Oh dear, I don't think I can cope with being ignoredIve never seen you post before but you just made my ignore list

Don't do it, breh. Don't send me to purgatory if your ignore list

Oh dear, I don't think I can cope with being ignoredIve never seen you post before but you just made my ignore list
Again this is mostly clues from the book more so than the show but reading between the lines it seems that Rhaegar knew or at least had an inkling that either himself or his son was going to end up being the "Prince That Was Promised". It was said that Rhaegar took up fighting relatively late in life (around 15) after spending his adolescence as sort of a reclusive and bookish nerd. Rhaegar was said to have been spurred into knighthood suddenly by something he'd read in a book. This also mirrors Rhaegar's sudden placement of the bouquet for the "Queen of Love And Beauty" in Lyanna's lap and also the sudden "abduction" of Lyanna. As you've said, most of the thoughts and musings regarding Rhaegar occur from the men, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it's to be dismissed. In the books, Ned Stark, who would have MOST reason to hate and loathe Rhaegar, thinks of him as not the type of man to frequent brothels. Honorable and dishonorable men alike respect him, this of course doesn't mean he couldn't have raped Lyanna but again, as you said, this man abandoned his wife, children, and was a major contributing factor to throwing Westeros head first into civil war, a man as respected as and seemingly noble as Rhaegar wouldn't, in theory, sacrifice all of that for the chance to rape and abduct. A man wouldn't leave his two most trusted and skilled Knights to guard a woman he was simply raping and her b*stard baby.
Again all of this could be wrong and Rhagaer could've just been a horny monster on the hunt for some Stark p*ssy, but I don't think in this instance that it makes sense within the story
You can prove that rhaegar raped her and she was there against her will just as much as you can prove she loved him and ran off willingly. I tend to think its the latter with all the suttle hints theyve shown. Rhaegar was a scumbag for disregarding his royal family though, but all these characters have flaws.Lol. That's not what I'm saying. It's pretty obvious he abducted her because he felt she would help him fulfill the prophecy. I just don't see anything from her perspective.
Regardless though, his actions towards his family were appalling.
And what if Rhaegar turns out to be wrong about the prophecy? What if it's Dany? Will you all still continue to excuse his actions and what they caused just because he thought it was true?
You can prove that rhaegar raped her and she was there against her will just as much as you can prove she loved him and ran off willingly. I tend to think its the latter with all the suttle hints theyve shown. Rhaegar was a scumbag for disregarding his royal family though, but all these characters have flaws.
i think there is a theory that had him conspiring to join up with some other houses to strip the mad king of his title, but this happened just before the mad king set the starks on fire
SnowmanThe Snowman runs you Targs, ask Lyanna Stark.
How was the war coming regardless?
If Rhaegar never took Lyanna, Brandon and his father would have never went to Kings Landing and been burned. Aerys would never demanded the heads of Ned and Robert as a result and they would have never declared war on the Targaryens.
All of that was from what Rhaegar did. Let's be real here. He pretty much caused everything.
I don't see a war being obvious unless it's a war between Rhaegar and his father which would have had most probably siding with him and a lot less lives lost.
We can discuss this in the other thread. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't particularly like Rhaegar, lol.
Proper thoughts on a fukking AMAZING episode a bit later, but all this Jon is the rightful King shyt... surely that's ONLY true if Lyanna and Rhaegar got married before Rhaegar got dropped at the Trident?
For all we know right now is, he's still a b*stard, but he shoudl've been Jon SAND not SNOW. Dude's just changes his b*stard surname because he was born in Dorne, not in the North.
If they got married or if someone legitimises him as a Targ, he's Henry Tudor and the (living) war is OVER.