
Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Jamie realized all this shyt was basically caused by her :wow:
Tyrion never woulda killed daddy
Daddy would still be alive
Prob his other bytch ass suicidal son would be alive too
shyt throw in the daughter on being alive as well cuz Oberyn prob never dies
God fukking damnit :wow: :banderas: she fukked that family up!

In my opinion I think Jamie will kill her sooner or later. The way it's going he will have too.

There's a theory that the white walkers are a metaphor for global warming lol. And the dragons are nukes, and greyscale biological weapons or something like that.

The white walkers are a metaphor of the Cacusasion invasions thousand of years ago to the civilizations around the world. Greyscale is Leporsy and Dragons are the Kundalini energy that can destroy evil. All ancient civilizations had dragons serpents as energy beings in their history. The wall is the mountains specifically caucus mountains in Asia where Whites come from.

All facts

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
This is kind of a retcon from a book storyline that was dropped from the show

I will post some book spoilers that explain it....this will spoil nothing from the show

The first few seasons play out similarly in the books for Varys, but in book 5 it is actually revealed that Varys has secretly been working to to crown Aegon Targaeryn, the "dead" son of Rhaegar who had his head smashed. The story goes that Aegon was actually switched out and it was a different baby that was killed.

For 15 years, Varys and Illyrio Mopatis have been raising Aegon in secrecy in Pentos, training him on how to be a king. Nobility, kindness, strategy, etc. Basically trying to create the perfect king.

They attempted to create instability in Westeros via the Viserys invasion with the Dothraki. Aegon would then come in and clean up the mess and restore the realm. This explains the secret meeting that Viserys ans Illyrio had in season 1 that Arya overheard while snooping around the dungeons.

Now, you might be still asking the same questions you had before. If Varys is truly for the realm, why create that chaos? Well, discerning readers have figured out that there is a subplot to it all. The Blackfyre dynasty is a b*stard-subset of the Targs, thought to have been wiped out in their quest to gain a throne they believed belonged to them. It is theorized (with solid evidence) that this Aegon is actually NOT Rhaegars son, but actually is Illyrio's son with a woman of Blackfyre descent.

If this is true, then Varys actually is trying to crown the Blackfyres on the throne, and was merely using Viserys/Dany as pawns in his game. The books currently sit right now with Aegon invading Westeros while Dany is still in Meereen.

The show dropped the Aegon storyline, apparently because it is too long and complicated and requires a whole extra Blackfyre history to be added as well. Probably would have had to got 10 or 11 seasons to fit all the material the cut out from books 4 and 5.

Gotcha. Thanks for posting. I think it's probably safe to assume that his character has been retconned and he is "for the realm." Feels a little sloppy, I'm not sure how they could have written their way out of it.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
Do not post spoilers....do not post "what could happen" based on what could be a spoiler....I don't give a fukk if you're GRR Martin. Keep that shyt out of the thread. Best case scenario it's a thread ban, worst case scenario is a ban from the site.


What spoilers? That fat fukk has no idea how to get to his own ending. He's pobably waiting on the show to end itself so he can steal ideas.

Lol @ teleportation. This is the same stupid argument people had for 24. "Why isn't jack going to the bathroom?" You only saw him for 15 minutes of the hour.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
Tyrion's the Hand of the King/Queen...he's meant to advise the King/Queen to RULE...he aint built to be a war strategist :francis: That's Jaime's domain all the way. That's what Barristan would've been there for if he aint die or if Jorah didn't get the Dragon bug.

Tyrion is a great military mind. This show is just pulling out bullshyt. Tyrion is nice with the axe too, he be getting busy.


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
Great, great EP brehs/brehettes.

Jon holding ground right from the get go as I hoped he would. Starkset ain't bending for shyt. But I had to laugh at Davos giving Snowman the Jobber-#2-already in-ring-announcement after that long Paul Heyman-esque intro Missandei gave for Dany. :laff: and :mjcry: at the same damn time. That's still my King of the North though :to: Kit has mastered that look of disappointment/uncertainty as if he is a lesser equal....... while still able to G up in other situations.

