone... then to Eastwatch...And though it would be nice to get some dialogue in a boat with Tyrion, Davos and Gendry...I don't need to see it...what I have a problem with is can we have something that puts time in perspective...let us know how much time is passing...I'm assuming months...and I'm expected to believe the Sullied Unsullied Greyworm is still in Casterly Rock just chilling...enjoying the ocean and shyt. Drogon done flew over half of Westeros...he couldn't do a driveby to the Rock and make sure that their plan is being carried out and that everybodies cool? Then they force us to give a fukk about the bullshyt beef with the Greyjoys...what the fukk is Euron doing...he still blowing up ships...he torturing Yara...is he da pappy to Cersei's baybay...i don't need to see these fools travel...I just want some perspective...a timeline or something. nikkas ain't even pack up no snacks for their travels...or mention that Gendry been to Dragonstone a long time ago...ain't grown no beards or nothing...That shyt don't dip into the production funds. None of them Dothraki muthafukkas even recognized Jorah...nikka what!? There better not be another episode like that. I can excuse the bs when we get a great episode like Loot Train...but that was unadulterated hollywood rubbish.
Damn I completely forgot about the Greyjoys in my post too. For sure could of had 10 eps this season, although I can kinda see it if it's down to budget, I'm 90% season 8 of this show is going to be the most expensive season of tv ever. Especially if they really are gonna all be as long as a lot of movies.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
Man it seems like Littlefinger put a fake note to make Arya think Sansa ordered the Bran assasination. I just have a hard time Littlefinger is outsleuthing Arya, come on.

That's his game. Plot and scheme with no one in mind but himself. Everyone on the show does what they do becuz they believe in something else besides themselves. Baelish is the only person who's doing shyt for himself mostly.

Jon and Arya and of course Bran can see that he's full of shyt. Even Sansa knows that he's full of shyt, but she doesn't trust anyone anymore and somehow she always migrates to Baelish.

That's something that has to be explained especially after he set her up with Ramsey. Why does she always find council in Baelish even tho she knows he's full of shyt?


May 1, 2012
Is it just me or is this season whack because things are progressing too quickly. George Martin needed to finish that book before this season came out.

I thought it was just me. This is the first time I watched GoT high tho. But during a large portion of it I was like :dahell: it's obvious that the first few seasons relied heavily on GRRM dialog. Some of the stuff that was said this episode seemed kinda cheesy and some of the plotlines seemed very jumbled.

This is still a goat show but this episode wasn't the same level of quality we're used to.​
The thing about it is when they Benioff & Weiss started this, they were counting on the books being done or at least nearly done. Martin gave them an outline and told them how the story ends. They've gone from doing an adaptation to do basically doing fan fiction now. Add in the fact that this has to be done on a yearly basis now as opposed to having as much time as Martin and it makes sense that there would be a decline in quality. Another thing, no one seems to be considering that the show runners are ready to move on. They started this process in 2007. I'm sure HBO would want to keep it going because it's their cash cow but they can't make people stay on.

This is also a glimpse of what we may end up with if George dies and someone else finished his story. Fat fukk needs to get busy.


Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
Question for the book brehs.After Roberts rebellion One of the claims he used to claim the throne was that his mom had Targ blood in her.Why would that matter when the rebels were rebelling to overthrow the targs in the first place ??
May 7, 2012
Y'all keep saying heir to the throne like Robert didn't come through and crush the buildings

Yes, but Dany thinks she's the "rightful" heir... This revelation means she's not, so will she bend the knee to allow the true "rightful" heir to take the throne?:sas1:

The prophecy already tells us how many children cersei has. The numbers ain't addin up :francis:

I'm saying. Dudes forgetting about the witchs prophecy. Cercei either lying, or she gon get killed before giving birth, or she will miscarry.

The prophecy, at least on the show, is already wrong. Cersei and Robert had a black haired baby who died shortly after birth. Cersei shares this with Cat when she's praying over Bran in the second episode.