
All Star
Mar 10, 2013
My apologies,@Big dikk (pause,no homo,I got a girlfriend she just don't live around here she stay by my grandma house :dame:) I seen spoilers warnings back in the title and had to duck like Snowman when Drogon swung through the hood.

Speaking of ducking Snow. Catfish witch was watching Snowman from the rafters like Sting. She seen the OG Onion hop off that boat and got scared. Davos slid into sugar daddy mode real quick when he seen Missandei. He was 5 minutes away from meeting a queen and still was trying to get her A/S/L like a old school playa. Danarys bringing up old shyt,Snowman had to tell her to do her googles on some more current events. How you offer a king the job of warden? She really didn't get a formal education. That scene was mad tense though. Danarys was trying to call timeouts because Jon was crip walking on her crown. She tried to tag in tyrion like a handicap match. She ain't met a man who wasn't scared or kissing her ass in a long time. She had to revert to the cut and paste dialogue and Snow still ain't give a fukk. Davos was like ten seconds from hitting her with the "fukkers always talking bout Jon Snow this,Jon Snow that..." I'm kind of glad Jon realized how crazy he sounds when he brings up the night king to people now. Even though it was after being looked at funny by a woman who took a nap in a fire and woke up with 3 extinct species. At the end of the day I think Tyrion made him and Danarys realize that they have to change their approach on talking to people they want to be on their side.Can't just lead with the dis-respectfulness.

Danarys getting a W? :ohhh: Nah made you look her slave army thought they had Casterly Rock took.:ahh: Talking big dreams princess your times up,Where them Lannisters at?Can't find us.

At one point we all going to have to sit down cordially like gentleman and have a townhall like discussion on CERSEI HAS BEEN ON A WINNING STREAK EVER SINCE SHE BATTLED TOMMEN FOR THE CROWN ON THE ROOF AND THE LOSER HAD TO JUMP. She got Uncle Buck out here single-handedly winning a war for her,singing the controlla chorus to her,and not even getting a free food hug. She got Jamie out here single-handedly....nah but for real this win streak is low key ridiculous. The irony is everyone who rep Lannister set jumped off the ship last season quicker than Theon did this season. Her revenge game is biblical,eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth,lesbian kiss to daughter for lesbian kiss to daughter. I know its some people thinking about jumping back on that ship quicker than Uncle E but it's Game of Thrones.No one stays up forever and no one stays down forever...except Theon,dude has never had a win in 7 seasons.

Professor B rolled up to Winterfell with his seat on recline and disgust on his face. You'd be disgusted too if you left home for years and only the wackest member of your family was there to greet you and had to tell you that she's the only one still alive. Funny how Sansa threw Jon being a b*stard out the window whenever she needed his help but the minute Bran rolled up she started with the well actually your supposed to be in charge. Bran had to let her know, he's the 3 eyed raven and she's just a bird.

Reek still out here telling ducktales ol' you shoulda seen 'em it was like fifty of 'em but I got my licks in ass nikka. Story was a little overboard,just like Theon. :lolbron:Whole crew hit him with the you need more people. He might have to kill his sister himself to hide what really happened.

Danarys getting a W? :ohhh: Nah made you look,Jamie had to steal a page out of Robb's book. Tyrells big money,Olenna your times up,where your banner men, where them dimes at?:ahh:

Queen of thorns hit that predator arm bomb and took Jamie's soul to the afterlife with her. She knocked that poison shot back quicker than a deadwood character that just had a whiskey poured for him. Jamie was being respectable about everything,letting her know he talked Cersei out of torturing her,they were even in agreement on Joffrey being a super douche. Then she hit him with the "Oh hey, I killed your sonphew and started the collapse of your whole house.Tell Cersei. Aiight famo one." *drops mic* Jamie looked like he wanted to kill her while she was already dying from him killing her.

