Alexander The Great

I ain't gonna say this sh*t again
Apr 30, 2012
Ain't his head commander at Winterfell

Probably will be there when it goes down
yeah he's there, but remember he basically choose "uncle peter" over him last season. Peter basically threatened his life and robin was ready to toss him thru the moon door, but Peter changed his mind.

it will interesting to see how it goes down, if that happens

Kunty McPhuck

Scust Szn has Returned
Apr 30, 2012
Books and Pencils
That's not the same - this is two forces suspending hostilities to fight a common threat and then going back to war with each other. Because IF they defeat the White Walkers, they are definitely back to beefing because Cersei wants everything and nothing is off limits for her. Everyone knows this which is why it's unbelievable they would all think this is a good plan, especially Tyrion of all people who CAME UP with the plan. The best move would obviously be to get Cersei off board then deal with the White Walkers because she brings nothing to that battle other than armies which can taken after she's been overthrown. But it's looking like certain characters have plot armour in a show in which supposedly anyone could go.

Jamie's another one with everyone talking about his redemptive arc - fukk his redemptive arc. The nikka's got one hand so what the fukk is he gonna do against the Night King? :beli:

I was just pointing that part of "mid war you're gonna suspend hostilities" has been done in history, doesnt matter if they teamed up or not.
Apr 3, 2014
We can do that? :lupe:
Cause Im Starkset cause Jon Snow the realest nikka living but he full Targ so does that mean I'm Targset now? I always thought them dragons were dope :patrice:



#targset about to be deep as hell :banderas:


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013

Yup. Anyone else notice how the Night King's face looks just like Bran's?

D&D said that Martin gave them 3 details a couple years ago that were "oh shyt" moments. The first was Shireen's burning, the second was Hodor/Hold The Door. I bet money the third is Bran=Night's King.

He looks exactly like the Night King. Plus in last season when he went back in time to when The Children of The Forest created the Night King Bran was standing there watching and the guy they had tied to the tree looked like a slightly older Bran. Not only that, during that moment as the dragon glass was going into his chest turning the guy into the Night King he gripped on the vines of the tree and the young Bran of the present was in the exact same position and gripped the vines he was lAying over at the same time. Go back and rewaTch those time travel scenes, especially the one where he's watching the Night Kings creation and it becomes more believable.


All Star
May 25, 2012
They can easily tie the two together...seems perfect IMO. Cersei still playing politics while the world is dying only for her to be left with nothing...or get killed by white walkers or have everyone turn against her for not protecting them...lots of ways this plays out. In the words of Tywin, Cersei's not as smart as she thinks she is
They can tie the two together but narratively it should make sense. It would make sense for example if the White Walkers invaded while they were still warring and Cersei is in the mix with the fukkery while the bigger war plays out. But everyone at the painted table knows Cersei blew up a Sept of people who in her eyes were her enemies because they didn't fit her agenda or they tried to bring her to task for the fukkery she got herself into - IF they manage to defeat the White Walkers with Cersei, beyond that why would they think she would play nice? The level of naievity is silly considering all the fukkery and betrayal we've seen over seven seasons. What's even more baffling is it's Tyrion who is one of the smartest people on the show and knows Cersei better than anyone who came up with the idea. Then a few scenes later Cersei confirms she's gonna Tywin them :beli:

Even if it doesn't play out that way the fact they even think they can work with Cersei is laughable imo.


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
i've been proven wrong on my assumptions, but there's been no connection that dragons can or have killed white walkers. WE obviously know they breath fire and fire seems to work on white walkers but they weren't used previously. This may shape the new battle. I don't think the void of magic allowed white walkers to come back....that gets into whether the long night happens because of the white walkers or because of other reasons.

The opening episode this year made it look like the Army of the Dead was creating "Winter" ahead of it as it marched.

Just based off of symmetry, I'm speculating that dragons "create" volcanos just like their opposite force White Walkers create Winter/glaciers. Some kind of psuedo-Taoist mumbo jumbo.

Kunty McPhuck

Scust Szn has Returned
Apr 30, 2012
Books and Pencils
He looks exactly like the Night King. Plus in last season when he went back in time to when The Children of The Forest created the Night King Bran was standing there watching and the guy they had tied to the tree looked like a slightly older Bran. Not only that, during that moment as the dragon glass was going into his chest turning the guy into the Night King he gripped on the vines of the tree and the young Bran of the present was in the exact same position and gripped the vines he was lAying over at the same time. Go back and rewaTch those time travel scenes, especially the one where he's watching the Night Kings creation and it becomes more believable.

This motherfukker

So he builds the wall to keep himself out and becomes a cripple as punishment.

possibly a red herring, but the guy before he turned into the Night King has bits of blonde in his hair and Bran is straight up dark, obviously things can change, but don't think the sun in Winterfell is strong enough to change his hair colour, like that.
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Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Interesting theory I read about the Prince that was Promised. I'll put it in spoilers because it's kind of long and it could be a spoiler if it ends up being true but it's mostly speculation
Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised, is Rhaegar Targaryn. That's kind of lame, since he even thought he himself was The One, but then after a while, he began to think his son was the prince that was promised. Remember that Rhaegar was born at Summerhall on the same day as when it burned down, meaning he was born amidst salt and smoke. Well, if Rhaegar is Azor Ahai, then that could mean Jon Snow is Lightbringer. Think about it. The original Azor Ahai finally tempered the sword that defeated the darkness by driving it into the heart of his lover Nissa Nissa, killing her. Rhaegar put Jon Snow (Lightbringer) into Lyanna, and when he was born, it killed her. Nissa Nissa died with a cry of anguish and ecstasy, much like Lyanna might have when birthing her only son, but knowing she would perish shortly thereafter. Now, Jon is the guy who has already been fighting the Others, and he is now in cahoots with Dany to hopefully bring her dragons (dragon fire = light) to fight the wights.

Summerhall is a very mysterious topic in the books and this is probably because it holds a great secret that's too revealing to the overall story. So, to me, that's just more fuel in the fire for this theory.

What are your thoughts? Maybe this has been put forward before but I had never heard it.

*Edit: Wow great conversations below! Some extra things to consider from the comments:

  1. Jon is already described as a sword - "I am the SWORD in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the FIRE that burns against the cold, the LIGHT that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. "

  2. "The dragon has 3 heads" - Jon is Rhaegar's third child. This further aligns with the ancient Azor Ahai story where he tempered the sword perfectly on the third try when killing Nissa Nissa. Ergo, Rhaegar's third kid killed the love of his life as well.

  3. Born amongst salt and smoke - Rhaegar was born at Summerhall on the same day it burned to the ground (fire = smoke). The kingdom lost the current king at the time, a prince, and the captain of the Kingsguard (King Aegon V, prince Duncan, Duncan the Tall). These deaths would certainly lead to many tears (tears are salty). Also, recall that once he was older, Rhaegar wrote sad songs that made the maidens cry.

  4. Several have been adamant that Lightbringer has to be a sword, which I get it, it's what you'd think since the story is about a sword. But isn't that too simple and cookie cutter for GRRM? If Rhaegar is the PtwP, then Jon being Lightbringer has to be the twist that satisfies, yet keeps the mystery from being guessed a mile away.

  5. Just as Lightbringer was a flaming sword, Jon is a reanimated human powered by the fires of the Lord of Light. He is most certainly hot to the touch like Mel (not confirmed).