May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I see your point, but we are talking about the show here. And on the show, handsome hero and pretty queen destroying undead army would be a pretty boring and atypical conclusion given everything else we have seen.

I've thought about this a lot. And that's probably the problem. I've read so many theories and considered so many endgames that I'm almost to the point where I'll take anything other than the bold. That's probably a disservice to the story, as GRRM never intended for his ending to be speculated on for so long.

The Dany and Jon team up was probably fresh and riveting in his mind when he first thought it up in the early 90s, and I know he only intended for the original story to last like 2 or 3 books. But as the story has expanded, I guess so too has a desire for something grandeur among the people speculating and theorizing.

Unfortunately, I agree with you that it does appear that we're headed towards a traditional ending that doesn't subvert the genre expectations or have a compelling narrative theme other than the straightforward "it's a song of ice and fire" theme. I'm not looking for a twist for the sake of a twist, just something that is as thought out and logical as the big events that made the story so engrossing to begin with. But it's starting to look like it'll just be the Hardhome battle and Battle for Mereen battle mixed together - which will be fine spectacle and fun to watch, but still...

Hopefully I've just been lulled to sleep and they have something more satisfying up their sleeve.

George has said it'll be bittersweet. And one of the bitter elements appears to be the complete destruction of the major houses of Westeros, by the hands of the houses themselves, and not the White Walkers.

House Martell is dead. (Kinslaying helped to do it)
House Baratheon is dead. (Kinslaying helped to do it)
House Tyrell is dead.
House Bolton is dead. (Kinslaying helped to do it)
House Arryn is nearly dead (Kinslaying helped to do it)
House Mormont is nearly dead.
House Lannister is nearly dead.
House Greyjoy is nearly dead (Kinslaying helped to do it)

I wouldn't be surprised if "the wheel" that Dany described truly is broken, and all of the major houses are wiped out at the end.

Whatever they do, I hope they have an epilogue or sort and that it just doesn't end at the climax of battle. I really would like to see what happens to all of the regions and characters after the battle is over.

GRRM really isn't much for "twists"......he writes stories about the human heart and the choices we are forced to make

I hope people realize that George is not an M. Night Shamylan style "final scene" writer. His skill is in the journey to get there. We have already seen that skill at work.

In some ways, it could be argued that subverting fantasy tropes all the way to the very end is a trope in itself.

I think that its very likely that this show ends with Jon and Dany together, but Westeros will be completely ravaged and broken. It is also very likely that they don't end up together in the end. It really could go either way.

For me personally, I don't think there is a specific ending I am seeking. I just want to feel a sense of fulfillment. Like with the ending of Breaking Bad, there was nothing special about it at all on paper, but when it occured there was a deep sense of completeness. On the other hand, The Leftovers was a brilliant ending on paper, but I'm not sure I felt that completeness (which was probably intentional). With GOT, I want more of a Breaking Bad style ending

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
GRRM really isn't much for "twists"......he writes stories about the human heart and the choices we are forced to make

I hope people realize that George is not an M. Night Shamylan style "final scene" writer. His skill is in the journey to get there. We have already seen that skill at work.

In some ways, it could be argued that subverting fantasy tropes all the way to the very end is a trope in itself.

I think that its very likely that this show ends with Jon and Dany together, but Westeros will be completely ravaged and broken. It is also very likely that they don't end up together in the end. It really could go either way.

For me personally, I don't think there is a specific ending I am seeking. I just want to feel a sense of fulfillment. Like with the ending of Breaking Bad, there was nothing special about it at all on paper, but when it occured there was a deep sense of completeness. On the other hand, The Leftovers was a brilliant ending on paper, but I'm not sure I felt that completeness (which was probably intentional). With GOT, I want more of a Breaking Bad style ending

I just want an ending that is consistent with the shows major themes, I suppose.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
I don't care how it ends man.... as long as the Hound finds the redemption he seeks.




Jun 1, 2012
I'm gonna take a break from putting my golden boots on your throats and ask a serious question. What's a satisfying finish to this show? For a show that subverts fantasy tropes, Dany and Jon teaming up against the white walkers sort of betrays the central premise of the show. Handsome hero and beautiful queen destroying the undead army doesn't fit on a show where honour gets you killed, the machiavellian dwarf is the hero, and damsel in distress controls the dragons instead of getting rescued from them. Long story short, I feel like we are running towards a typical fantasy ending on a show that made its bones by bucking those traditions.