Danarys getting a W? :ohhh:Nah made you look. She lost 92 ships again,had to fall back,this is all fact.:mjlol:

She has two moves left and the obvious move isn't the best move. King Bobby Baratheon said back in season 1 only a fool would try to see the Dothraki in open combat. She should let them lose and cut a path to Casterly Rock or something but knowing her she's going to let a dragon or two get harpooned in Kings Landing:francis:
I laughed at some of this


Dec 30, 2014
God damn #starchset is on some

He keeps saying he's not a Stark, the fukk you think finna happen when he gets the truth about his Targaryen Heritage?
He's one of us :demonic:
#TARGSET bytchHHH :damn:

LMAO he think he not good enough for the Stark name :wow:

but when he gets that blessing and realises that despite Rhaegar, Ned is still his father :wow:



#LongLive24 #TMC America's Team, Lakeshow, & ASU
May 1, 2012
The Valley Of The Sun 602🌵480🌵623🌵520
I guess I must be in the minority that believe Jon won't ever find out he's Targaryan. There's really only one credible person he could find out the news from thats still alive...Bran. I think he's gonna end up impregnating Dany before he reunites with Bran...and Bran's weird ass probably won't tell him after that. I don't see Littlefinger telling anyone if he even knows. There's really no proof...who would believe him. Maybe some people would believe the Stark survivors...but the realm as a whole...on just the word of someone saying he can see the past in the trees...highly doubtful.

On another note we talk about how fukked up and dehumanized Bran is...let's talk about Arya for a second...I know we don't really talk about it since her charisma makes her much more beloved than Bran...but she's evolved into a damn sociopath herself. She's hung out exclusively with killers for so long...she's past the point of return...yeah Sansa's been thru some shyt...John has too...and he's killed people in the heat of war or to maintain his rule...But Arya's on another level man. Her trying to go back home is gonna be like a convict being reintroduced to society. Thats why I feel she's probably going to ultimately avoid it...I don't think that fond nostalgia of Jon mussing up her hair exists anymore...The last bit of compassion (not sure if thats the word i'm looking for) she had died when that actress bytch was killed. She can't even relate to squares like Hotpie...or those Red Cloaks she ate with...she sees them as weak victims. She ain't gonna cause harm to them but don't seem to be very sympathetic to them either. Just look at when she left Hotpie the first time compared to this last time...night and day. She doesn't have joy, anger or sadness anymore...She's just gonna cross nikkas off her list because its all she knows now. She might not realize it yet...but she is no one after all.


Mar 18, 2013
the most honorable man who lied to his entire family about being a cheater and an oath breaker... then didn't tell his best friend about his wife fukking his brother in law and his kids not being his... followed up by lying on the stage about joffrey being the real king

that's not honor my friend.. that's called lying to reach your goals... honor is telling the truth no matter who it hurts

and through all that.... he still called him a snow and not a stark, so your point is STILL wrong

don't shuffle up the facts

did he have honor or not? was he out in these streets lying or not?

you trying to justify his lies... but they were lies non the less.. lies that got robert killed, himself killed, and lead to the same damn wars he was avoiding... which in turn got his own family he was trying to protect, killed

how the hell he never call him snow? he named him fool. his sister said don't tell robert, he'll kill him.. she didn't give him the whole play by play of how to fabricate this lie. he could have very well said i found this boy in a barn somewhere. he decided to LIE and tell his entire family it was his kid.. which made half his family and his wife treat him like absolute shyt and make him feel worthless all his life

fukk outta here with that honor shyt... stannis had the honor if we breaking it down.. he told you the rough harsh truth and punished you accordingly, no matter who you were or what was the fallout from it

:wow: that disrespect.

Ned made some stupid mistakes so u can call him stupid, but dishonorable?

When the rebellion was poppin and the lannisters sacked kings landing for Robert, Ned was the one that said "fukk the lannisters, they can't be trusted. They didn't show up til the war was won, Jamie killed the king he was supposed to defend, and they killed the Targaryen babies like they were roaches". When Robert and Jon arryn decided to not only keep the lannisters around, but marry Robert to cersei, Ned left Robert. They didn't even speak for years until the greyjoy rebellion.

So Ned went down to save his sister and found her pregnant with a targaryen. After what Ned just saw happen to rhaegars other 2 kids, and that act being co-signed by Robert, he had no choice but to hide Jon.

Then he kept it secret for years, even from his own wife, because he could take 0 risk of it coming out. Not only would Robert want to kill Jon, who for all he knew could have been the rightful king, but he would probably send Ned to the wall or someshyt.

