I rewatched season 1 and that exchange with Benjen and Jon:
Benjen: "We have no families. None of us will ever have children."
Jon: "I don't care about any of that."
Benjen: "You might, if you knew what it meant."
Was Benjen with Howland Reed and Ned at the Tower? I don't doubt Ned would tell his brother but that seems like a "this stays with the people who were there when it happened" type of secret.
If I'm not mistaken, all that gold is owed to the Iron Bank so Cercei is at ground zero. In the scene where Jamie gives the gold to Bron, he asks for more money (and a castle) and Jamie tells him that "all the transported gold belongs to the Iron Bank."
I could definitely be mistaken, but I will rewatch & confirm tonight.
Jaime said to Bronn (referring to the gold in the carriage) "This money all belongs to the Iron Bank." He never said the bank had the money. In the next scene when Cersei is talking to the banker, she says the money is on its way and her brother is personally supervising it's return to King's Landing, meaning the money would be with Jaime the whole time to make sure it arrived safely.
people keep saying the money was at the gates of KL but i've watched the episode 3 times and haven't caugh that at all.
anyway, THOUGHTS:
Bronn cares about max deals only but he's not a traitor. He'll let the Lannisters know he's an unrestricted free agent and entertaining offers but ultimately I think Dany's the "I don't wanna pay" types so he'll stay put. Dany might kill him though, and further push Tiny T away in the process.
LF tried to manipulate Dr. Branhattan thinking he's still just a goofy kid that would be excited to hold a knife. Little did he know the 3ER can see every slimy thing he's ever done. Bran is emotionless but he still knows he has a part to play in defending humanity, which means making sure his siblings are in the proper positions to get LF's distracting ass outta the way to focus on whats really important (winter).
Meera thought she was gonna get at least a goodbye kiss. This nikka Branhattan didn't even toss her a towel to clean up or call her an uber. He gave her a bus pass and said "thanks"
My nikka Worm definitely ate it from the back and put a thumb in her butt. Dany wanted details and she was like "you're still my boss, chill."
Dany pulling Tiny T's card. He hates his sister, Qyburn and the Mountain but I don't think he actually cares about defeating anyone else on his old team. Tyrion the type to lose in the finals then be at a wedding with Jaime, mocking Dany's dragon dance on worldstar.
Podrick needs to give it up. He's got a big dikk and follows orders well. Go sell your body to widowed Lady's in the north. Being a swordsmen ain't for everbody.
Sansa could be salty because A) she thought she had a special bond with Brienne and then finds her little sister and Brienne got the same hobbies and became BFF in 2 minutes. B) her siblings all left and came back with epic talent while she was being raped by a nikka who watched too many abuse-porn vids and plotted on by some old nikka that still hasn't gotten over being curved by her momma 30 years ago. C) she hopes Arya has let go of their childhood differences because that bytch can fight now.
LF gonna try to drive a wedge between the sisters but they know what's up. I think Sansa kills him.
Davos lookin at Missandei like "so Naath girls don't pressure men about marriage? I know where my next vacation is." If he survives winter he's sailing to Sothyros to live out them "Mike In Brazil" fantasies.
Theon still a whole bytch.
dikkon should give his sword up to Samwell. He's unworthy.
Still underrated that Bronn does all his battling in a leather jacket and leather jogging pant (shout to Kanye). This nikka probably don't even fight in steel-toed boots. He's out there in the Yeezy's like a boss. Heard the stampede before everyone else, manned the scorpion, saved 'ol 1-hand, dide Drogon like Kelly Olynyk did Kevin Love. He's really the unsung MVP that'll never get his trophy. Lookin' like Jason Kidd in '02/'03.
Dothraki rode in like "brown savages MY ASS" , surfing horse, jumping off in on movement. holding two sickles while popping wheelies on stallions. Them nikkas is like Philly dirtbike nikkas crossed with Genghis Khan warriors.
Imagine you meet some mysterious brown girl in Essos, fall in love, and when you meet her family it's a bunch of Dothraki eating dinner with their sickle swords?!
That dragon did work. Wouldn't have had the weight it did if we didn't have to wait 6 years to see what dragons really do. Now we know why Targs ruled for so long and had the entire continent beneath the wall bending the knee.
Whole fight scene was crazy. All the food burned. Gold melted. Horses getting disemboweled and amputated in battle.