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wtf was Tyrion looking at the entire time lol
Jon wasn't "bait" he was just stupid and reckless. Sansa told him exactly what Ramsay would do and he still fell for it.
She was being a realist whilst he was being an idealist
Sansa doesn't even trust Littlefinger herself. It was 50/50 as to whether he would come in the character's eyes. I mean he's the person who gave her up to Ramsay in the first place.
You are correct up to a certain range, once Rickon reached a point in the field where the arrows had to be shot with sufficient air time to reach the target Ramsay would have had a very difficult time hitting him if he wasnt running straight. There seemed to be a significant distance between where Rickon was killed and where Ramsay was standing. If it was 100 yards or more then zig zagging would have made that shot extremely difficult. In your video that woman is no more than 20 feet from that target.
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1- Targset
2- Targset
3- Targset
i 90% agree with this and sansa playing games but there was noooooooooo way Rickon was surviving Ramsay
she's right on that point
It's crazy how Jon Snow and Stannis followed the exact same path and made the same mistakes in their attempts to sack Winterfell
Lord of Light was only on one of their sides thoStannis, The One True King of Westeros
Don't know if it was a matter of "let". The majority of the Frey forces were at Riverrun. What was Walder going to do? I guess he could have sent a raven to Ramsay?Quick question, how did Littlefinger passed the Twins with an army? Walder Frey let him pass like that?
Not much Frey could do with his army at River Run.Quick question, how did Littlefinger passed the Twins with an army? Walder Frey let him pass like that?