shyt, even Cersei is loyal to her family
Not to Tyrion.....
shyt, even Cersei is loyal to her family
The Nights king put his mark on Bran so if Bran goes past the wall Nights King should be able to pass through easy.
It doesn't take a "plan" to create a mountain of dead bodies. It takes a moron firing arrows indiscriminately into the battle field. It takes a special kind of dumb ass to lose that many men, when you out number the enemy 4:1, and are going to win off sheer numbers anyway.
The writers said Ramsey's plan was a double envelopment maneuver, similar to the Battle Of Cannae.
He could've pulled that off without killing thousands of his own men....obviously, because it's been done several times in history. If you take a plan that works just fine and alter it so it wipes out most of your own're a fukking moron. Which again, is why I'm at people praising Ramsey.
Really tho, I had the when Jon crawled out of the pile and It showed Ramsey on his horse with 2 fukking people behind him
it was his army but it wasnt his men it was other houses' men
The sole reason there was so many bodies piled up is because Ramsey's dumb ass shot arrows into his own men, killing thousands of them in the process. If part of your plan is "let me kill thousands of my own army"....then it's a bad plan. Like I said earlier he had burned through damn near his entire army before the Vale even got there.
Yall've lost more immediate family members than we've lost White Walker generals thoughYall second Chapo in charge got worked and Jon fulfilled his mission, he evacuated (some of) the wildlings. We been to the darkside and back, what's a walker to a gawd?
Yup, Bran is such a fukkup.
He can't hold Winterfell, and by extension the North, without an army though. Or with just his own men.
Let's say he defeats Jon....word gets out he lost most of his own army for no apparent reason. The North would have him for dinner like his dogs did. Never mind the Houses that supported him....they would think he's a fukking retard for losing the troops they gave him.
I was honestly surprised none of his archers or Smalljon or anybody didn't pull him to the side like "you know....maybe it's not such a good idea to kill thousands of our own men".
and what are they gonna do about it? nothing, they lost their men, which is the point
he can hold winterfell with just his men, winterfell is a fort, you dont need a lot of men to hold a fort
im guessing somebody probably said something in the script but that might have gotten cut or never even filmed
You think one of the few people in the entire Seven Kingdoms with the knowledge of how to defeat the Walkers should turn himself over?honestly best thing for bran to do is let the walkers get him instead of leading them past the wall. would be the 1st unselfish act of his life