Then years later he finds out about cersei and he doesn't tell Robert right away why? Because the images of dead targaryen children came to his mind. As scummy as cersei was, she was still a mother of 3 and Ned didn't want that blood on his conscience.

Ned was SO honorable that it led to mistakes, but dishonorable is the last thing anybody could call him. He lied to save children's lives.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
:wow: that disrespect.

Ned made some stupid mistakes so u can call him stupid, but dishonorable?

When the rebellion was poppin and the lannisters sacked kings landing for Robert, Ned was the one that said "fukk the lannisters, they can't be trusted. They didn't show up til the war was won, Jamie killed the king he was supposed to defend, and they killed the Targaryen babies like they were roaches". When Robert and Jon arryn decided to not only keep the lannisters around, but marry Robert to cersei, Ned left Robert. They didn't even speak for years until the greyjoy rebellion.

So Ned went down to save his sister and found her pregnant with a targaryen. After what Ned just saw happen to rhaegars other 2 kids, and that act being co-signed by Robert, he had no choice but to hide Jon.

Then he kept it secret for years, even from his own wife, because he could take 0 risk of it coming out. Not only would Robert want to kill Jon, who for all he knew could have been the rightful king, but he would probably send Ned to the wall or someshyt.

Then years later he finds out about cersei and he doesn't tell Robert right away why? Because the images of dead targaryen children came to his mind. As scummy as cersei was, she was still a mother of 3 and Ned didn't want that blood on his conscience.

Ned was SO honorable that it led to mistakes, but dishonorable is the last thing anybody could call him. He lied to save children's lives.
This dates back to something Jaime said before. Ad refreshed by lord tarley again this season

"I swore an oath to the king and I swore an oath to my family. The king instructs me to kill my family, where does my oath go to first"

Something deeper is a saying in throughout history

"A man cannot serve two masters"

Something Ned says to Jaime

"You served the king when serving was easy"

And to sum all of it up.

"A lie is a lie is a lie"

In other words, the reason why you are lying does not matter. You are lying.

You can't be out here with your family name pledged to the king, serving him well, then break your oath cause he killed your family. You didn't break your oath when he was burning everyone else's family now did you?

Then you pledge yourself to Robert the king. But you keep secrets and lie and deceive him by hiding Jon. You lie and deceive your own family, your nephew and pretty much the world. Because you now feel you have a stronger oath to your sister.

You go to kings landing. You are sworn hand to the king. Yet you keep info away from him and warn his enemies. Enemies you believe have killed your mentor and have fukked behind the kings back and thrown your kid out the window.

Now you're locked up. You tell another lie to get yourself and family out of the trouble you put your own self in family in by not confessing to Robert in the first place. You tell an entire city these lies to save your daughter.

Was Ned honorable. I'm sure he was. He also did a lot of oath breaking and fence hopping and lying to benefit who he saw fit.

He ain't walking around here with his shyt smelling clean either



Nov 20, 2016
@SUAJCS*93* fukk you did that's speculation :yeshrug:

Man some lames in here passing off spoilers as theories. Asking fugazi questions and shyt, and I heard that particular speculation too many times before and now I feel like it might actually be a spoiler. I don't know what the fukk to believe anymore.



Lightbringer and Azor Ahai
May 26, 2012
Man some lames in here passing off spoilers as theories. Asking fugazi questions and shyt, and I heard that particular speculation too many times before and now I feel like it might actually be a spoiler. I don't know what the fukk to believe anymore.


I don't read theories or anything like that unless it's here. Never heard/read anyone but myself think of the raven fukking up by warging :francis:
I was going to be a hoe ass nikka and neg you back but your posts was too real:russ:


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
#Targset is so desperate at this point. Even when Jon finds out there is no Targ family to attach himself to. The is no house for him to represent. There is only one left and she doesn't know shyt about her families history. Hell she may see him as a threat to her rightful claim at that point. And they are more likely to fukk than have an aunt/nephew relationship.

I can't wait for one of those dragons to drop. Y'all haven't gotten a win since stepping foot in Westeros, probably should have stayed where y'all were and battled folks that were on y'all level, like the slave master's.