For me, the following things could make the end interesting:

1. dany and jon in conflict w/ tyrion choosing the winner
2. white walkers humanized (not a faceless 'bad guy')

Anything else? How do we see this all playing out?
I def think the walkers, the Night King at the very least, will get humanized in a subtle way. I mean the man is a walking curse

Not something so blatant because the viewers still need a bad guy to cheer against

I'm targset but I know the Night King going through it:mjcry:
Sep 15, 2012
What's a satisfying finish to this show? For a show that subverts fantasy tropes, Dany and Jon teaming up against the white walkers sort of betrays the central premise of the show. Handsome hero and beautiful queen destroying the undead army doesn't fit on a show where honour gets you killed
my theory.

the reason the white walkers are invading again after 1000s of years is because every winter the nightking must be replaced by someone new. that's the pact they made to end winter last time but that part of history was lost. that's why they are trying to invade and kill all men.

sam will learn in his books that someone from the North with Stark heritage must sacrifice himself to turn into the new nightking causing winter to end. It'll be Jon :mjcry: ..... the white walkers go back and wait another 1000 years. dany sits on the iron throne. bittersweet ending.


Jun 1, 2012
I'm gonna take a break from putting my golden boots on your throats and ask a serious question. What's a satisfying finish to this show? For a show that subverts fantasy tropes, Dany and Jon teaming up against the white walkers sort of betrays the central premise of the show. Handsome hero and beautiful queen destroying the undead army doesn't fit on a show where honour gets you killed, the machiavellian dwarf is the hero, and damsel in distress controls the dragons instead of getting rescued from them. Long story short, I feel like we are running towards a typical fantasy ending on a show that made its bones by bucking those traditions.

For me, the following things could make the end interesting:

1. dany and jon in conflict w/ tyrion choosing the winner
2. white walkers humanized (not a faceless 'bad guy')

Anything else? How do we see this all playing out?
The more I think about it, the more I think Dany and Jon teaming up is very "anti GoT" to begin with.

If he's a Stark, he's part of the family that rebelled against her family and almost destroyed it. In her eyes, he has to go just like the Baratheons and the Lannisters. If he's a Targaryan, he's a direct threat to her claim on the throne. In all reality, he's both and a pretty poor fit for any sort of alliance with her.

If she's there to smash on the great houses of Westeros, why would she listen to Jon's white walker warnings. If she's there to be a noble queen and protect the realm against it's most significant threat, how does she keep her tyrell/greyjoy/martell mutual revenge pact alliance together?

Hopefully the end game incorporates some of these fault lines.
Though I think the show is trending toward the obvious ending I think there will be some sort of narrative compromise

Like I think the fans will get a lot of the shyt they want/expect to happen at this point. An obvious example imo is that Jon WILL be on a dragon. They didn't do all this for Jon not to be on one. Tyrion has been elevated as a hero of sorts on the show and I think that correlates to however his story ends

I def think the ending will be a pyrrhic victory to some level but I don't think that George wants to leave it completely hopeless. For as grim as this story can get the seasons/books still end with SOME semblance of hope. That's def not accidental
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Separate the boys from men
Feb 15, 2013
Arya, Nymeria & the many face g
It felt like Aryra's Frey scene should've ended the episode while Dany's dragonstone shouldve opened it :manny:

Their suppose to be speeding everything up, season 6 ended with Arya so season 7 starting to continue her story makes sense.

Plus dany really about to go to war next few episodes :wow:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Wrong. She saved John in the b*stard bowl. On top of that, she's seen all the backstabbers, double talkers, and how they operate. Sansa knows this game is played on another level.
I'm tired of you nikkas saying this stupid shyt, so I'm going to quote you and tag LovelyOne83, Racer X and Blondie.

on #starkset watch this fukkn scene and tell me how she saved Jon?
Sansa: I would've told you not to attack Winterfell until we get a larger force
Jon: When will we have a larger force :mindblown:
Sansa: *Knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:
Jon: We're lucky to have this many men :mindblown:
Sansa: It's not enough :francis:
Jon: I know it's not enough. It's what we have. :mindblown:
Sansa: *knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:

She never saved Jon. She never saved Winterfell. She never saved a single one of the soldiers fighting to reclaim the throne. She threw their lives away in battle when she DECIDED not to inform them of resources from the Vale.

Then she has the audacity to say, "If Ramsey wins I'm not going back there alive."


Sansa is the GoT version of a girl you're dating who won't tell you which restaurant she wants to eat at or a girl who purposely won't text you until you text her first, then gets mad at you for being distant.

Like bytch speak up. WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.


