Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Apr 20, 2015
Believe that if it will help you sleep at night. For the night is full of darkness.

But it wasnt us who was running from the fade 4.3 forty.


Our dead general wont have much to say. He'll be as silent as Ned Stark, Catelyn and Robb.

And these people behind me you speak of, are the same brothers, sisters, and children you deserted. Left behind to die, to rise again, and to bring you your demise if need be.

I advise yall to head south and find more allies to fight along with. For Winter is cold, and this is the big leagues now.




That was still the best episode of the show

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
Danyrys has a hand (Tyrion) a translator (Misandei), a minister of information/magester (Varus) a Warchief (Greyworm), a Queensguard (her bf) etc...
Cersei has a queensguard (Mountain) a Warchief (Jamie) and her necromancer/alchemist is acting as her Maegester with the lil birds acting as her source of info.

Jon Snow only has military. The former smugler/pirate and the Ginger Freefolk leader are his warchief and kingsguard, but the closest thing he had to a maegister was the Red Woman. So by sending her away he crippled his faction in regards to mysticism and information.. something the other factions all understand that they need.

Littlefinger fills that much needed role for his faction. They are extremely lucky to have him.

Davos is Jon's Hand.


May 1, 2012
Danyrys has a hand (Tyrion) a translator (Misandei), a minister of information/magester (Varus) a Warchief (Greyworm), a Queensguard (her bf) etc...
Cersei has a queensguard (Mountain) a Warchief (Jamie) and her necromancer/alchemist is acting as her Maegester with the lil birds acting as her source of info.

Jon Snow only has military. The former smugler/pirate and the Ginger Freefolk leader are his warchief and kingsguard, but the closest thing he had to a maegister was the Red Woman. So by sending her away he crippled his faction in regards to mysticism and information.. something the other factions all understand that they need.

Littlefinger fills that much needed role for his faction. They are extremely lucky to have him.

Jon has Davos

Davos >>>


dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
Quite possible. Titus Andronicus seems to be a pretty big influence. Check the bolded:

The play begins shortly after the death of the Roman emperor, with his two sons, Saturninus and Bassianus, squabbling over who will succeed him. Their conflict seems set to boil over into violence until a tribune, Marcus Andronicus, announces that the people's choice for the new emperor is the deceased's brother, Titus, who will shortly return to Rome from a victorious ten-year campaign against the Goths. Titus subsequently arrives to much fanfare, bearing with him as prisoners the Queen of the Goths (Tamora), her three sons (Alarbus, Chiron, and Demetrius), and Aaron the Moor (her secret lover). Despite Tamora's desperate pleas, Titus sacrifices her eldest son, Alarbus, to avenge the deaths of his own sons during the war. Distraught, Tamora and her two surviving sons vow to obtain revenge on Titus and his family.

Meanwhile, Titus refuses the offer of the throne, arguing that he is not fit to rule and instead supporting the claim of Saturninus, who then is duly elected. Saturninus tells Titus that for his first act as emperor, he will marry Titus' daughter Lavinia. Titus agrees, although Lavinia is already betrothed to Saturninus' brother, Bassianus, who refuses to give her up. Titus' sons tell Titus that Bassianus is in the right under Roman law, but Titus refuses to listen, accusing them all of treason. A scuffle breaks out, during which Titus kills his own son, Mutius. Saturninus then denounces the Andronici family for their effrontery and shocks Titus by marrying Tamora. Putting into motion her plan for revenge, Tamora advises Saturninus to pardon Bassianus and the Andronici family, which he reluctantly does.

During a royal hunt the following day, Aaron persuades Demetrius and Chiron to kill Bassianus, so they may rape Lavinia. They do so, throwing Bassianus' body into a pit and dragging Lavinia deep into the forest before violently raping her. To keep her from revealing what has happened, they cut out her tongue and cut off her hands. Meanwhile, Aaron writes a forged letter, which frames Titus' sons Martius and Quintus for the murder of Bassianus. Horrified at the death of his brother, Saturninus arrests Martius and Quintus, and sentences them to death.

Some time later, Marcus discovers the mutilated Lavinia and takes her to her father, who is still shocked at the accusations levelled at his sons, and upon seeing Lavinia, he is overcome with grief. Aaron then visits Titus and falsely tells him that Saturninus will spare Martius and Quintus if either Titus, Marcus or, Titus' remaining son, Lucius, cuts off one of their hands and sends it to him. Titus has Aaron cut off his (Titus) left hand and sends it to the emperor but, in return, a messenger brings Titus Martius and Quintus' severed heads, along with Titus' own severed hand. Desperate for revenge, Titus orders Lucius to flee Rome and raise an army among their former enemy, the Goths.

Later, Lavinia writes the names of her attackers in the dirt, using a stick held with her mouth and between her mutilated arms. Meanwhile, Tamora secretly gives birth to a mixed-race child, fathered by Aaron. Aaron kills the nurse to keep the child's race a secret and flees with the baby to save it from Saturninus' inevitable wrath. Thereafter, Lucius, marching on Rome with an army, captures Aaron and threatens to hang the infant. In order to save the baby, Aaron reveals the entire revenge plot to Lucius.

Back in Rome, Titus' behaviour suggests he may have gone insane. Convinced of his madness, Tamora, Chiron, and Demetrius approach him, dressed as the spirits of Revenge, Murder, and Rape. Tamora (as Revenge) tells Titus that she will grant him revenge on all of his enemies if he can convince Lucius to postpone the imminent attack on Rome. Titus agrees and sends Marcus to invite Lucius to a reconciliatory feast. Revenge then offers to invite the Emperor and Tamora as well, and is about to leave when Titus insists that Rape and Murder (Chiron and Demetrius, respectively) stay with him. When Tamora is gone, Titus cuts their throats and drains their blood into a basin held by Lavinia. Titus morbidly tells Lavinia that he plans to "play the cook", grind the bones of Demetrius and Chiron into powder, and bake their heads.

The next day, during the feast at his house, Titus asks Saturninus if a father should kill his daughter when she has been raped. When Saturninus answers that he should, Titus kills Lavinia and tells Saturninus of the rape. When the Emperor calls for Chiron and Demetrius, Titus reveals that they have been baked in the pie Tamora has just been eating. Titus then kills Tamora and is immediately killed by Saturninus, who is subsequently killed by Lucius to avenge his father's death. Lucius is then proclaimed Emperor. He orders that Saturninus be given a state burial, that Tamora's body be thrown to the wild beasts outside the city, and that Aaron be buried chest-deep and left to die of thirst and starvation. Aaron, however, is unrepentant to the end, regretting only that he had not done more evil in his life.

Side note: Shakespeare was really on one here :whew:

:merchant: :pachaha: that is dark as hell

not trolling at all when I say Ned may just have killed those nurses with Dawn :yeshrug: he promised Lyanna he'd keep the baby's parentage a secret. for a man who lied to his entire family for 15 years about fathering a b*stard, it's not too unbelievable


May 1, 2012
Was just looking to read up more on the Walkers history just cause i find it the most interesting aspect of the show. I always thought that there was more to their story as just evil beings. GRRM isnt that bland. I hope we get new POV chapters from the nights king specifically in WOW or DOS, and the nights king becomes one of the lead characters in season 7 and we get to see interacrion within him and the Others.

Was surfing the web and found some theories that resembled some i heard a while back that changed my outlook on them early in the show. If yall are interested and got time to kill they are pretty interesting, but heavily rooted by the books so they might diverge from the show but have the same endgame

Would be interesting to see what yall think of it'](Spoilers All) Theory: Jon Is the Next Night’s King & the Stark Family Secrets Part 1[/URL]

Dont you think the following passage(bolded especially) indicates Bran could perhaps be the Night King, either through some parallel world shyt, or the next Night King?

Book shyt being put in spoilers

There are several other parallels between this Night’s King and Jon, but the biggest one of all is his blood:

“Some say he was a Bolton,” Old Nan would always end. “Some say a Magnar out of Skagos, some say Umber, Flint, or Norrey. Some would have you think he was a Woodfoot, from them who ruled Bear island before the ironmen came. He never was. He was a Stark, the brother of the man who brought him down.” She always pinched Bran on the nose then, he would never forget it. “He was a Stark of Winterfell, and who can say? Mayhaps his name was Brandon. Mayhaps he slept in this very bed in this very room.” -Bran, ASOS

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
I guess I'm one of the few people that just didn't find the finale to be amazing. It was good, but I was just what we expected.

After they told us about wildfire under the building, and conveniently getting rid of the king Cersei as Queen, Everyone rallying together at the north. Them waiting to get rid of the witch for murder when Davos own king and her mom and dad are the ones that gave the go ahead to sacrifice the kid. The "twist on Jon" being of a "royal bloodline" (if i'm not mistaking that) is neat. But outside of Arya's surprise appearance and the nice little glance between her and Jamie I was just kind mehhhh on this episode.

Maybe I'm just ready for things to start wrapping up at this point....idk

And man is Daenerys lame geezzz. but at least she want's peace, I def feel like she's going to die now that she's part of the "Great game" instead of trying to be apart of it.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Can i ask whats the point of Sam's story arc? Is he training to be the Varys of the North or some shyt??
Sam's reading already helped a bit with the white walkers, all them books and you don't think he'll find some information about the last time man had to fight off the walkers and what worked? Sam's weapon is his intelligence...not his fighting (tho he's actually done well here :ehh:)

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
He's training to become a Maester.
I don't think Sam is even looking to do the full Maester training anymore. I think he plans on jacking any books that have info on the White Walkers and haul assing back to The Wall.
Sam decided that that Maester training stuff was a non-starter when he stole his dad's sword and rolled out with his chick and baby.


May 1, 2012
I guess I'm one of the few people that just didn't find the finale to be amazing. It was good, but I was just what we expected.

After they told us about wildfire under the building, and conveniently getting rid of the king Cersei as Queen, Everyone rallying together at the north. Them waiting to get rid of the witch for murder when Davos own king and her mom and dad are the ones that gave the go ahead to sacrifice the kid. The "twist on Jon" being of a "royal bloodline" (if i'm not mistaking that) is neat. But outside of Arya's surprise appearance and the nice little glance between her and Jamie I was just kind mehhhh on this episode.

Maybe I'm just ready for things to start wrapping up at this point....idk

And man is Daenerys lame geezzz. but at least she want's peace, I def feel like she's going to die now that she's part of the "Great game" instead of trying to be apart of it.

Cersei destroys the Sept, kills hundreds. Causes her the son, the king, to commit that. Becomes Queen

Jon Snow revealed to have Targ blood and becomes King of the North

Get our first look at the Citadel

Danys annoints Tyrion Hand of the Queen, finally giving him purpose and respect hes always deserved. Varys enlists Dorne/Highgarden to join her. She sets sails for KL

Arya gets her first real kill, exacts revenge for the Red Wedding

King Tommen, Margaery, Loras, High Sparrow, Lancel, Kevan Lannister, Maester Pycelle, Walder Frey and two of his sons ALL DEAD.

Breh, what more could you want? Not to mention the production, cinematography, score, acting, etc, EVERYTHING was on point.

This show so fukking good, that people are yawning at its greatness now :wow:

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Now that Walder Frey can breathe through his neck and his sons are a pastry dish....this means that the Crossroads and River Run are up for grabs

potentially the o.g. Blackfish bike? :lupe: (I still dont believe he died)
I am curious to see what happens to River Run and the Frey's territory now.
Maybe Littlefinger will march the Vale army down there and snatch it all up. Adding them to his collection will be a nice step up on the ladder to power he is climbing.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Cersei destroys the Sept, kills hundreds. Causes her the son, the king, to commit that. Becomes Queen

Jon Snow revealed to have Targ blood and becomes King of the North

Get our first look at the Citadel

Danys annoints Tyrion Hand of the Queen, finally giving him purpose and respect hes always deserved. Varys enlists Dorne/Highgarden to join her. She sets sails for KL

Arya gets her first real kill, exacts revenge for the Red Wedding

King Tommen, Margaery, Loras, High Sparrow, Lancel, Kevan Lannister, Maester Pycelle, Walder Frey and two of his sons ALL DEAD.

Breh, what more could you want? Not to mention the production, cinematography, score, acting, etc, EVERYTHING was on point.

This show so fukking good, that people are yawning at its greatness now :wow:

I know, I should have loved it, maybe it was because I watched it at like 12:30am last night :pachaha:

I guess I'm thinking to far ahead and I can't see the show wrapping up in 15 episodes well.

it was a good season finale and I feel like:manny:

I hate being that guy lol.


May 1, 2012
I know, I should have loved it, maybe it was because I watched it at like 12:30am last night :pachaha:

I guess I'm thinking to far ahead and I can't see the show wrapping up in 15 episodes well.

it was a good season finale and I feel like:manny:

I hate being that guy lol.

I have concerns about them ending well too, the ending needs to be aced. Gotta have faith in GRRM's vision though, Im sure we have some serious fukkery and twists coming