Rewatched this again today...

with tears of "ya'll just did that" joy.
This will be out of order but...
-When the dragon's wings flap and it smacks the water and you get that little bassy sound, goosebumps. Instant. So beautifully shot. And I love Danny's new " *sigh* no one has time for your shyt" half bored evil conqueror "lemme just get this shyt done and get on with it" attitude she has now. For a while there I did not like the corn ball character she was becoming. Those Targaryan sails....
-Almost shed a tear for young Tyrion finally being respected.
-I know it has been touched on alot, but GAWD DAMN to that piano score. My heart was beating out of my chest. I have never really consciously made note of the show music before but this time, flawless. The tension

the drama
-Dumbass carving up his head to turn into ectoplasm 2 minutes later
-Ok so I thought that before Cerci had no plays left until she went all Nagasaki on those a$$holes. But *now* what is her plan? What does she have left to do? Does she command an army there?
I'll add more when I watch again (and again and agaaain) but damn. That was a blessing.
And under the sight of the old gods and the new, gentlemen, it has been an honor discussing these fine tales with you all. *mead glass toast*