This bytch acts like she's muhfukkn AskJeeves. "I know him". "I know her". What do you know!? Speak specifics. :wtf:
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Nov 18, 2016
Sansa was not sure that Littlefinger would come through. How weak would it look, for both Jon & Sansa, if the held off the battle & Littlefinger was a no show? Are you forgetting that Littlefinger CAN'T be trusted? This is the first time that Littlefinger came through after he sent her to Ramsey. I would've held off too.


I'm tired of you nikkas saying this stupid shyt, so I'm going to quote you and tag LovelyOne83, Racer X and Blondie.

on #starkset watch this fukkn scene and tell me how she saved Jon?
Sansa: I would've told you not to attack Winterfell until we get a larger force
Jon: When will we have a larger force :mindblown:
Sansa: *Knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:
Jon: We're lucky to have this many men :mindblown:
Sansa: It's not enough :francis:
Jon: I know it's not enough. It's what we have. :mindblown:
Sansa: *knowing she spoke to Littlefinger says nothing* :francis:

She never saved Jon. She never saved Winterfell. She never saved a single one of the soldiers fighting to reclaim the throne. She threw their lives away in battle when she DECIDED not to inform them of resources from the Vale.

Then she has the audacity to say, "If Ramsey wins I'm not going back there alive."


Sansa is the GoT version of a girl you're dating who won't tell you which restaurant she wants to eat at or a girl who purposely won't text you until you text her first, then gets mad at you for being distant.

Like bytch speak up. WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.


This bytch acts like she've muhfukkn AskJeeves. "I know him". "I know her". What do you know!? Speak specifics. :wtf:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Sansa was not sure that Littlefinger would come through. How weak would it look, for both Jon & Sansa, if the held off the battle & Littlefinger was a no show? Are you forgetting that Littlefinger CAN'T be trusted? This is the first time that Littlefinger came through after he sent her to Ramsey. I would've held off too.

:snoop: So then how did she save anyone? You guys can't have it both ways. It can't be "Sansa saved the day. Put some respect on her name. She has great advice. Look at what she's done for you in the past." Then when pressed on it turn around and be like, "O well gee willickers it's not like we could've trusted Littlefinger."

:childplease: What y'all think this is? We can't reset scenes and read books? Jon would've waited for additional resources if there were any additional resources to wait for.

He literally says in the clip, "We've pleaded with every house to help us. The Blackfish can't help us. We're lucky to have this many men."

The man asks Sansa 3 fukkn times what should he do.

"Don't do what he wants you to do" :why:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
:laff: :laff: :laff:

Yooooooooo It's like y'all completely forgot that Sansa is the one that recommended the recapture of Winterfell

Remember Jon just died and got resurrected. Dude was retiring from his life at Castle Black. Seriously this bytch Sansa really is the Norths version of Cersei:
Jon: We can't stay here. Not after what happened.
Sansa: There is only one place we can go...home
Jon: Should we tell the Boltons to pack up and leave
Sansa: We'll take it back from them
Jon: :dahell: I don't have an army
Sansa: How many Wildlings did you save

Really key in on this scene folks. Then play the last scene that I dropped in this thread.

If y'all don't see what I'm seeing, you might have too much Tully in ya blood. :mjpls:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I'm gonna take a break from putting my golden boots on your throats and ask a serious question. What's a satisfying finish to this show? For a show that subverts fantasy tropes, Dany and Jon teaming up against the white walkers sort of betrays the central premise of the show. Handsome hero and beautiful queen destroying the undead army doesn't fit on a show where honour gets you killed, the machiavellian dwarf is the hero, and damsel in distress controls the dragons instead of getting rescued from them. Long story short, I feel like we are running towards a typical fantasy ending on a show that made its bones by bucking those traditions.

For me, the following things could make the end interesting:

1. dany and jon in conflict w/ tyrion choosing the winner
2. white walkers humanized (not a faceless 'bad guy')

Anything else? How do we see this all playing out?
Lil Finger wins it all while all the other characters kill each other.


Nov 18, 2016
Sansa saved the day b/c she requested the Vale when no one was thinking about it. The Vale came b/c of her.

Sansa did not tell Jon about the Vale b/c she did not know if they would really come

Sansa still gets credit for getting the Vale b/c they came through on her request. Littlefinger even gets credit...although he has sinister reasons for backing Sansa.

It's really not that difficult to understand. You guys are willfully being obtuse.

:snoop: So then how did she save anyone? You guys can't have it both ways. It can't be "Sansa saved the day. Put some respect on her name. She has great advice. Look at what she's done for you in the past." Then when pressed on it turn around and be like, "O well gee willickers it's not like we could've trusted Littlefinger."