Euron really is the GOAT Captain. Splitting up his force. Greyworm may never make it back. Jorah is now about to slide back into the cut like Piru Pierce after being taken out in the wheelchair.

When did Branflakes switch to R. Kellz mode though? Lol. Subdued, yes... but of all nights to reminisce with Sansa about... the fukk, lol. And she was quick to desert his ass, after not seeing him for years :dead: That's our Three Eyed Stark. Hoping for Arya to come back home next week

I had to pour out some liquor for Grandmammy Tyrell. One of my fave characters. Always enjoyed her politicking scenes. Came in/went out like the G she is. Only thing I'm confused about is the admittance of how trash the Tyrell army is. I could have sworn they were made to be a threat over the course of the series or am I remembering wrong? I guess they were just big but not necessarily skilled? Got sliced and diced quicker than a souf chef with veggies. Good grief. But Grams was hitting Don Demarcos left and right until that poison kicked in. Expected no less :salute:

This is the first season I've avoided watching the EP previews, and also skipping past the "recap" openings before the show. It's actually made it more enjoyable since I have no clue what the EP is going to include. Definitely recommended even though it's hard as fukk to do, discipline wise, lol.

Dragonglass on the NASDAQ about to do numbers too :whew:

Last edited:

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
Great, great EP brehs/brehettes.

Jon holding ground right from the get go as I hoped he would. Starkset ain't bending for shyt. But I had to laugh at Davos giving Snowman the Jobber-#2-already in-ring-announcement after that long Paul Heyman-esque intro Missandei gave for Dany. :laff: and :mjcry: at the same damn time. That's still my King of the North though :to: Kit has mastered that look of disappointment/uncertainty as if he is a lesser equal....... while still able to G up in other situations.

Euron really is the GOAT Captain though. Splitting up his force. Greyworm may never make it back. Jorah is now about to slide back into the cut like Piru Pierce after being taken out in the wheelchair.

When did Branflakes switch to R. Kellz mode though? Lol. Subdued, yes... but of all nights to reminisce with Sansa about... the fukk, lol. And she was quick to desert his ass, after not seeing him for years :dead: That's our Three Eyed Stark though. Hoping for Arya to come back home next week though.

I had to pour out some liquor for Grandmammy Tyrell. One of my fave characters. Always enjoyed her politicking scenes. Came in/went out like the G she is. Only thing I'm confused about is the admittance of how trash the Tyrell army is. I could have sworn they were made to be a threat over the course of the series or am I remembering wrong? I guess they were just big but not necessarily skilled? Got sliced and diced quicker than a souf chef with veggies. Good grief. But Grams was hitting Don Demarcos left and right until that poison kicked in. Expected no less :salute:

This is the first season I've avoided watching the EP previews, and also skipping past the "recap" openings before the show. It's actually made it more enjoyable since I have no clue what the EP is going to include. Definitely recommended even though it's hard as fukk to do, discipline wise, lol.

Dragonglass on the NASDAQ about to do numbers too :whew:

basically they army ain't shyt without randyll tarly. he's literally the best fighter/ commander in westeros at this point.


Mar 1, 2017

Whoa....I can't be a contributor to that. Thats too harsh
Nah fukk that fukk this nikka.
He tried to spoil me
fukk him and his whore of a mother. She's probably like Sae.
fukking prostitue bich
Get it over with this nikka acting reckless :demonic:
He got warned and he still put spoilers and he tries to fukking spoil nikkas in Pms.
fukk that he needs perma ban and he needs to be Doxed and get all his info online :demonic:


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
The writing on this show has gone to shyt really. :yeshrug: That Euron/Jamie conversation about fukknig Cersei with the dramatic music was just :francis:
They've neutered some of the show's best wordsmiths - Tyrion, Littlefinger, and Varys.

Varys is a total mess this season.

Now that Olenna is gone, it's going to get worse.