Mar 23, 2015
why is there so much debate about the jon-sansa thing? sansa has a point and if it wasnt a battle beyond politics i'd be inclined to agree ...


they all chose Jon to be king, he didnt ask for this shyt. soooo it is what it is, especially since his righteousness and mercy is a big part of why his people want to follow him.

and personally i'd rather take Jon, albeit sometimes too much of a good guy, as a leader as he is battle tested and you know, came back from the dead, as opposed to letting Sansa full on lead when she really hasn't done anything to prove herself to be a competent leader yet. she simply smartened up after enduring a lot of shyt. which is good, but if she is gonna go down the path of Cersei-lite then ehhh.

i'm hoping she takes the best of Littlefinger's cunningness and Cersei's ruthlessness and reconciles those character traits with the fact that she is still a Stark at the end of the day. The pack should stick together, if not ... :manny:
May 7, 2012
So it seems like we're getting Stark-Targ contact this next long until the Bran, Sansa, Jon reunion? Unless something catastrophic happens that's gotta be really soon right? He's already at castle black, seems a raven should've went to Winterfell asap
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
The only reasonable woman on this show is Khaleesi. She actually listens to Tyrion. Sansa and Cat made some pretty retarded mistakes breh.

Catelyn made a top 3 worst decision by freeing Jamie which cost Rob a huge bargaining tool. The Red Wedding might not have happened if they still had Jamie as a captive. I don't think Tywin would have risked it.

And Sansa is the dumbest character on the show.:manny:. She seems like she's only written to undermine Jon. And about the "advice" she gave Jon. That wasn't advice breh she was just being vague because she couldn't tell him the truth. Maybe that's why he went into the battle so desperate and almost lost his life again.

:francis: i wouldn't mind her if she stayed in her lane. she's not built for what she's trying to do. she's more suited for that Margaery lane.

Even Margery was smarter.

Jon with someone like Margery by his side is unstoppable
Sep 15, 2012
And while we at it the best, most unselfish female character on the show is Meera Reed but she gets 0 love

Wonder why :sas2:
:ohhh: you right. she is underrated
breh summer has only lasted 9 years.... ned and people his age have experienced a few winters... maybe you meant something else. but "end winter" and new night king... there have been hundreds of winters and summers since the night king
the "long night" you know what i meant. im not a book reader so i don't know all these technicalities :pachaha:


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
Even Margery was smarter.

Jon with someone like Margery by his side is unstoppable
Jon got murked by some buffoons, almost got killed by Ramsay's crew, got captured by the wildlings and wasn't killed only cause Ygritte owed him one.
He's far from unstoppable, even with a smart bytch by his side. What he needs is a powerful queen by his side. Power>smarts, but if you have both, game over.
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May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
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It is what it is..
May 2, 2012
I'm tired of you nikkas saying this stupid shyt, so I'm going to quote you and tag LovelyOne83, Racer X and Blondie.

on #starkset watch this fukkn scene and tell me how she saved Jon?
Sansa: I would've told you not to attack Winterfell until we get a larger force
Jon: When will we have a larger force :mindblown:
Sansa: *Knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:
Jon: We're lucky to have this many men :mindblown:
Sansa: It's not enough :francis:
Jon: I know it's not enough. It's what we have. :mindblown:
Sansa: *knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:

She never saved Jon. She never saved Winterfell. She never saved a single one of the soldiers fighting to reclaim the throne. She threw their lives away in battle when she DECIDED not to inform them of resources from the Vale.

Then she has the audacity to say, "If Ramsey wins I'm not going back there alive."


Sansa is the GoT version of a girl you're dating who won't tell you which restaurant she wants to eat at or a girl who purposely won't text you until you text her first, then gets mad at you for being distant.

Like bytch speak up. WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.


This bytch acts like she's muhfukkn AskJeeves. "I know him". "I know her". What do you know!? Speak specifics. :wtf:


I don't get this Sansa love. She playing southern games. Snowman is gearing up for war with the Knights king. Jesus christ.

3:12 Snowman lays out the real game..

"No clan can stop them, No free folk can stop them,the knights watch can't stop them and all the southern kings can't stop them"

And then the battle of Harhome happens..

Snowman knows what up. fukk your thrones and politics. Non of that shyt matters, the Knights king is coming.




Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Holy shyt....if this is all for the next episode.....good god

EDIT: This is an episode 2 promo from comic con. Its very in depth. Don't watch it if you don't want a lot given away

EDIT 2: There is definitely stuff from beyond episode 2 here

Any TV shows at Comic-Con generally show a sizzle reel of the whole season. So that's probably bits from the rest of the season.



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
look like you got issued a command by a fukking king and have no choice... this is westeros with kings and absolute power, not your boss asking you to come in on saturday

Why would Ned and Catelyn have multiple scenes discussing if he should do it if it was a direct order which he couldn't refuse? Plus it's obvious the raven they receive which infers there was foul play involved in Jon Arryn's death is what truly cements Ned accepting Robert's order.
She had the majority of the room agreeing with her because that was standard protocol. Jon went against standard protocol, which was the right move. Sansa's suggestion in itself wasn't "wrong" and I never said otherwise, it's when she went against Jon's decision that was the issue. First off that was Jon's FIRST major decision as King Of The North, and he had sound reasoning (not needing anymore scheming or bad blood when the focus needs to be on White Walkers, NOT political bickering) and she not only went against him, she straight challenged him. It's not that she needs to shut the fukk up BECAUSE she's a girl. She needs to shut the fukk up because she has NO expertise WHATSOEVER and she's still thinking small.

I'm glad you brought up trust because that is one of the main cruxes of my argument (which you ignored) Sansa has already PROVEN herself untrustworthy, and to a dangerous degree. She literally manipulated Jon into battling Ramsay under the guise of NOT recapturing Winterfell but SAVING Rickon (the LAST living heir to the Stark name as far as both of them know). Sansa wanted Winterfell all along and wanted revenge on Ramsay, her brother be damned. Ok, let's say we forgive that based upon her past trauma, I can understand how her rape and torture at the hands of that lunatic would make her have bloodlust for Ramsay. But to allow Jon and his army to ride out to battle undermanned when she had the Vale army in her back pocket is simply unforgivable in its self serving entitlement. She put Jon's LIFE in danger and got several thousand men slaughtered because SHE wanted to be the hero.

And the "Littlefinger isn't to be trusted" argument is complete And utter bullshyt. She went and spoke with LittleFinger and he told her straight up "ill do whatever it is YOU ask of ME". We (the viewers) also saw LittleFinger manipulating the little boy King to help Sansa. So even if Sansa didn't 100% know that LittleFinger would help. Her going to ask and TELLING Jon changes the strategy entirely. He and Davos would have had more men and more of a battle plan to prep. Instead Sansa's "council" was "Don't do what he he wants you to do":gucci: what the fukk kind of council is that breh:wtf:

So, not only is Sansa not trustworthy. She has no expertise in battle, strategy, or politics. So again, who the hell is she to be arguing with Jon in public again?

bytch needs to sit down and be humble
What show have you nikkas been watching?:dwillhuh:If there's one thing Littlefinger has proven, it's that he's not to be trusted. Every action he makes has an outcome that is purely in the best interest of Littlefinger. The War of the Five Kings? Littlefinger. But forget all that. Sansa witnessed Littlfefinger push Lysa Arryn to her death. If there was any doubt that he's not to be trusted, I think that doubt was erased by then. In a perfect world you do not want to be aided by and consequentially indebted to Littlefinger. Plus she knows exactly why Littlefinger wants to help her. He's tryna wife her up. She doesn't want that. Hence why he was a last resort option which she's already regretting. He expects something back now. If Robert Arryn really ruled the Vale and wasn't just a puppet under Baelish's control then Sansa wouldn't have hesitated to ask for his help from jump. Watch the first few minutes of The Door if you're still confused as to why Baelish was a last resort.

She straight up tells Jon she wants to get Winterfell back. Rewatch their scene when she reunites with him at Castle Black. She tells him she wants his help but she'll do it herself if she has to. There's no deception involved. They don't even know Ramsey has Rickon when she asks Jon to help her retake Winterfell. Before the battle she tells Jon straight up they'll never be able to get Rickon back and they should be prepared for that reality.

But to the point all of y'all keep parroting, Jon would be an idiot to plan on having more soldiers to help without the guarantee of having more soldiers to help. Sansa sent the letter to Baelish after Jon refuses to take more time to try to get more men. There is no return letter in the time up to the battle. So the Vale showing up isn't a guarantee no matter how much y'all want to keep saying it is. So no, Sasa didn't make Jon go into a battle undermanned. Jon chose to do so. He ignored Sansa's pleas of taking more time and decided to rock with what he had. Regardless, the reason Jon's forces found themselves surrounded and on the brink of defeat is because Jon did what Ramsey wanted him to do. Ramsey lured him into no man's land and wagered correctly that his troops would follow Jon into no man's land to save him. That leaves Ramsey the opportunity to dictate how the battle will go based on the actions of his enemy. Ramsey didn't send all of his forces at the beginning. He didn't need to. He sent a few cavalrymen. In the possibility Jon's forces don't rush in to help him, Jon's killed. Does that necessarily end the battle? No, but your commander dying does deal a huge blow. In the case Jon's forces do rush in, Ramsey has the upper hand of being able to be proactive as opposed to reactive. Go watch the episode again. Tormund and Davos both saw what Ramsey was trying to make him do. Tormund even says "Don't" right before the charge. In their meeting prior Davos explicitly says they have to make Ramsey come to them. So even if Jon had the guarantee the Vale would show up, do you think he wouldn't have rushed into no man's land regardless, thus putting his forces in the same predicament? So yeah, as vague as it is, "Don't do what he wants you to do" was great advice. Sansa sat there and heard what Jon, Davos and Tormund planned. She waited until she and Jon were alone to tell him Ramsay wouldn't fall for their pincer move. I don't know if you watched the episode, but she was right:sas1:

nikkas talmbout Sansa has no experience. She herself says she knows nothing about battles. But when it comes to politics and strategy she's had more experience and witnessed more of this game than all of the Stark/Targayren b*stard Starks combined. She's thrown into the fukkery of King's Landing in the first season. There's a case to be made that Cersei is the most conniving, cut throat person on this show. So like Sansa says, she doesn't admire Cersei but she's damn sure learned a lot from her. You add in being around the actual most conniving, cut throat person on the show, Littlefinger, Sansa is more than capable of giving counsel to a dude who is still very naive and following the same doomed honor based ideology that his "father" did. While I'm getting tired of "mean mug and make speeches but don't actually do shyt" Lyanna Mormont, her sonning that dude about women holding their own in the fight to come is legit as fukk.

And to further shyt on the inconsistencies in the arguments against what I've been saying: on one hand, y'all wanna be mad at Sansa because she spoke against Jon in front of the Northern Lords, because it makes him look weak. But you're for him not punishing the Umbers and Karstarks. Not punishing traitors sounds pretty weak to me:jbhmm:The Northern Lords agreed with what Sansa had to say because it's protocol but you guys got all emotional because Sansa expressed her opinion in front of the Northern you wanted her to follow protocol?:ohhh:

Sansa ain't shyt, and not because she's a girl. Sansa, like Cersei, ain't shyt because she's dumb, SELFISH, fickle, and untrustworthy.

I'm supposed to take her seriously now because she looks brooding and speaks up?


And y'all nikkas wonder why I call you out for your weird hatred of women. How is Cersei dumb exactly? Are we talking about the same Cersei that went from being on trial and having her life on the line to killing all of her enemies and becoming queen in one episode?:what:Sounds pretty smart to me. But let's leave out the dumb part and really get to what proves y'all are some misogynistic dudes. "Selfish(all caps, lol), fickle, and untrustworthy" If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were talking about this dude:

You know, the same guy whose every action is in his own self interest. The same dude who is the way he is because he got turned down by a chick and grew up better off than most but was jealous because he wasn't as well off as the highest lords. A dude who murdered his wife so he could take control of her kingdom. But oddly enough, I never see any of you nikkas up in arms over this dude. He's just as evil and conniving as Cersei yet receives none of the ire from the apparently morally concerned coli septons. What gives, brehs?:jbhmm:What am I missing?:jbhmm:

And you're supposed to take her seriously because she's proving herself to be more than capable. She's not the same character she was in the first couple seasons. Funny thing is, y'all were giving her credit for that last season right until she had the nerve to "forget her place" and disagree with Jon:mjgrin:Oh, and y'all nikkas seem to be taking Lyanna Mormont seriously even though all she literally does is look brooding and speaks up. But hey, she's not uppity, doe:mjgrin:
We aren't watching a book

We are watching Game of Thrones

Nothing in the books is canon in the TV show unless it is in the TV show

Nice deflection attempt though. Targset getting incredibly desperate:picard:

I'm starkset :dahell:

But Dany the key to the south

#StarkSet going at each others necks on the show and on the coli:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:


Jun 1, 2012
And y'all nikkas wonder why I call you out for your weird hatred of women. How is Cersei dumb exactly? Are we talking about the same Cersei that went from being on trial and having her life on the line to killing all of her enemies and becoming queen in one episode?:what:Sounds pretty smart to me. But let's leave out the dumb part and really get to what proves y'all are some misogynistic dudes. "Selfish(all caps, lol), fickle, and untrustworthy" If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were talking about this dude:

You know, the same guy whose every action is in his own self interest. The same dude who is the way he is because he got turned down by a chick and grew up better off than most but was jealous because he wasn't as well off as the highest lords. A dude who murdered his wife so he could take control of her kingdom. But oddly enough, I never see any of you nikkas up in arms over this dude. He's just as evil and conniving as Cersei yet receives none of the ire from the apparently morally concerned coli septons. What gives, brehs?:jbhmm:What am I missing?:jbhmm:

And you're supposed to take her seriously because she's proving herself to be more than capable. She's not the same character she was in the first couple seasons. Funny thing is, y'all were giving her credit for that last season right until she had the nerve to "forget her place" and disagree with Jon:mjgrin:Oh, and y'all nikkas seem to be taking Lyanna Mormont seriously even though all she literally does is look brooding and speaks up. But hey, she's not uppity, doe:mjgrin:

#StarkSet going at each others necks on the show and on the coli:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:
Again running to the misogyny shyt:camby:. I literally just called Meera the best female on the show. Does that= I hate women?

Cersei smart for getting out of a mess she created?:gucci: A mess that she's actually STILL in?:gucci: Is Cersei smart for becoming queen with damn near 0 support?:mjlol: Cersei about to be outta here bruh. But ok we'll call her a genius for causing her whole family tree to be T rex status:mjlol:

Littlefinger ain't shyt either, and we've known this for 6 years already. I don't know why you thought he was relevant to bring up tbh:yeshrug:

I don't have an opinion on the Umbers and Karstarks, but Sansa definitely should've said that shyt behind closed doors, and not because she's a woman (shame I gotta keep specifying this). Again Dany rightfully called out Jorah and Barristan for doing the exact same shyt Sansa did because them nikkas were outta pocket. But go ahead and skip that last sentence.

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