Special Effects budget needed the Iron Bank of American Westeros to pay that balance....
Ain't down with #Targset, but Dany showed she is a RuffRyder cause she roll with the D-R, A-G, dash O-N, slash often comma, burning Lannisters often.....
To recap, Bran is not just hard on hoes, but hard on humans by being the human Yoda. Meera's services were no longer required.....

Who got those Westeros Wiki Leaks? Is it Missenowden? Who knows, Dany may have given her free, but she may be in her circle to get payback for some business in Essos. Can't be VT as they proved loyal to Targset
Jon Snow turning into John Hammond with that excavation game. Dany got the Dragons, Snow got the connect with the Northern Lords, all we need is Iron Bank of American Westeros to fund us for Jurassic Westeros.....

with Arya with that Braavosi swagger and footwork. Made Brienne of Tarth get those

scrolls and a retirement section at Larry Holmes HighGarden Suites...
Ironic the last legit Stark had the least amount of power....

Arya is the Excellence of Execution running around with the Mask Off

- Bran operating as the Borg Collective

- Jon carrying Westeros on his back with the connect to Dragon-By hits if need be...

- Sansa just dyed her hair and got tossed up by the Lannisters and Ramsey....

Lannister Army first hearing the footsteps:
Discovery of Mounted Calvary:

Mounted Calvary with a huge dragon:

Bronn literally is about that life of , "You can play wit ya paper, but I am dying for mine"
Told Drogon to Pull up

cause Lannisters had that AMRAAM Ballista and nearly got turned into a Hibachi special

...even after Lannisters got his paycheck all the way fuxxed up, he still came through with the fireblock of the year

...Now Bronn about to be AquaBronn and come through with another save...
Dothraki were styling on the Lannister and Tarly groups with such disrespect and contempt.

Dothraki had on Gucci and Versace leather vests, diamonds with the Bling Boom,

, curved swords to filet Cac skins....The only way Versace was gonna hit the floor is if Bruno Mars rolled up in 24K Magic courtesy of the Iron Bank....
Those bankers are the ancestors of modern Wall Street...

Jon showed us why he the King, an enemy of an enemy is worth a bit more alive than outright execution.

Theon was def wrong, but it's wartime and no disharmony can be afforded....