:childplease: What y'all think this is? We can't reset scenes and read books? Jon would've waited for additional resources if there were any additional resources to wait for.

He literally says in the clip, "We've pleaded with every house to help us. The Blackfish can't help us. We're lucky to have this many men."

The man asks Sansa 3 fukkn times what should he do.

"Don't do what he wants you to do" :why:


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Noticed on second watch how bad Jorah's House In Valyria has progressed :picard: my man gon look like Killer Croc soon.

Watching for the third time.

Ed Sheeran didn't even need makeup, the man just looks like he is from those times
I'll be damned if I drink some Arbor Gold while Puff got Ciroc. This is what #Starkset considers Ws? Killing a bunch of fukk boys with horrible taste in liquor? Everybody been known the Freys was a struggle house with horrible taste in wine. #Targset stay sippin on the finest vintages. My nikka Grey Weezy stayed throwed off that Dornish Red. Missandei prefers D'Usse:myman:I give Arya props for getting her little revenge, but she had to fukk it up chilling with Ed Sheeran in the wilderness. That ginger b*stard would be a Lannister. You got Freys dropping left and right and these boy band ass nikkas too busy rehearsing love songs. That song was trash btw. They ain't cracking The Westeros Hot 100 charts with those struggle bars. No hope of that album getting that Valyrian Steel Certification from the RIAA. At least the band from the Red Wedding went platinum with no features:scust:Brienne better stop fronting on my dude Tormund and let him run up in those guts. Dude is clearly into that dominatrix shyt. Got sprung watching her violate Pod. She's lucky my mans Pod da gawd is too honorable to fukk up a woman. Had me scressed watching him let her win this episode:mjcry:Cersei thinks she's doing something having Euron come thru? Dude admitted himself his best ships got taken. #Targset is the army better yet the navy
They finna realize what the difference between a 4.0 and a 4.6 is real soon. I know those ships don't have leathers
Cersei turned down his invitation so this dude decides he's gonna get her a gift? This simp ass dude's tryna buy the p*ssy. Probably went to Jared. Watch him come back to King's Landing wearing a romper with bags full of red bottoms and Michael Kors tryna smash. It ain't tricking if you got it, but Euron doesn't have bread like that. How you tryna impress a Lannister? They shyt gold. There's a disconnect, they don't call that money over there. Two hands are better than one doe. These hoes love ambidextrous nikkas outchea. Trick on that hoe Cersei if you want but don't be surprised when she does you like Black Chyna did Rob Kardashian. Mess around and have Jamie outchea in your bed wearing your finest silk robes
#WalkerGang is pulling up on the Seven Kingdoms and this dude Sam is busy emptying out chamberpots. I'm fairly certain the maesters don't shyt gold, brehs. You know that shyt stinks considering these cats eating plates Lil Scrappy would turn down. I doubt that job has benefits. This dude's outchea risking his job to break into the restricted section of the library. You don't have tenure fam. I'm petty sure you don't qualify for pension. Sam chose to save that single mother and her big head kid, how you gon support them if you're not getting that check from the Citadel fam?:francis:Winter's coming, it's finna be you the Hound is burying next time if you don't keep that fridge stocked. If he adopts that fukking brat it's gonna be another nikka in the future teaching archery to your son.:scusthov:Jon needs to get a move on and link up with his aunt. his head ain't in the game right now. He's sill not over Ygritte, smh. Even got DJ Khaled and Asahd to make a remix called Wildling Thots. Rihanna killed the hook, doe:wow:Dany's gonna put respeck on his name unlike Sansa. #Starkset outchea relying on little kids like Lyanna Mormont and those Umber and Karstark kids. I'm surprised y'all ain't reruit Tariq from Power next. This is war not Kidz Bop, my dudes. We murking nikkas, not selling Girl Scout cookies, brehs:sitdown:Y'all other sets be fighting wars and losing mad soldiers from your squads trying to attain some land. Dany's already got prime water front real estate without taking any losses. Plus she's sitting on a mountain of dragon glass. She's like one of those Arab oil barons. Finna hit up the baddest Instagram bytches to come thru and get shyt on. Dragonstone's the new Dubai:shaq:I know any remaining Stannis stans had to feel some type of way when Dany treated his banner like a new Troy Ave album. Straight trash bin status. Big Baller Brand has arrived in Westeros, little nikkas Y'all other sets need to stay in yo lane or get stomped out by an entire Unsullied army rocking fresh pairs of red and black colorway ZO2s
