Tyrion, Littlefinger and Varys have lost their aura.
Am I the only one who's noticed this? A couple seasons ago, they had the juice.
nopeDragon's vary in size, it's just that the evil king's dragon happened to be the biggest. Drogon is probably fully grow by now.
Newly hatched dragons are about the size of a small cat, but they grow very rapidly, reaching the size of a small dog in about one year, and the size of a small pony in only three or four years. It is unknown at what age dragons reach reproductive maturity. Dragons never stop growing as long as they live, and they can live for centuries, though many died in combat before reaching such an age. The largest Targaryen dragon, Balerion the Black Dread, lived for nearly two centuries and had a skull the size of a carriage.
The fight with Arya and BrienneThat's how the Sand Snakes should have fought instead of getting OCV'd by Cersei's simp
there's no purpose for political scheming anymoreTyrion, Littlefinger and Varys have lost their aura.
Am I the only one who's noticed this? A couple seasons ago, they had the juice.
Arya is a killer but her biggest advantage is that people will never take a little girl like her seriously until it too late.
The Mad King didn't get that title because he was a killer or a tyrant. Who has killed more people than Tywin Lannister? Buddy wiped out two noble houses from the face of the earth, even had a hit single made to commemorate it. He facilitated the brutal sacking and pillaging of King's Landing, and had his forces commit numerous atrocities during the war with Robb Stark. And yet he was never considered mad. Wake me up when Dany is tortured for weeks in a dungeon while thinking her best friend abandoned her, starts having debilitating visual and auditory hallucinations, and begins to believe that everyone around her is plotting to destroy her. That's the things that made Aerys II be known as the Mad King.
It's beyond annoying that every time Dany goes "boo," people immediately start going on about "Mad King this, Mad King that." The dude was literally crazy and there were multiple things that happened to him that caused that; one of which was being an idiot and ignoring Tywin's pleading to not parly with a lord who refused orders from the crown. Ended up getting his ass thrown in a cellar.
Yea fam, I'm concerned about her.....something will have to come to pass that ATLEAST HUMBLES HER in the storyline......but I like errrythang bout her....I don't wanna see her or any of her reptilian chillin' to die.......but I know something is comin'....I just know itU sound mad yourself
The dragon bytch is on a power trip and everyone can see it. Varys and tyrion had that "did we make the right choice backing this psycho" up look. She on the path that her dad was notorious for. He wasnt considered mad just because he went crazy but because he soulution to everything was burn them all with the dragons which is what danny just displayed tonight and also what Jon told her back in dragonstone as well. U use them dragons then everyone gonna look at u like ur father
Keep posting gifs you just aren't funny apuBronn popped out with the toolie like: