Anybody got a link?
Jon Snow isn't Rhaegar Targaryen's son. Jon has black hair and black eyes whereas Rheagar had snow (no pun intended) blonde hair and violet eyes. Jon Snow's black eyes and black hair rather resemble another man's. The b*stard maker himself, Lyanna's Stark natural lord husband and warrior king himself, Robert Baratheon.
They were in love. Multiple people have mentioned it, including Jon Connington in the books and Oberyn Martell in the show.
Lyanna was older than 13/14 as well. She was around 16 or 17, possibly 18. I'm expecting S7 to include a flashback to the tourney at Harrenhel, specifically the Knight Of The Laughing Tree.
Lyanna was likely the mystery knight who defended Howland Reed. King Aerys sent Rhaegar to find the knight and reveal "his" identity. The story is that Rhaegar only found the knight's shield, but I'd bet that he found Lyanna. He likely gave her the crown of flowers in part due to their encounter.
Jon looks like a Stark.
i guess you missed the point of me posing those to him and his matter of fact statementOn the Isle of Faces in a pact sealed by the Green Men under the same Weirwood that brought peace to Westeros for the first time since First Men crossed the Narrow Sea
jesus what a dumb question
Jon looks like a Stark.
She did love rhaegar, he rode past his wife and gave lyanna a bouquet of blue winter roses (her favorite) after winning a tournament at harrenhal,she cried when she heard him play his harp, she didnt love robert, and her being a free spirit aka "wild wolf" boded well with rhaegars poetic melo-dramatic persona...he wasnt a evil dude and im sure the show is gonna delve more into his personality and his intentions during his fathers reign but yea all the signs point to both of them being in love with each other
Ned traveled to tower of joy AFTER the war was done, rhaeger was already laid out across the trident with a big ass warhammer imprint caved into his fukking chest
That was like neds last mission, after that he drops off arthurs daynes valyrian sword "dawn" back to starfall (daynes family home) and then travels back to winterfell with jon where he buries his head in the snow for 17 years
Yo i didnt even put 2 n 2 together until you mentioned itarya was already chillen in the cut waiting for that frey pie to come out the oven
Im #targset all day but jamie has and always will be my favorite character, i think his character is even better in the books but show jamie is still a great character
Did you not watch the episode? Lyanna gave birth to rhaegers baby...thus jon targaryen. Jon is really ned starks and danaerys targaryens nephew, his biological father wouldve been king after the mad king died thus making him a true viable candidate to sit the iron throne...his claim is stronger than danys and im sure that being that targs are known for inbreeding jon and dany gon do THE SEX with each other and become king and queen thus the song of ice and fire....a song about a aunt fukking her nephew
On a side note thats easily the greatest episode in tv history, it was fukking heart pounding just incredible start to finish
Yup. Just finished book one and they are sure to emphasize that Jon took after "Ned" (as did Arya) and Bran, Rickon and Robb took after Catelyn lookswise.
Welcome to #glamourgang #rhaegarset brehSo basically this simp nikka Robert Baratheon started a war over Lyanna who DID love Rhaegar and she gave birth to John??? Good fukkin grief man.
Since I rock with the Snowman ......are we now #Targstarkset????
It's a fair point that we rarely hear of Ly's perspective, trueHow do you know she loved Rhaegar? Nothing you said proves that.
Again, everyone talks about Rhaeger but no one talks about how she felt.
Anyway, he was piece of shyt from my perspective. Not one bit of regard for his own family and what his actions would cause.
So you're asserting that Dany can walk freely through the flames that are used to create molten gold but the heat of the molten gold itself would burn her?
Only way molten gold kills her is if it's solidification ends up suffocating her.